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Edge of sanity de Kool G. Rap & Dj Polo


Edge of sanity (Single)

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Edge of sanity

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La canción "Edge of sanity" interpretada por Kool G. Rap & DJ Polo es una obra que explora la desesperación y la lucha interna de un protagonista que se encuentra al borde de cometer actos criminales debido a las circunstancias adversas en las que se encuentra. A través de la narrativa de la letra, el cantante detalla su frustración por no poder encontrar empleo debido a su historial delictivo y su raza, lo que lo lleva a considerar acciones violentas como única salida para proveer para su familia.

El protagonista muestra una contradicción emocional compleja al sentirse distanciado de la sociedad por sus oportunidades limitadas, al mismo tiempo que busca desempeñar un papel activo como padre para su hijo. La presión financiera y la sensación de inutilidad lo empujan hacia el borde de la locura, representado simbólicamente por el momento en el que considera cometer un robo armado en una tienda.

A pesar de declararse inocente ante el juez, el protagonista acaba encarcelado en un ambiente caótico donde se ve obligado a enfrentarse a violencia e injusticias constantes. La separación forzada de su familia y la traición percibida de su pareja desencadenan en él pensamientos homicidas y venganza contra aquellos que lo han traicionado.

La narrativa finaliza con un giro trágico donde el protagonista, liberado bajo libertad condicional, decide tomar justicia por mano propia asesinando al amante infiel de su pareja. Esta conclusión brutal refleja el deterioro completo del personaje principal, quien ha cruzado definitivamente al "borde de la cordura" al tomar acciones extremas motivadas por dolor emocional y rabia acumulada.

En términos temáticos, la canción aborda cuestiones profundas como desigualdades sociales, discriminación racial, relaciones familiares disfuncionales y crisis emocionales. Desde una perspectiva musical del género rap, Kool G. Rap & DJ Polo construyen una narrativa visualmente cruda y directa que evoca imágenes vívidas de angustia e ira en medio del caos urbano.

La canción fue publicada originalmente en diciembre de 2011, ofreciendo una mirada introspectiva sobre aspectos oscuros y perturbadores de la vida urbana desde experiencias personales o imaginativas. Su impacto cultural radica en abrir un espacio para reflexionar sobre realidades marginales y tensiones sociales subyacentes presentes en muchas comunidades urbanas contemporáneas.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

I'm on the verge of commitin murder
My girl is gettin on my last nerve and i don't wanna hurt her
She wants me to get a job
I get harassed cause i'm laying on my ass like a big slob
But everywhere i go i get rejected
They won't hire a motherfucker with a jail record
So the least i could do is look presentable
But i'm labelled by the city as a criminal
They won't give me no slack jack
And i got one strike against me already because my skin is black
See i'm irrelevant to help wanted signs
And they wonder why niggaz commit crimes
My girl pays the rent gas and light
Goes to class at days and works at night
I'm trying to get some money i can hand to her
But i ain't with bein a motherfuckin janitor
Plus i got my little nigga
And i'm tryin my best to be the right kind of father figure
But my hands is startin to shake
I'm tryin to hold my head because i'm reachin for the thirty-eight
I pick it up, man fuckit
I gotta go out and hit the street and get some ducats
Lookin for somethin to hit
I throw on my hood, cause i'm about to do some stupid shit
I step in the seven-eleven
Come fast with the cash or get your ass sent to heaven
He must hit the alarm, cause i'm perspirin
Cause now i'm hearin motherfuckin sirens
I tried to run out, three thousand decent
Next thing i know, i'm sittin in a fuckin precinct
For tryin to feed a family
I need rubber balls, cause i'm fallin off the edge of sanity

Edge of sanity (2x)

What a fucked up night
And i'm mad because the cop put on the handcuffs too fuckin tight

Central bookin is where they sent me
So they could take a couple of pictures after they fingerprint me
Then they put me in a cell
And it was all full of niggaz that was dirty and stinkin as hell
Four hours passed already, so now i'm yawnin
And i'm hopin to see the judge in the mornin
Finally they call my name and i get up with speed
To appear before the judge, and make a plead
I saw the judge, he was a brother
He said, "how do you plead?" i said, "not guilty, motherfucker"
Then i got kicked out of court, sent to the island
Where they got all of these young brothers wildin
And all i seen was teenagers
And brothers just slicin one another with straight razors
I saw this nigga, he was stone tall
I said, "yo, i gotta make this motherfuckin phone call"
He said, "these whores are mine, and you ain't widdit"
And put his face all up in mine, so i hit it
#39;s came, niggaz started to zing
Now i gotta do about three days in the bank
I did my time and now i'm back from my vacation
Right on track, they put me back in populations
I got dressed, and hit the mess hall
Then when i came back, finally i got to make my phone call
My girl is bringin out the man in me
Cause she's yellin and shit, while i'm hangin on the edge of sanity

Edge of sanity (4x)

I'm sittin up north, and doin three to nine
And it feels like my whole life is bein left behind
I'm goin crazy in this place
And i'm countin the days, cause i'm about to be a mental case
My little son is gettin bigger
And he picked up the phone one day and thought i was some other nigga
Yeah that bitch is tryin to play me like a sucker
Cause on the down and low i heard another nigga fucked her
Now homicide is on my mind
For knowin that this bitch is at home, screwin while i'm doin time
And the nigga that's hittin the skins
Is a bold motherfucker cause he's one of my own friends
But that's alright cause i got somethin for they asses
And when i see him i'ma smash his fuckin glasses
Livin in hell but now my blood is gettin cold
Two months later, i got released on parole
So now i'm rollin colder than a blizzard
I got some iron from my man and went to pay the stupid bitch a visit
I'm ringin the bell like hell
Oh nobody's home huh? so i kicked it til the shit fell
Stepped in the house with my finger on the trigger
Butter ass nigga stuttered, "wha-wha-what's up nigga?"
My bitch was scared, cause she knew that i was steamin
She ran her ass to the back and started screamin
one shot fired to the body two shots fired to the head
one shot fired put the barrel in his mouth, makin sure he's dead
And the police ain't cannin me
Inside a cell, cause i just fell off the edge of sanity

Edge of sanity (2x)

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.



Kool g. rap & dj polo

Más canciones de Kool G. Rap & Dj Polo