Dice la canción

You With Me? de Drake



29 de abril de 2016

Significado de You With Me?

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La canción "You With Me?" interpretada por Drake, perteneciente a su álbum "Views", nos sumerge en un relato emocionalmente intenso sobre las complejas dinámicas de una relación. Desde el inicio, Drake se sumerge en la vulnerabilidad al admitir que se siente débil por sus ex parejas, creyendo que les pertenecen para siempre, incluso cuando no están juntos. Esta afirmación de posesión y eternidad se mezcla con un tono de confusión, reflejado en comparaciones irónicas con Marcus Houston y la percepción de inmadurez entrelazada con profundas heridas que requieren más que simples parches para sanar.

El narrador destaca la discrepancia entre su estilo de vida y la visión de su pareja, marcando una divergencia entre la realidad caótica de fiestas hedonistas patrocinadas por marcas lujosas y una intimidad más simple y sin restricciones deseada por el otro. La dualidad palpita en cada verso: alcohol y adicción a la marihuana versus libertad para andar desnudo en la cocina, revelando un choque cultural interno en una relación aparentemente incompatible.

A medida que la canción avanza, abordan conflictos comunicativos donde ambos parecen jugar juegos mentales en su interacción. Los desencuentros comunes se manifiestan en deslizamientos nocturnos, mensajes ambiguos y decisiones erróneas que persisten como puntos grises en su historia compartida. La incertidumbre sobre el nivel de compromiso mutuo cobra protagonismo con preguntas directas sobre estar verdaderamente juntos o no.

Drake retoma recuerdos pasados, rememorando momentos íntimos compartidos en secreto para confrontar cambios drásticos actuales. La evolución del tiempo trae consigo reflexiones sobre responsabilidades personales frente a valiosos cuidados afectivos e inevitables alteraciones del destino trazado inicialmente. El artista asume sus errores pasados mientras busca conciliarlos con un presente lleno de presiones externas.

En términos musicales, "You With Me?" fusiona influencias hip hop y rap con toques pop para crear un sonido envolvente que sirve como telón de fondo ideal para una narrativa tan introspectiva y emocionalmente cruda. La producción ofrece una paleta sonora rica y variada que apoya los altibajos emocionales presentes a lo largo de la canción.

En resumen, "You With Me?" es mucho más que una mera expresión artística; es un testimonio vibrante del complejo laberinto emocional humano contenido dentro las relaciones íntimas modernas, tejiendo hilos de amor, conflicto e individuación en un tapiz auditivo cautivador e intrigante. Cada escucha arroja nuevas capas interpretativas sobre el significado detrás del texto lírico y nos invita a reflexionar sobre nuestras propias experiencias relacionales desde una perspectiva única e intimista.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

(What these bitches want from a nigga!?)

On some DMX shit
I grew weak from my exes
I told 'em they belong to me, that goes on for forever
And I think we just get closer when we're not together
You tell me that I'm confusin'
More immature than Marcus Houston
Cut's too deep for a band-aid solution
We too deep in this thing to never lose me
LOLOL I'm glad you find this shit amusin'
Heard a lot about me 'fore we started off
I know you heard that my pool parties like Mardi Gras
I know you heard that my girl is sponsored by Audemars
That's why she's always correctin' me when my time is off
And my house is the definition
Of alcohol and weed addiction
You got a different vision
You wanna walk around naked in the kitchen
Without runnin' into one of my niggas
That's not the way we livin'
Too much goin' on, it's just not realistic
These days I don't talk 'bout them days like I miss 'em
And you shouldn't miss 'em either, we different people
But every time we speakin'

It's like a lot of games bein' played
How's it goin' down?
If it's on 'til we gone then I gots to know now
Is you wit' me or what?
It's like a lot of games are bein' played
How's it goin' down?
If it's on 'til we gone then I gots to know now
Is you wit' me or what?

I wanna know how much time you spent on them paragraphs
Where you're getting me
All that grey in our conversation history, you
Playin' mind games, when you sayin' things
Playin' mind games, we both doin' the same thing
Slide on a late night
You like to slide on a late night
You send them, all you text without an invite
That's that shit that I don't like
We both slide on a late night
Do things in our off time
We both, yeah
Made some mistakes, pon road
Yeah, how's that for real?
You toyin' with it like Happy Meal
3 dots, you thinkin' of a reaction still
While you're typin' make sure to tell me

What type of games are bein' played?
How's it goin' down?
If it's on 'til we gone then I gots to know now
Is you wit' me or what?
What type of games are bein' played?
How's it goin' down?
If it's on 'til we gone then I gots to know now
Is you wit' me or what?

Remember you was livin' at the London for a month
Service elevator up to 4201
We was still a secret, couldn't come in through the front
Girl I had your back when all you used to do was front
That's for sure though, I made a career of reminiscin'
Time got a funny way of tickin', things are so much different
I'll admit it, I've admitted to a lot of things
Act like you know it, fuck them stories, fuck the shade that they be throwin'
Understand I got responsibilities to people that I need
And on my way to make this go
A lot of niggas cut the cheque so they can take this flow
A lot of niggas cut the cheque so they can take this flow
Tryna give your ass the world
You runnin' your fingers through my curls
You knew me when the kid had waves
But that's enough of that
You could never say I came up and forgot about your ass

(And that's some real shit...)

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.