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All in the family de Korn


Follow The Leader

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de All in the family

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La canción "All in the Family" de Korn es un ejemplo impactante de letras provocativas y cargadas de agresividad, características del género nu metal al que la banda pertenece. La letra presenta un diálogo tenso y lleno de insultos entre Fred Durst, vocalista de Limp Bizkit, y Jonathan Davis, cantante principal de Korn. Ambos se lanzan acusaciones, insultos homofóbicos y referencias personales de manera cruda y directa a lo largo de la canción.

En cuanto al significado de la letra, esta parece centrarse en una confrontación pública entre dos artistas prominentes en el panorama musical en esa época. Las líneas agresivas reflejan rivalidades personales o profesionales entre los dos cantantes, alimentadas por probablemente diferencias creativas o competencia en la industria musical. Sin embargo, también hay un humor sarcástico presente en las letras que carecen de seriedad y parecen buscar chocar para llamar la atención.

La forma en que Durst y Davis intercambian insultos puede interpretarse como una representación exagerada o satírica de las tensiones comunes entre artistas dentro del mundo del rock y el nu metal. A lo largo de la canción, se destacan referencias a temas tabúes como homosexualidad, incesto e insultos con connotaciones sexuales que buscan generar controversia y escándalo.

En cuanto a la estructura musical de la canción, se aprecia el característico sonido agresivo y pesado del nu metal que combina elementos del rock duro con influencias del metal. Los instrumentos utilizados seguramente incluyen guitarras distorsionadas, batería potente y bajos marcados que contribuyen a crear una atmósfera intensa para complementar las letras provocativas.

Es interesante observar cómo esta canción puede haber sido concebida como una especie de colaboración única entre bandas rivales o simplemente como una estrategia para generar polémica y captar la atención del público. En última instancia, "All in the Family" se destaca no solo por su contenido controvertido sino también por su capacidad para desafiar convenciones sociales e incitar reflexiones sobre la naturaleza competitiva e impulsiva dentro de la industria musical.

En resumen, "All in the Family" de Korn es un ejercicio extremo en expresiones crudas e insolentes dentro del contexto del nu metal, donde las confrontaciones verbales pueden llegar a niveles excesivos pero también sirven para explorar dinámicas sociales subyacentes en el mundo del rock. La canción muestra la faceta más salvaje y desenfrenada del género musical mientras desafía los límites convencionales de lo políticamente correcto con su lenguaje provocativo y sus temas controvertidos.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Fred: say what, say what?
jon: my dick is bigger than
fred: say what, say what?
jon: my band is bigger than
fred: too bad i got your beans in my bag, stuck-up sucka', korny
motherfucka'. takin' over foes is the limp pimp, need a bizkit to save
this crew from jon davis. i'm gonna drop a little east side skill, ya best
step back 'cuz i'm 'a kill, i'm 'a kill. so watcha thinking mr. raggedy man?
doin' all you can to look like raggedy ann.
jon: i'll check you out punk, yes i know you feel it. you look like
one of those dancers from the hanson video, you little faggot ho.
please give me some shit to wreck with, 'cuz right now i'm all wicked,
suck my dick kid, like your daddy did.
fred: who the fuck you think you're talking to??
jon: me.
fred: i'm known for eatin' little whiny chumps like you.
jon: whatever.
fred: all up in my face with
jon: are you ready?!?
fred: but halitosis, is all you're rockin' steady. you little fairy,
smelling all your flowers. nappy hairy chest, look it's austin powers!
jon: yeah, baby!
fred: i hear ya tootin' on them bagpipes clad, but you said it best,
there's no place to hide.
jon: what the fuck ya' sayin'? you're a pimp whateva', limp dick. fred
durst needs to rehearse, needs to reverse what he's saying. wanna be
funkdoobiest when you're playin', rippin' up a bad counterfeit,
fakin'! plus your bills i'm
paying, you can't eat that shit every day, fred.
jon: lay off the bacon
fred: say what, say what? you better watch your fuckin' mouth, jon.
jon: so you hate me?
fred: and i hate you!
jon: you know what, you know what?
both: it's all in the family.
jon: i hate you!
fred: and you hate me!
jon: you know what, you know what?
both: it's all in the family.
jon: look at you fool, i'm gonna fuck you up twice, throwin' rhymes at me
like, oh shit alright, vanilla ice. ya better run, run while ya can,
you'll never fuck me up, bisc limpkit. at least i got a phat, original band.
fred: who's hot, who's not?
jon: you.
fred: you best step back, korn on the cob, you need a new job. time to
take them mic skills back to the dentist, and buy yourself a new grill.
jon: fuck you.
fred: you pumpkin pie, i'll jack-off in your eye. climbing shoots and ladders,
while your ego shatters. but you just can't get away.
jon: get a gay?
fred: 'cuz it's doomsday kid, it's doomsday.
fred: you call yourself a singer?
jon: yep.
fred: you're more like jerry springer.
jon: oh cool!
fred: your favorite band is winger,
jon: winger?
fred: and all you eat is zingers. you're like a fruity pebble, your
favorite flag is rebel.
jon: yeeeeeehaaaaaa!!
fred: it's just too bad that you're a faggot on a lower level.
jon: so you're from jacksonville, kickin' it like buffalo bill.
gettin' butt-fucked by your uncle chuck, while your sister's on her knees waitin' for your
little peanut.
fred: wait, where'd ya get that little dance?
jon: over here.
fred: like them idiots in waco, you're burning up in bako where your father
had your mother, your mother had your brother, it's just too bad your
father's mad, your mother's now your lover.
jon: come on hillbilly, can your horse do a fuckin' wheelie? you love it down
south in the fall, you sure do got a purdy mouth.
jon: and i love you!
fred: and i want you!
jon: and i'll suck you!
fred: and i'll fuck you!
jon: and i'll butt-fuck you!
fred: and i'll eat you!
jon: and i'll lick your little dick, motherfucka'.
fred: say what? what?

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.