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Tell Your Friends (Remix) de Drake


Tell Your Friends - Single

6 de septiembre de 2015

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La canción "Tell Your Friends (Remix)" interpretada por Drake es una pieza que se encuentra dentro del género musical del hip hop y rap. Esta versión remix pertenece al álbum "Tell Your Friends - Single". La letra de la canción, con sus múltiples capas de significado, invita a una profunda inmersión en las emociones y experiencias que el artista comparte a través de sus versos.

La lírica de "Tell Your Friends (Remix)" refleja la complejidad de las relaciones humanas, así como las luchas internas y externas que Drake experimenta. Desde referencias a encuentros amorosos hasta reflexiones sobre la fama y el dinero, cada estrofa revela una parte distinta de su vida y pensamientos.

Las menciones a situaciones pasadas en las que se sentía perdido o vulnerable contrastan con la actualidad, donde Drake ha alcanzado la fama y el éxito, pero no está exento de desafíos personales. La dualidad entre su yo pasado y presente se entrelaza en la letra, mostrando la evolución personal y artística del artista.

Drake también aborda temas controvertidos como el consumo de drogas, relaciones interpersonales complejas y decisiones disruptivas. A través de metáforas vívidas y un lenguaje directo, transmite sus emociones sin filtros, creando un aura auténtica alrededor de su arte.

Comparativamente con otras obras del cantante, "Tell Your Friends (Remix)" destaca por su introspección e intimidad emocional. Mientras que algunas canciones pueden enfocarse en temas más comerciales o superficiales, esta pista muestra un lado más vulnerable y crudo de Drake, adentrándose en terrenos más oscuros pero igualmente fascinantes.

En cuanto a producción e inspiración detrás de la canción, es interesante destacar el uso inteligente de samples musicales y beats característicos del hip hop contemporáneo para crear una atmósfera envolvente que complementa perfectamente las letras emotivas de Drake. Además, los detalles autobiográficos añaden una capa adicional de autenticidad a toda la composición.

En resumen, "Tell Your Friends (Remix)" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un retrato honesto del viaje personal y artístico del talentoso Drake. A través de versos cuidadosamente elaborados y una instrumentación atrapante, logra transmitir su compleja gama de emociones mientras invita a los oyentes a reflexionar sobre sus propias vivencias. Una vez más, este fenómeno musical demuestra por qué sigue siendo uno de los artistas más influyentes en la industria actualmente.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Live from the Waldorf in Berlin
Coming at you once again
With stories of truth and stories of sin

Yeah, the ball is in your court
No defense, nobody's keeping score
No offense but I've played this before
Maybe you can and you just don’t care anymore
Evolving, evolving, evolving, evolving, e-yeah
And I’m right back here when I said I wouldn't
You were never a good girl but you're a better woman now
Evolving, evolving, evolving, evolving
Look, you remind me of Jane Birkin
Your body insane in person
Wanna do special things for you
You deserve it
But you’re too famous to buy you purses
That barely scratches the surface
This time is different, you give me purpose
Tell me you taking it serious
I gotta ask how serious?
Cause your serious has just been not that serious
Got me on tour acting like I’m not that curious
Ignoring all the pussy that's thrown at me
Been thinking 'bout home actually
Where Roxx has Kim and Mark has Ashley
And Niks has Easy and I
I don’t even know what I have anymore
Evolving, evolving, evolving, evolving

We are not the same I am too reckless
I'm not tryna go in that direction
These niggas they been doing too much flexing
And they’re about to call the wrong attention
And I ain't got no patience, no more testing
I do shit how I want, don't need no blessing
XO niggas ain't nothing to mess with
Nobody stopping us, oh no we're destined
And everybody around you is so basic
I'm never rocking white, I'm like a racist
I don't drink my liquor with a chasin'
And money is the only thing I'm chasin'
And some dope dimes on some coke lines
Give me head all night, cum four times
Baby girl just wanna smoke a pound
Do an ounce, get some dick
Tell her friends about it

Go tell your friends about it (About it)
Go tell your friends about it (About it)
Go tell them what you know, what you seen
How I roll, how I did it on the low
Go tell your friends about it (About it)
Go tell your friends about it (About it)
Go tell them what you know, what you seen
How I roll, how I be off that coke
Go tell your friends about it (About it)
Go tell your friends about it
I'm that nigga with the hair
Singing 'bout popping pills,
Fucking bitches, living life so trill

Last year I did all the politicin'
This year I'm all focused on the vision
I think these hoes deserve another fixing
I’m talking about the ones from the beginning
Don't believe the rumours bitch, I'm still a user
I'm still rocking camo and still roll with shooters
I'm a villain in my city, I just made another killing
I'mma spend it all on bitches
And everybody fuckin, everybody fucking
Pussy on the house, everybody fucking
And I miss my city man it's been a minute
M.I.A. a habit, Cali was the mission
Cruise through the west-end in my new Benz
I'm just tryna live life through a new lens
Driving by the streets I used to walk through
When I had no crib I guess you call that shit a miracle

Go tell your friends about it (About it)
Go tell your friends about it (About it)
Go tell them what you know, what you seen
How I roll, how I be on the low
Go tell your friends about it (About it)
Go tell your friends about it
I'm that nigga with the hair
Singing 'bout popping pills,
Fucking bitches, living life so trill

My cousin said I made it big and it's unusual
She tried to take a selfie at my Grandma's funeral
Used to roam on Queen, now I sing Queen street anthems
Used to hate attention, now I pull up in that wagon
I was broken, I was broken, I was so broke
I used to roam around the town when I was homeless
Me and Lamar would rob a nigga for his Jordans
And flip it just to get these hoes another nose fix
Now we get faded, when we want girl, we got choices
Lay them on the fucking table, we got choices
And if they wanna fuck my niggas, they got choices
They told me not to fall in love, that shit is pointless
Yeah, that shit is pointless
They told me not to fall in love, that shit is pointless
Yeah, that shit is pointless
It's only meant to fall in love
That shit is pointless

Go tell your friends about it (About it)
Go tell your friends about it (About it)
Go tell them what you know, what you seen
How I roll, how I be off that coke
Go tell your friends about it (About it)
Go tell your friends about it
I'm that nigga with the hair
Singing 'bout popping pills,
Fucking bitches, living life so trill
Life so trill
Life so trill
Life so trill

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.