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Busted in the hood de Cypress Hill


Stoned Raiders/Til Death Do Us Part

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Busted in the hood

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La canción "Busted in the Hood" interpretada por Cypress Hill, conocida por su estilo gangsta rap y hip hop de los años 90, narra la historia de un chico involucrado en actividades ilegales en su vecindario. Desde el comienzo, se nos presenta al protagonista como un joven que vendía drogas en la esquina para sobrevivir en el ambiente hostil de la calle. La canción describe su caída cuando es atrapado por la policía en una redada, enfrentando las consecuencias de sus acciones delictivas.

En el primer verso, el narrador se introduce como alguien que ha estado viviendo una vida al margen de la ley desde temprana edad, tratando de ganar dinero para sobrevivir en un entorno peligroso. A medida que avanza la historia, lamenta su soledad y se ve acorralado cuando enfrenta a las autoridades mientras oculta las pruebas incriminatorias.

La letra muestra un contraste entre la figura del narrador como un "O.G. gangsta", una especie de veterano respetado en el mundo criminal urbano, y su vulnerabilidad cuando es capturado por las autoridades. La canción refleja la brutalidad policial y las consecuencias devastadoras de verse envuelto en actividades ilegales.

El personaje del Sargento Slacker que aparece representa a la fuerza policial sin escrúpulos que ejerce poder sobre aquellos atrapados en situaciones comprometedoras. El narrador enfrenta amenazas y violencia mientras lucha por mantenerse fiel a sus desafíos frente a la adversidad.

A lo largo de la canción, se muestra al personaje principal resistiendo a pesar de las circunstancias adversas. También hay elementos de traición entre colegas criminales y rivalidades internas dentro del sistema penitenciario que reflejan un retrato crudo y realista del estilo de vida criminal urbano.

La canción ofrece una visión cruda y directa de la dureza y brutalidad del entorno urbano donde prosperan las actividades criminales, con letras que reflejan desesperación, angustia y determinación para sobrevivir incluso ante terribles circunstancias.

En comparación con otras canciones del género gangsta rap, "Busted in the Hood" destaca por su narrativa detallada sobre las implicaciones reales y emocionales detrás del mundo criminal, añadiendo capas complejas a los estereotipos habituales asociados con este tipo de música.

En resumen, "Busted in the Hood" es una representación cruda pero realista de la vida en los barrios marginales donde operan bandas criminales. Con letras intensas y directas, Cypress Hill logra transmitir emotividad y dureza al mismo tiempo que brinda una mirada profunda a las experiencias detrás del estigma asociado con este submundo urbano.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Well here's a little story, I got to tell
About a thugged out homey, I know so well
It started way back, when I was a teen
In the hood, on the corner, slangin dope to fiends
Had the little stash that could serve your need
You can do what you want but I got weed for me
Ridin for my fam, tryin to hit a grand
CRASH unit on my ***, now I'm in demand
One lone-ly fami-ly I be
All in the hood, I got no-bo-dy
The sun is beatin down on my red dark hat
Pigs are roamin through the alley so I gotta toss my gat
Forgot about the sack, lookin for a place to hide
If they ask me for my name - **** 'em, I'ma lie!"

One O.G. gangsta I be
Busted in the hood, I got no more weed
Pigs are coming down on my gangsta stash
When they caught me with the weed, and the dope and hash

He said a little something, I wasn't so impressed
No more running homey, now you're under arrest
The sack was in my hand, felt like a sack of bricks
I swore he couldn't see it when I threw it in my whip
He said he wanted some, I said I don't have none
Found it in the sun on the floor next to my gun
Next thing I saw was the gun to my head
Now the lead will make me dead, and yo this is what he said

My name is Sgt. Slacker with a license to kill (uh-huh)
I think you know what time it is, it's time to get real (yea)
Now what do we have here? A banger and his peers

He cuffed my hand you understand he threatened me with tears
Sorry ************ had his gun out with a grin
You think the story's over but it's ready to begin

One O.G. gangsta I be
Busted in the hood, I got no more weed
Pigs are coming down on my gangsta stash
When they caught me with the weed, and the dope and hash

Now I got your crack and most of your crew
You got a couple choices of what you can do
Better make the right decision if you know what I mean
You can do some time, or fork over your green

I said I got no green he started looking at me harder
I said I don't have nothing you can go **** your daughter (WHAT?)
He hit me with the fist, he hit me with the gat
He put the night stick to my back, so
I think I'm done, the pig's got my gun
It isn't looking good, I got ink on my thumb
Another pig walked in, said he's playin games
He gave another look at me, found out my false name

One O.G. gangsta I be
Busted in the hood, I got no more weed
Pigs are coming down on my gangsta stash
When they caught me with the weed, and the dope and hash

Sitting there pissed as I dwell in my cell
The place smells like ****, in the County Jail
Homey looking at me like he seen me before
He started throwing up a set, then he spit on the floor
I think ay-yeah yo, I know this kid
It's the same ************ cocktailed my crib
This dude said, get ready, pulled a shank on me
I said c'mon homey you a bit too sloppy
Fool tried to stab me, socked him in the eye
The guards yelled, "Give it up!" and let two fly
The guards said down and we hit the floor
If you make a move after you won't move no more
He said I think you once again best protect ya neck
I said eat a **** from me you don't get respect
I said you want to come with it, any time and place
And I'll leave you like Pacino with a Scar-on-ya-face
They put him in the hole, and all the bullshit stopped
But when his boy had beef, yeah he got dropped
P.D. had no witness, D.A. dropped the load
I got probation for the gun and the dope, case closed

One O.G. gangsta I be
Busted in the hood, I got no more weed
Pigs are coming down on my gangsta stash
When they caught me with the weed, and the dope and hash

One O.G. gangsta I be
Busted in the hood, I got no more weed
Pigs are coming down on my gangsta stash
When they caught me with the weed, and the dope and hash

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.