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Amnesia de Justin Timberlake


The 20/20 Experience - 2 of 2

15 de agosto de 2013

Significado de Amnesia

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La letra de la canción "Amnesia" de Justin Timberlake es un poderoso relato sobre el dolor y la confusión que acompañan a la pérdida de un amor. A lo largo de la canción, Justin Timberlake reflexiona sobre cómo los recuerdos de su relación se desvanecen lentamente, dejando atrás una sensación de vacío y desconcierto. El título mismo, "Amnesia", sugiere una memoria borrada o olvidada, simbolizando la idea central de la canción.

En los versos iniciales, se describe a una mujer con una sonrisa hermosa pero unos ojos tristes, que entabla una conexión emocional con el cantante. Sin embargo, esta conexión se ve ensombrecida por sentimientos fríos y distantes: "So cold baby, now I’m going crazy". Se plantea la incertidumbre sobre el verdadero significado del amor perdido: "If it was true, if it was you / Don’t you think? / Don’t you think I would know?".

El coro repetitivo de "Amnesia" refuerza el tema principal de olvido y distancia en la relación: "Amnesia, every memory fades away till it’s gone / Where did you go? / Amnesia, went from everything to nothing". La sensación de perderlo todo en un instante se hace palpable a lo largo de la canción, creando un ambiente melancólico y desgarrador.

La segunda mitad de la canción profundiza en la pregunta constante del cantante sobre qué salió mal en su relación: "Tell me what happened / Who are they? Where did they go?". La nostalgia por lo que una vez fue contrasta con la realidad fría del presente: "When did all the fire turn colder? / When did your heart start to beat slower?".

Justin Timberlake expresa su angustia al ver cómo los recuerdos felices se desvanecen poco a poco ante sus ojos: "My whole memory of me and love / Gone so far from me girl / It’s not fair". La lucha interna entre aferrarse al pasado y aceptar el presente se convierte en el núcleo emocional de la canción.

En términos musicales, "Amnesia" combina elementos característicos del R&B y pop contemporáneo para crear una atmósfera emotiva y reflexiva. La producción sofisticada resalta las letras introspectivas de Timberlake y le da vida a sus sentimientos con cada nota musical.

En última instancia, "Amnesia" es una oda desgarradora al efecto devastador que tiene la pérdida en el corazón humano. A través de metáforas sutiles y una interpretación emotiva, Justin Timberlake nos sumerge en un mar de emociones complejas e inquietantes mientras reflexiona sobre lo efímero del amor y los recuerdos.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Keeps coming closer
I don‘t, but she thinks I know her
Beautiful smile with those sad eyes
That was my type
Amnesia that’s over
I can see your breathing, girl, is colder
I can see you need me but I don’t care
My whole memory of me and love
Gone so far from me girl
It’s not fair
I could feel it almost start to change (almost starts to change)
But then it hurts too much
That’s when it starts to fade

So cold baby, now I’m going crazy
I don’t know why you need me alone
If it was true, if it was you
Don’t you think?
Don’t you think I would know?
Amnesia, every memory fades away till it’s gone
Where did you go?
Amnesia, went from everything to nothing
No we anymore, she’s a stranger that I used to know

Peace (?) for those us
So happy, so in love
Tell me what happened
Who are they? Where did they go?
And when was enough, enough
When did all the fire turn colder?
When did your heart start to beat slower?
My whole memory of me in love
Is gone so far from me, It's not fair.
And I can feel it almost start to change
(Almost start to change)
But it just hurts to much, I let it go away

So cold baby, now I’m going crazy
I don’t know why you need me alone
If it was true, if it was you
Don’t you think?
Don’t you think I would know?
Amnesia, every memory fades away till it’s gone
Where did you go?
Amnesia, went from everything to nothing
No we anymore, she’s a stranger that I used to know
I can feel it almost start to change
(Almost start to change)
But then it hurts too much I let it go away uuuh

So cold baby (so cold), now I’m going crazy
I don’t know why you need me alone
If it was true, if it was you
Don’t you think?
Don’t you think I would know?
Amnesia, every memory fades away till it’s gone
Where did you go?
Amnesia, everything and nothing
No we anymore she’s a stranger
Amnesia, every memory fades away till it’s gone
Where did you go?
Amnesia, everything and nothing
No we anymore she’s a stranger that I used to know
And I don’t know you anymore
Everything to nothing
Everything to nothing
She’s a stranger that I used to know
Amnesia, amnesia, amnesia

Go on and tear me apart
And do it again tomorrow
I almost forgot
Who you are
I try to forget about it every time I see ya, See ya
Thought I could do without it
Now I know I need ya, need ya
This is turning into some kind
Some kind of amnesia, I need ya
Memories fade away
Love is so insane,
I try to forget about it, every time I see ya, see ya
Thought I could do without it
Now I know I need ya, need ya
This is turning into some kind
Some kind of amnesia, I need ya
Memories fade away
Love is so insane
So tear me apart and do it again tomorrow
I almost forgot who we are
I’ll let you drive me crazy for another day
Isn’t this love insane, insane? Yeah

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.