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Freaks of the industry de Kottonmouth Kings


Freaks of the industry (Single)

16 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Freaks of the industry

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La canción "Freaks of the Industry" interpretada por Kottonmouth Kings es una adaptación de una canción original de Digital Underground. En este tema, los Kottonmouth Kings se presentan como los "freaks of the industry", mostrando su actitud rebelde y desinhibida. A lo largo de la letra, se describe un ambiente de fiesta y libertad sexual, con referencias explícitas a encuentros íntimos y situaciones provocativas.

El cantante habla sobre ser un verdadero "freak" en la industria musical, refiriéndose a su estilo de vida alternativo y sin restricciones. La canción destaca la idea de vivir al máximo, disfrutando del momento sin preocuparse por el qué dirán. Se mencionan escenas sensuales y explícitas que buscan capturar la excitación y pasión del momento.

El tono irreverente y provocador de la letra refleja la actitud desenfadada y transgresora de los Kottonmouth Kings. Se abordan temas como relaciones sexuales casuales, aventuras nocturnas y placer carnal sin tapujos. La canción invita al oyente a sumergirse en un mundo hedonista y libre de prejuicios, donde el placer es el principal protagonista.

En comparación con otras obras del grupo, "Freaks of the Industry" sigue la línea de sus letras cargadas de rebeldía e irreverencia. Los Kottonmouth Kings se caracterizan por abordar temas sociales controvertidos desde una perspectiva cruda y directa, lo cual les ha ganado una base de seguidores leales que valoran su autenticidad.

A nivel musical, la canción se enmarca dentro del género del hip-hop alternativo con influencias del rock y reggae. La fusión de estilos musicales refleja la diversidad creativa de los Kottonmouth Kings, quienes han logrado desarrollar un sonido único e inconfundible a lo largo de su carrera.

En resumen, "Freaks of the Industry" es una muestra más del espíritu rebelde e independiente de los Kottonmouth Kings, quienes a través de sus letras provocativas invitan al oyente a romper con las normas establecidas y disfrutar al máximo cada momento. La canción representa la liberación emocional y el deseo de experimentar sin inhibiciones, celebrando la individualidad y la autenticidad en todas sus formas.

Es importante tener en cuenta que esta canción puede resultar polémica para algunas personas debido a su contenido explícito, por lo que se recomienda escucharla con mente abierta y sin prejuicios para apreciar su mensaje subyacente sobre libertad personal y expresión creativa.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

This is a cover of a digital underground song
Yeah, suburban noize, those kottonmouth kings
freaks come out at night, the freaks come
we're the freaks of the industry, suburban noize, kottonmouth kings
the freaks of the industry, and when ya see us back stage be prepared to g
Now they say that first do it means do it, time to freak, saint dog gets to it
not a heavy weight, but i'll go twelve rounds with a jab of the stick
i'm going lick for lick, so give me the helmet, i'll be the stunt man
just relax, and i won't front like arena, i mean to get the cream of the crop
and i'll be taking it slow, never missing a spot, yes caress your back n chest
you're kissing on my nose ring, i'll whisper in your ear
saint dog kottonmouth king, oh big st that's what you'll be screaming and creaming
but its not a wet dream its the real, the freaky dog, dog nasty,
never letting a kitty cat get past me, without picking it up, petting it
teasing it, taking 3 home and pleasing it
We're the freaks of the industry, suburban noize, kottonmouth kings
the freaks of the industry, and when ya see us back stage be prepared to g
Say you're g-in, nobody else is seeing
and the freak that your with's in front of you, bending over naked
as she's leaning on the dresser, boo-yeah, you're looking at her from the rear
she looks just like rebecca, not rebecca with the singing career
but the x rated video queen, ya know what i mean?
all right here's the scene, you're lying on your back
with your head on the edge of the bed
the booty's 2 feet from your head, should you
a. take the time to find a condom, b. walk right over and you pound em
c. tell her that you want her love, well the answer is d. all of the above
so you're freakin, the furniture's squeakin, she's tweaking,
saying that she's weak in the knees, cheek for cheek, and pound for pound
i'm taxing it and waxing it and working it around
till the booty starts making that clapping sound
which is cool but your friends are chillin in the other room
the clap is getting louder, you don't want them to clown you
in this situation, what do you do?
a. plainly simply back up off her
b. you hit it just a little bit softer
c. you take it out and put it in her butt
well this for daddy x yo, yo listen up
i put a towel on the floor by the 2 inch gap under the door
and now ya can't see me anymore, to the lock to the top,
but they can't listen, there'll be no barging in, there'll be no dissin
get back to the mission, broke out the whip cream and the cherry
i go through all the 5 positions, my head under her leg under my arm under her toe
she says i like it when you scream, daddy let yourself go,
i hit it, slid it, lick it, quit it, after the ride i put my clothes on i walk outside, and before anybody has a chance to speak i say yo i'm daddy x
i guess i'm just a freak
We're the freaks of the industry, suburban noize, kottonmouth kings
the freaks of the industry, and when ya see us back stage be prepared to g

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.