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Dinah-moe humm de Frank Zappa


Over-nite sensation

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Dinah-moe humm

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"Dinah-moe humm" es una canción del legendario Frank Zappa, incluida en su álbum "Over-nite Sensation". Esta pieza musical se enmarca dentro de los géneros de rock clásico, rock progresivo y experimental que caracterizan la versatilidad y originalidad del artista.

La letra de "Dinah-moe humm" narra un encuentro íntimo entre el narrador y una mujer llamada Dinah-moe. A lo largo de la canción, se describe cómo ella hace una apuesta desafiante con su hermana para demostrar que puede satisfacer al narrador de cierta manera. La letra explora temas de placer, deseo sexual y humor irreverente, representando la naturaleza subversiva y provocativa típica de la música de Frank Zappa.

En esta canción, Zappa utiliza metáforas atrevidas y un lenguaje crudo para abordar la temática del placer físico y la liberación sexual sin tapujos. La interacción entre los personajes revela una dinámica cargada de energía sexual y desafío, donde la protagonista femenina se muestra segura e independiente en sus acciones.

El tono jocoso y sarcástico presente en la letra refuerza la idea de que Zappa estaba explorando las convenciones sociales relacionadas con el sexo y desafiando las normas establecidas en ese aspecto. A través de esta canción, el artista invita a cuestionar tabúes sobre la sexualidad y a adoptar una perspectiva más libre e irreverente sobre el tema.

Es interesante notar cómo Zappa logra fusionar letras provocativas con composiciones musicales complejas e innovadoras, destacándose por su habilidad para crear piezas únicas que desafían las expectativas convencionales. En "Dinah-moe humm", la instrumentación variada y los arreglos audaces complementan perfectamente la temática transgresora de la canción.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que fue lanzada esta canción, es importante considerar que se produjo durante una época de cambio social y cultural significativo, donde las expresiones artísticas buscaban romper con las normas establecidas. "Dinah-moe humm" puede interpretarse como parte de esa corriente contracultural que desafiaba las estructuras tradicionales a través del arte.

En resumen, "Dinah-moe humm" es una canción emblemática que refleja el espíritu transgresor e innovador de Frank Zappa en su exploración de temas tabúes como el sexo y el placer. A través de letras provocativas y una creatividad musical excepcional, Zappa logró dejar una huella duradera en el panorama musical mundial con esta polémica pero fascinante composición.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Dinah-moe humm
i couldn't say where she's coming' from,
but i just met a lady named dinah-moe humm
she stroll on over, say look here, bum,
i got a forty dollar bill say you can't make me cum
(y'jes can't do it)
she made a bet with her sister who's a little dumb
she could prove it any time all men was scum
i don't mind that she called me a bum,
but i knew right away she was really gonna cum (so i got down to it)
i whipped off her bloomers'n stiffened my thumb an' applied rotation on her sugar plum
i poked'n stroked till my wrist got numb
but i still didn't hear no dinah-moe humm,
Dinah-moe humm
dinah-moe humm
dinah-moe humm
where this dinah-moe comin' from

Done spent three hours
an' i ain't got a crumb
from the dinah-moe,
from the dinah-moe humm
I got a spot that gets me hot
but you ain't been to it
i got a spot that gets me hot
but you ain't been to it
i got a spot that gets me hot
but you ain't been to it
i got a spot that gets me hot
but you ain't been to it
'cause i can't get into it
unless i get out of it
an' i gotta get out of it
before i get into it
'cause i never get into it
unless i get out of it
an' i gotta be out of it
to get myself into it
(she looked over at me with a glazed eye and some bovine perspiration on her upper lip area and she )
Just get me wasted
an' you're half-way there
'cause if my mind's tore up
then my body don't care
i rubbed my chinny-chin-chin
an' said my-my-my
what sort of thing
might this lady get high upon?
i checked out her sister
who was holdin' the bet
an' wondered what kind of trip
the young lady was on
the forty dollar bill didn't matter no more
when her sister got nekkid an' laid on the floor
She said dinah-moe might win the bet
but she could use a little ________ if i wasn't done yet i told
just because the sun
want a place in the sky
no reason to assume
i wouldn't give her a try
so i pulled on her hair
got her legs in the air
an' asked if she had any cooties on there
(whaddya mean cooties no cooties on me)
She was buns-up kneelin'
buns up
i was wheelin' an dealin'
wheelin' an' dealin' an ooooh
she surrended to the feelin'
she sweetly surrendered
an' she started in to squealin'
Dinah-moe watched from the edge of the bed
with her lips just a-twitchin' an' her face gone red
some drool rollin' down
from the edge of her chin
while she spied the condition
her sister was in
she quivered 'n quaked
an' clutched at herself
while her sister made a joke
'bout her mental health
'till dinah-moe finally
did give in
but i told her
all she really needed
was some
Kiss my

it's real angora
would y'all like some more-a?
right here on the flora?
an' how 'bout you, fauna?
like y'might be chokin' on somethin' did you say you want some more?
well, here's some
d'you think i could interest you
in a pair of zircon-encrusted tweezers?
here, lemme sterilize '
gimme your
I couldn't say where she's coming' from,
but i just met a lady named dinah-moe humm
she stroll on over, say look here, bum,
i got a forty dollar bill say you can't make me cum
(y'jes can't do it)
i whipped off her bloomers'n stiffened my thumb an' applied rotation on her sugar plum
i poked'n stroked till my wrist got numb
an' you know i heard some
Dinah-moe humm,
dinah-moe humm

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.