Dice la canción

Cameltosis de Korn


Follow The Leader

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Cameltosis

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La canción "Cameltosis" es interpretada por la banda de nu metal Korn, y forma parte de su álbum "Follow The Leader". En este tema, Korn explora temas de relaciones tóxicas y autodestrucción a través de letras crudas y visceralmente honestas.

La letra de la canción revela un conflicto emocional intenso en el cual el narrador se encuentra atrapado en una relación disfuncional. La repetición del estribillo "you see this time, i cannot ever never love another, cunt. you'll drink as slow, love twice and you'll get fucked" pone de manifiesto la resignación y frustración del protagonista ante la imposibilidad de escapar de esta dinámica destructiva.

El concepto de amor retorcido se ve reflejado a lo largo de la canción con metáforas como "she's the epitomy of sweet misery, the sweeter the stroke, the deeper the pain given", donde se describe cómo el placer momentáneo está intrínsecamente ligado al sufrimiento emocional a largo plazo. Se menciona también la dualidad entre el deseo carnal (sex-driven) y los peligros que esto conlleva (dangerous sex kitten), sugiriendo una atracción fatal hacia lo que va a causar daño.

En cuanto a la estructura lírica, se observa una progresión en la conciencia del narrador desde sentirse engañado y utilizado ("tre: rest us from the pain, if I ask. ashamed cos a game keep playin' me wrong") hasta cuestionarse su propia identidad y valores ("promise not to ever sing a damn 'nother song, until I realize who the fuck I am"). Esta evolución emocional agrega capas de complejidad al análisis y muestra el viaje interno del personaje principal.

Comparativamente con otras canciones de Korn, temas recurrentes como el dolor psicológico, las relaciones disfuncionales y las luchas internas están presentes en "Cameltosis". La brutalidad sin filtro con la que abordan estos temas es característica distintiva del estilo musical e lírico de la banda.

En resumen, "Cameltosis" es una exploración sombría pero honesta sobre las complejidades emocionales involucradas en relaciones codependientes y autodestructivas. A través de metáforas provocativas y un tono visceralmente emotivo, Korn logra transmitir la desesperanza y confusión que puede acompañar a un ciclo perpetuo de toxicidad interpersonal.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

i should have known it from the start what i was in for.
she break a tin full,
she copied, we exchanged some info.
called her on the tele, conversations were simple,
ain't playin' games, my game, retain the tempo.
and things, no shame, two sparks turned into flames,
nimpho's in the park, just dancin' in the rain.
hook me with this fix, and look to drain my aim,
some never retain what wouldn't suck from your veins.
tre: so baby i ask
jonathan: what do you want from me?
you see this time, i cannot ever never love another, cunt
you'll drink as slow, love twice and you'll get fucked.
you see this time, i cannot ever never love another, cunt
you'll drink as slow, love twice and you'll get fucked.
rest us, rest us from the pain, if i ask.
ashamed cos a game keep playin' me wrong.
promise not to ever sing a damn 'nother song,
until i realize who the fuck i am.
a man out of sync with his own program,
trying to find some kind of inner link.
a man out of sync with his own program,
trying to find some kind of inner link.
tre: so baby i ask
jonathan: what do you want from me?
you see this time, i cannot ever never love another, cunt
you'll drink as slow, love twice and you'll get fucked.
you see this time, i cannot ever never love another, cunt
you'll drink as slow, love twice and you'll get fucked.
ahh yeah.
she's the epitomy of sweet misery,
the sweeter the stroke, the deeper the pain given.
there's an angel, angle sex-driven.
dangerous sex kitten, warm as a mitten.
fittin' like a glove, with abstract relations,
testin' all my patience, push comes to shove.
emotional masturbation, fuckin' with my love,
fuckin' with my life, fuckin' all the above.
you see this time, i cannot ever never love another, cunt
you'll drink as slow, love twice and you'll get fucked.
you see this time, i cannot ever never love another, cunt
you'll drink as slow, love twice and you'll get fucked.
you see this time, i cannot ever never love another, cunt
you'll drink as slow, love twice and you'll get fucked.
you see this time, i cannot ever never love another, cunt
you'll drink as slow, love twice and you'll get fucked.

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.