Dice la canción

The id de Moloko


I am not a doctor

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de The id

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La canción "The id" interpretada por Moloko, incluida en el álbum "I Am Not a Doctor", pertenece a los géneros musicales de female vocalists, trip-hop, electronic y chillout. La letra de la canción es un profundo análisis del comportamiento humano y las consecuencias de la ambición desenfrenada.

En la letra, se narra la historia de un hombre que ha perdido el rumbo y se ha desviado del camino correcto. Se describe como alguien ambicioso que busca tenerlo todo para sí mismo, sin importarle pisotear a los demás en el proceso. El protagonista se sumerge en un mundo de excesos, materialismo y soledad, alejándose cada vez más de su verdadera esencia.

Se hace referencia al personaje principal como alguien que está constantemente buscando reconocimiento y poder. A pesar de su aparente éxito superficial, internamente se siente vacío y perdido. Su comportamiento egocéntrico lo lleva a situaciones límite donde pierde contacto con la realidad y busca escapar de sus propios fracasos.

La letra plantea una reflexión sobre la naturaleza humana, la búsqueda desmedida de poder y éxito a cualquier costo. También destaca cómo las acciones egoístas pueden llevar a un estado de soledad y vacío interior, mostrando las consecuencias negativas de vivir basándose únicamente en la ambición material.

En comparación con otras canciones del mismo artista Moloko o de otros artistas dentro del género trip-hop o chillout, "The id" destaca por su narrativa introspectiva y crítica hacia la sociedad actual. La combinación entre la voz femenina envolvente y los ritmos electrónicos crea una atmósfera única que acompaña perfectamente el mensaje profundo detrás de las letras.

Es interesante notar cómo la canción utiliza el concepto freudiano del "id" como parte inconsciente e instintiva de la personalidad humana para explorar temas complejos relacionados con el egoísmo, la búsqueda desenfrenada de placeres y el enfrentamiento con las consecuencias emocionales.

En resumen, "The id" es mucho más que una simple canción; es una reflexión profunda sobre las luchas internas del ser humano en su búsqueda constante por satisfacer sus deseos más profundos sin considerar las repercusiones emocionales y morales. La música envolvente y las letras reflexivas hacen de esta pieza una obra maestra dentro del género trip-hop que invita a la audiencia a cuestionarse sobre sus propias motivaciones y prioridades en la vida.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Mumma don't you turn away just because I've gone astray
Out of the fire & into the frying pan this is the story of a sorry man
I have been known to deviate myself
From the path
That is set but let us not forget
About the man who decided to dedicate his life to the jetset
He is now just a shadow of his former self and dark clouds hover over head,the living dead, move over, you see it goes like this,
I could be a mover I could be a shaker, don't you try to get in my way,
I'm the heart breaker the money maker this will all be mine one
I myself do not think that such a raw ambition, his disposition
To be a sin in itself, though should we not forget about the mess that he gothimself in
Where now stands this meek and empty man, there once was a typhoon,earthquaking, a phenomena, higher than the rest of us
'Cause he was steppin'on us, steppin' over people and this is how the story goes folks
I will go undefeated I'll be protected, you think you're big time I'll showyou big time, hollerin' and swallowin' air, crawling in the pit of dispair,

Once he got his foot in the door, well you know he was a fast stepper, a badtaste in the mouth kind of guy, funny fella
though, always had a joke or two,but be careful the joke could be on you, did you ever hear the one about theid, the ego,
the super ego, the monumental man sat back to watch hisautomobile grow, he was a Lamborghini kind of guy got so high
he would swearhe could touch the sky

But the sky was the limit
He was calling, he was crawling, riddled by the immensities of life, ladies ofthe night would call all hours of the day, all day,
calling for his mommy whenthe day was done
Yes he was moving, he was shaking, so lonesome tonight, his eyes belighed hissmile awhile,
Calling for his mummy but his mummy didn't come

Ha ha ha ha ha ha
I could be a mover, I could be a shaker don't you try to get in my way, I'm the heart breaker,
The money maker this will all be mine one day, I will goundefeated, you think you're big timeBut the sky was the limit
He was calling, he was crawling, riddled by the immensities of life, ladies ofthe night would call all hours of the day, all day,
calling for his mommy whenthe day was done
Yes he was moving, he was shaking, so lonesome tonight, his eyes belighed hissmile awhile,
Calling for his mummy but his mummy didn't come

Ha ha ha ha ha ha
I could be a mover, I could be a shaker don't you try to get in my way, I'm the heart breaker,
The money maker this will all be mine one day, I will goundefeated, you think you're big time

Ha ha ha ha ha ha
I could be a mover, I could be a shaker don't you try to get in my way, I'm the heart breaker,
The money maker this will all be mine one day, I will goundefeated, you think you're big timeHa ha ha ha ha ha
I could be a mover, I could be a shaker don't you try to get in my way, I'm the heart breaker,
The money maker this will all be mine one day, I will goundefeated, you think you're big time

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.