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A mind beside itself de Dream Theater


A mind beside itself (Single)

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de A mind beside itself

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La canción "A Mind Beside Itself" es una pieza épica del grupo de metal progresivo Dream Theater. La canción se divide en tres partes: I. Erotomania, II. Voices y III. The Silent Man, cada una explorando diferentes temas y emociones a lo largo de la composición.

En la sección de "Voices", las letras presentan un diálogo interno y conflictivo en la mente del protagonista. Se abordan temas como el amor, la depresión y la confusión mental. Se mencionan frases como "sex is death, death is sex," que sugieren una reflexión sobre la dualidad de los contrarios y los extremos emocionales que experimenta el personaje.

Las voces dentro de la mente del protagonista son representadas como entidades independientes que discuten su estado emocional y su pensamiento desordenado. Hay una sensación de claustrofobia emocional, donde las voces aluden a amenazas y rechazos internos, reflejando un conflicto interno constante.

La voz principal parece cuestionarse su propia existencia y su relación con el mundo exterior. Se abordan temas existenciales sobre el sufrimiento, la enfermedad mental y la importancia del amor como valor fundamental. La letra se sumerge en el conflicto entre la realidad percibida y la fantasía buscada para escapar de un estado mental perturbado.

En la última parte, "The Silent Man", se explora el silencio como metáfora de incomunicación e incomprensión en las relaciones humanas. La canción sugiere preguntas sobre si el silencio es una enfermedad o un mensaje sin receptor, profundizando en las nociones de fe, víctimas y redención.

El personaje parece debatirse entre comunicarse sus secretos y deseos más profundos o permanecer en silencio por miedo al juicio externo. Las referencias a figuras icónicas históricas como Cassandra añaden capas de significado a la vulnerabilidad del protagonista frente a su propio destino.

"Voices repeating me", es un tema recurrente en toda la estructura narrativa de la canción, enfatizando una lucha interna persistente entre expectativas falsas y anhelos no cumplidos. El diálogo interno sustenta toda la pieza musical creando una atmósfera compleja e introspectiva que invita al oyente a sumergirse en los diferentes estados mentales representados en cada verso.

En conclusión, "A Mind Beside Itself" es mucho más que solo música; es una obra maestra lírica que invita a reflexionar sobre aspectos profundos del ser humano: desde las luchas internas hasta los dilemas existenciales más intensos. Dream Theater logra combinar elementos musicales complejos con letras profundas para crear una experiencia auditiva única e inolvidable para cualquier amante de la música progresiva.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

I. erotomania
Ii. voices
'love, just don't stare'
he used to say to me
every sunday morning
the spider in the window
the angel in the pool
the old man takes the poison
now the widow makes the rules
'so speak, i'm right here'
she used to say to me
not a word, not a word
judas on the ceiling
the devil in my bed
i guess easter's never coming
so i'll just wait inside my head
Like a scream but sort of silent
living off my nightmares
Voices repeating me
'feeling threatened?
we reflect your hopes and fears'
voices discussing me
'others steal your thoughts
they're not confined
within your mind'
Thought disorder
dream control
now they read my mind on the radio
but where was the garden of eden?
I feel elated
i feel depressed
sex is death, death is sex
says it right here on my crucifix
Like a scream but sort of silent
living off my nightmares
Voices protecting me
'good behavior
brings the savior
to his knees'
voices rejecting me
'others steal your thoughts
they're not confined
to your own mind'

"i don't wanna be here, 'cause of my
suffering, 'cause of my illness.
only love is worth having, only
love is what matters, loving every
people on equal ;
"you've got to know who you're
dealin' with, because, like a stranger,
a-heh, just might come in through
here with a and then, what
would you do? (heh.)"
"everything is ;
"'n' you know that reality is ;
"this is not ;
I'm kneeling on the floor
staring at the wall
like the spider in the window
i wish that i could speak
is there fantasy in refuge?
god in politicians?
should i turn on my religion?
these demons in my head tell me to
I'm lying here in bed
swear my skin is inside out
just another sunday morning
Seen my diary on the newsstand
seems we've lost the truth to quicksand
it's a shame no one is praying
'cause these voices in my head
'love, just don't #39;
'reveal the word when you're supposed #39;
withdrawn and introverted
infectiously perverted
'being laughed at and confused
keeps us pleasantly amused
enough to #39;
Maybe i'm just cassandra fleeting
twentieth century icon bleeding
willing to risk salvation
to escape from isolation
I'm witness to redemption
heard you speak but never listened
can you rid me of my secrets?
deliver us from darkness?
Voices repeating me
'feeling threatened?
we reflect your hopes and #39;
voices discussing me
don't expect your own messiah
this neverworld which you desire
is only in your mind.
Iii. the silent man
A question well served
'is silence like a fever?'
'a voice never heard?'
'or a message with no receiver?'
Pray they won't ask
behind the stained glass
there's always one more mask
Has man been a victim
of his woman, of his father?
if he elects not to bother
will he suffocate their faith?
Desperate to fall
behind the great wall
that seperates us all
When there is reason
tonight i'm awake
when there's no answer
arrive the silent man
If there is balance
tonight he's awake
if they have to suffer
there lies the silent man
Sin without deceivers
a god with no believers
i could sail by
on the winds of silence
and maybe they won't notice
but this time i think
it'd be better if i swim
When there is reason
tonight i'm awake
when there's no answer
arrive the silent man
if there is balance
tonight he's awake
but if they have to suffer
there lies the silent man

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.