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Discombobulated de Kottonmouth Kings


Discombobulated (Single)

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Discombobulated

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La canción "Discombobulated" de Kottonmouth Kings es un tema que refleja la vida fiestera y desenfadada, característica del grupo. Las letras nos hablan de una actitud relajada frente a la vida, donde el protagonista se divierte y disfruta sin preocupaciones aparentes. El término "discombobulated" sugiere una sensación de estar desconcertado o desorientado, lo cual se relaciona con la idea de perderse en el momento y dejarse llevar por la diversión y la música.

A lo largo de la canción, se mencionan elementos propios del hip-hop y del punk rock, mostrando la versatilidad musical del grupo. La letra destaca el amor por la música como un arma poderosa que une a las personas y les da fuerza para enfrentar cualquier obstáculo. Se hace referencia a la hermandad entre los seguidores de este estilo musical, creando una sensación de comunidad y camaradería.

Además, hay un mensaje crítico hacia aquellos que intentan imponer formas de pensar limitadas o caducas. Se hace un llamado a mantenerse auténtico y genuino en medio de un mundo que muchas veces busca uniformidad. La canción invita a ser uno mismo, a expresarse libremente y a no temer enfrentarse a lo establecido.

En cuanto al contexto de la canción, Kottonmouth Kings es conocido por su fusión de estilos musicales como el rap, el reggae y el rock, creando un sonido único e identificable. Su música tiende a reflejar una mentalidad rebelde y despreocupada ante las normas sociales, buscando conectar con una audiencia joven que busca identificarse con sus letras directas y sin tapujos.

En resumen, "Discombobulated" es una canción que celebra la libertad individual, el compañerismo entre los fans del grupo y la importancia de mantenerse fiel a uno mismo en un mundo cada vez más homogéneo. Con un tono festivo y desenfadado, Kottonmouth Kings logra transmitir un mensaje positivo cargado de energía y buena vibra para todos sus seguidores. Una oda a la diversión sin complicaciones y al amor por la música en todas sus manifestaciones.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Watch it, watch it, watch it
dog boy here, and i'm singing with the kings
cool and (delayed?)
sing it, comin' comin'
I be getting faded, discombobulated
never say i made it till i'm pissin' off the top
playas, fly rhyme sayers,
haters can't fade us cuz it's true hip-hop
Mc'in is the place for me to be in,
and nut-swinging is the way that i be g'in
never leanin' to the old, for the lyrical hold,
keep my shit bold, more (??) i (stole?)
fuck parol when i stroll, man i dodge five-0
i dip-dive, fuck a bribe, live to rock the show and the ho
skip the blow, gimme the 40, yo
i like a lady down to ride it like a rodeo
you see anarchy on the (??) like a (hippie?)
(???) cuz my head's a little trippy
my bud's i like 'em sticky, so pack another rip, d
high as the plains west of the mississippi
I be getting faded, discombobulated
never say i made it till i'm pissin' off the top
playas, fly rhyme sayers,
haters can't fade us cuz it's true hip-hop
Eh rude boy, lad you party nonstop,
you're the first to start, you're the last to drop
eh rude boy, you never fear the cops cuz music is our weapon
and that them can't stop
Punk rock man, let me tell my thoughts of hoss
hip hop freestyle, freedom of course
ooh, my old girl mary better known as a swag-hag
every other night she had me out buying dime bags
a dime to a twenty, to a forty, to an eighty
i switched to homegrown now i puff at bobby b's, y'all

I be getting faded, discombobulated
never say i made it till i'm pissin' off the top
playas, fly rhyme sayers,
they just can't fade us cuz it's true hip-hop
Eh rude boy, lad you party nonstop,
you're the first to start, you're the last to drop
eh rude boy, you never fear the cops cuz music is our weapon
and that them can't stop
Check your traits, you perpetrate i can't relate
your mental mind state is far to overrate, you can't skate
don't sit and debate, you need to skip the (??),
ask jesus christ to clean the slate
i think it's fate, i ain't done yet so wait
your philosophies- pale and underweight, they're out of date
one mo' thing, and then we're straight, put the fake to sleep
and then i catch you at the wake
and then we'll bake, and once again try to relate
hopefully the good will win, you'll lose the hate
that's a close, i think we''re up to date
wake up young chump, get a grip, checkmate
Sound boy, you should've thanked the saint
he just saved your life from a terrible thing
sound boy, saint just put you in check,
he set you straight to save your own neck
I be getting faded, discombobulated
never say i made it till i'm pissin' off the top
playas, fly rhyme sayers,
they just can't fade us cuz it's true hip-hop
Oh, lord have mercy. lord have mercy
singing with the kings up on the record version
eh rude boy, i say you party nonstop,
you're the first to start, you're the last to drop
eh rude boy, you never fear the cops cuz music is our weapon
and that them can't stop
shucka shucka to all the rude boys,
shucka shucka to suburban noize
coming in unity, like one big family,
every (??) gonna make you feel so irie
it's dog boy, you know me chat nonstop,
seeking the roots rub-a-dub, ragamuffin punk rock
it's dog boy, kickin down your shit
from your microphone, ear, to your consolate
like the black flag son we're gonna rise above,
every time we're coming with respect and love
i am the one dog-boy from , ca
in the name of unity i (??) must say
from london, to kingston, from the south bay,
all me out to do is flash my stylee
now i am a-comin' and i'm (??), little sound boy with no solution
check the (bag?), with just one flow
you may find you don't need a ego
it's dog boy, you know me chat nonstop
with the roots rub-a-dub, ragamuffin punk rock
eh rude boy, you never fear the cops, music is our weapon
and that them can't stop

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.