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A child is born de Brand Nubian


Time's runnin' out

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de A child is born

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"A Child is Born" de Brand Nubian es una canción que presenta un retrato crudo y realista de la vida desde la perspectiva de un niño nacido en un entorno difícil. Desde el principio, la letra nos sumerge en un mundo lleno de desafíos, injusticias y desigualdades. Los versos describen la dura realidad de crecer en un vecindario plagado de pobreza, drogas y violencia, donde se lucha constantemente por sobrevivir.

El cantante narra la historia del protagonista, desde su infancia hasta su adultez, destacando las dificultades que enfrenta a lo largo de su vida. Se mencionan temas como la falta de oportunidades, la presión económica, la delincuencia y la discriminación racial. A través de metáforas contundentes y descripciones gráficas, la canción pinta un cuadro impactante de las duras realidades cotidianas para muchas personas marginadas.

El coro repetitivo subraya el mensaje central de que al nacer, no tenemos idea del mundo en el que entraremos y solo Dios sabe los desafíos que enfrentaremos. Esta dualidad entre las sonrisas y los ceños fruncidos de Dios refleja la complejidad de la existencia humana; hay alegría pero también dolor, esperanza pero también desesperación.

La estructura musical boom bap junto con las rimas directas y sinceras resaltan la autenticidad del mensaje transmitido. La instrumentación simple pero efectiva enfatiza las letras poderosas y emotivas, creando una atmósfera cruda y honesta que resuena con el oyente.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción en 2011, refleja una época marcada por desafíos sociales y económicos significativos en muchos países. La crisis financiera mundial dejó consecuencias devastadoras para comunidades enteras, exacerbando las desigualdades existentes. "A Child is Born" sirve como una denuncia sutil pero impactante de estas realidades difíciles.

En comparación con otras obras del grupo o artistas similares dentro del género boom bap, Brand Nubian destaca por su capacidad para combinar letras profundas con ritmos pegajosos y significativos. Su enfoque en contar historias reales desde las calles eleva su música a un nivel más allá del mero entretenimiento.

En definitiva, "A Child is Born" es mucho más que una canción; es un testimonio poderoso sobre las luchas diarias de aquellos que nacen en entornos adversos. A través de sus letras reflexivas e impactantes, Brand Nubian nos invita a reflexionar sobre nuestros propios privilegios y prejuicios al mirar más allá de las apariencias superficiales hacia las vidas complejas y difíciles detrás de ellas.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.


A child is born with no state of mind
Blind to the ways of mankind
God is smiling on you and he's frowning too
Because only god knows what you'll go through, uhh
A child is born with no state of mind
Blind to the ways of mankind
God is smiling but he's frowning too

Verse 1:

He grew up in an instant, the fourth of seven children
The oldest male on the block was half and half
Brown, stones to neck bones, crack joints to tones
Where young girls spread out and drop seeds like they're farmers
They're old as their momma's, the same age as their aunt
And the neighbourhood drunk men and that lady with the dreaded disease
Is like hard to please
And the house of ill fate with the metal gate
Kepp the thin people cracked out like *?puncheon?* monks
The ole man with the fruit stand is on his man
His hand, his ole heart just can't stand
The cpr as they load him in the back of a car
I'm on a world tour to help free the poor
From the local drug cats to kids in front of the store
Number runners, gangbangers and the big money spenders
Reality check rings as we descend from the king


Now a child is born with no state of mind
Blind to the ways of mankind
God is smiling on you and he's frowning too
Because only god knows what you'll go through
A child is born with no state of mind
Blind to the ways of mankind
God is smiling but he's frowning too
Because only god

Verse 2:

The home's filled with horror in my horoscope
Tomorrow i could be broke, this ain't a joke
I'm twenty dollars from bein dead ass
I'm bout to spend half on a bag to get my head blast
Last week i lost to justice cycle, born
And spawned a riff with my wiz
Now she dead with my kids
I live by the subway, niggas push drugs in my hallway
All day everyday tryin to get the pay
And i be tryin ta find a better way
You see, when you're poor then you're forced to adore to raw play
Survival be a forte, lookin forward to robble up your food stamps
Projects' like boot camps
Wit generals cookin chemical warfare
Ki's to a mayor, i ain't seen ya ass in four years
The law bears down on anybody that's brown
My complexion puts me in the direction of the section 8
Rejection seems to be my fate
As a kid, don't wanna ship my momma, always said i had to wait
And it's been drama up to date
Enough to traumatise people's lives and the eyes they try to fixtate


A child is born with no state of mind
Blind to the ways of mankind
God is smiling on you but he's frowning too
Because only god knows what you'll go through
A child is born with no state of mind
Blind to the ways of mankind
God is smiling but he's frowning too

Verse 3:

Born into existance with some resistance
A struggle comin out my ol' earth's womb
It was little past noon, three months before june
I had a feelin i was headed toward the land of doom
I came out and the doctor got ready to smack
I grabbed the 'bilical cord and tried to pull myself back
But it was too late for that cos in fact
I'll slit the sack so i gotta maintain where i'm at
Now i'm here breathin this diff'rent kind of air
Poverty bound, headed for the welfare
Drug-infested, rat-infested, people drownin in sorrow at neighbourhood bars
Roaches bigger than my hot wheel cars
Dope fiends with swollen arms lookin like rotten wood
Turn to crack monsters up and down the neighbourhood
Lit the store, business soar as the crowd pour
All thru the corridors, echo-in off the project walls
That's why the god say


A child is born with no state of mind
Blind to the ways of mankind
God is smiling on you but he's frowning too
Because only god knows what you'll go through

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.