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Death wish de Kool G. Rap & Dj Polo


Death wish (Single)

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Death wish

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La canción "Death Wish" interpretada por Kool G. Rap & DJ Polo es una pieza musical que se adentra en un mundo de violencia, venganza y desafío. Las letras de la canción revelan una narrativa oscura y agresiva, donde el protagonista muestra su capacidad para sembrar el miedo y enfrentarse a sus enemigos sin temor.

Desde los primeros compases, se puede percibir la intensidad y la determinación del protagonista por imponerse frente a aquellos que intentan desafiarlo. Se habla de confrontaciones mortales, venganzas implacables y un aura de peligro que rodea al personaje principal. Las metáforas utilizadas crean una atmósfera siniestra y violenta, mostrando un retrato crudo de la vida en las calles.

La letra de la canción explora temas como la brutalidad, el poder y la supervivencia en un entorno hostil. El tono emocional es agresivo y desafiante, reflejando la mentalidad del protagonista dispuesto a hacer lo que sea necesario para proteger su territorio y mantener su reputación intocable.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción, es importante tener en cuenta que Kool G. Rap es conocido por ser uno de los pioneros del hip-hop hardcore y sus letras suelen abordar temáticas crudas y realistas relacionadas con la vida en las calles. "Death Wish" se inserta dentro de esta tradición artística, ofreciendo una visión descarnada de la realidad urbana desde una perspectiva dura e intransigente.

En resumen, "Death Wish" es una canción que destaca por su crudeza temática, su lirismo directo y su capacidad para sumergir al oyente en un mundo sombrío lleno de peligros y desafíos. A través de sus letras contundentes y su estilo marcado por la violencia implícita, Kool G. Rap & DJ Polo consiguen transmitir una sensación palpable de urgencia y tensión que atrapa al oyente desde el primer momento.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

("rappers go six feat under") (repeat 4x)

You're scared straight as soon as g rap penetrates
You wanna escape but you got a date to meet fate
Run for your life when i'm starting
Suckers are getting turned to missing motherfuckers on a milk carton
Danger when i rearrange and change a face ace
You're being replaced by a stranger
I injure and escape like a ninja
You got struck by a fucking revenger
A bullet inserted in your head, a shot got
Murdered, nobody seen shit, nobody heard it
Fuck around, the price is more than mcdonald's pays
And you can sing my blues to billie holiday
Put your ass in my path and i'm a blast it
Mind over matter, i burn like battery acid
Terrorizing, sizing up the guys-a
Finger on trigger, when i pull it, a bullet flys in
G's a madman, came from the badlands
Crush niggas in my bare hands like beer cans
Leaving a gash like the new york slasher
Showing my inches in a trench like a flasher
You got a problem, i'm a problem solver
Solve more problems with a .357 revolver
Come near you pay dearly
And i can barely hear when you talk so speak up clearly
On a sole role, the golden mic holder
And i flatten your ass just like a steam roller
Pity for niggas i waste
Try to disrespect, get the taste of a neck brace
I got your ass on target
You got beef? you better save it for the motherfucking meat market
Rhymes choke you like a headlock
If a sucker's asleep, i turn his shit into bedrock
Come on son, get done in
Niggas are running like the redcoats is coming
I enlist punk niggas that want some of this
And what's left is the breath of a death wish

("rappers go six feat under") (repeat 4x)

A pimp that loves shrimps and lobster
And for a hobby i'm hitting niggas up like a mobster
I got a story for each little poor territory
The ghetto glory in all categories
The death threats i received from the head vests
I'm riffing, the suckers stiffen up like a dead pet
The troop that stoops to brutality
Giving all nationalities a taste of reality
Kool g rap is here to draw
And any sucker that tries to beat him, you meet him in a morgue
All victims unidentified, so check it
You gotta see if it was the sucker from the dental record
What i use to torture liars:
Either fire, barbed wire, live wire, or pliers
So you thought you could last?
Go and get a green thumb because your ass is grass
Eric b. is the undertaker
His pockets swoll because he's rolling in more dough than a baker
Quiet type, but i won't have it

Cause when i swing with the boys i get noisy like traffic
So if you know what i know, see what i see
G rap is down with a mafioso posse
And i'm quick to go stick other suckers
With a smile just like a sick motherfucker
A bullet inside the sucker's guts and
Hit butt and his nuts, we throw him in the hudson
This is for all the non-believers
They receive a gash in their ass from a meat cleaver
Don't even try to get fast
You know the time because i'm 5 seconds off your ass
A nightmare leaving you suckers breathless
You stepping to kool g rap, then that's a death wish

("rappers go six feat under") (repeat 4x)

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.



Kool g. rap & dj polo

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