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Where is the what if the what is why de Moloko


Where is the what if the what is why (Single)

10 de diciembre de 2011

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La canción "Where is the what if the what is why" interpretada por Moloko, es una pieza musical que invita a la reflexión y al cuestionamiento profundo sobre diversos aspectos de la vida y la existencia. A través de letras enigmáticas y filosóficas, se exploran conceptos como la creación, el destino, la libertad, la autoaceptación y el propósito.

En las primeras estrofas, se plantean preguntas existenciales como "What is a god of phoney creation" (Qué es un dios de una creación falsa?), "Where am I going with no destination" (A dónde voy sin destino?) o "What if my lover made me feel free" (Y si mi amante me hiciera sentir libre?). Estas preguntas desafían al oyente a cuestionar sus creencias y percepciones sobre el mundo que le rodea.

La repetición del estribillo "Where is the what if the what is in why" refuerza esta idea de buscar respuestas más allá de lo superficial, indagando en el verdadero significado de nuestras acciones y decisiones. Se abordan temas como la búsqueda interior, la inconformidad con lo establecido o la dualidad entre lo material y lo espiritual.

Además, se mencionan situaciones cotidianas que pueden plantear dilemas morales o emocionales: "What if your mamma said you were fat" (Y si tu mamá te dijera que estás gordo?) o "If it's not working why don't you smack it" (Si no funciona, por qué no lo cambias?). Estas metáforas pueden ser interpretadas como invitaciones a actuar ante situaciones adversas o a aceptar nuestra vulnerabilidad.

El verso "Why waste your time looking for proof,
What if the answer is never the truth" culmina el análisis con una reflexión poderosa sobre la búsqueda constante de respuestas en un mundo incierto. Nos invita a cuestionar si realmente necesitamos certezas absolutas o si debemos aprender a convivir con la incertidumbre y la ambigüedad.

A nivel musical, Moloko combina elementos electrónicos con influencias del trip hop y pop experimental para crear una atmósfera única que complementa la profundidad lírica de la canción. La voz envolvente de su vocalista añade una capa emocional que conecta directamente con el mensaje introspectivo de la letra.

En resumen, "Where is the what if the what is why" es mucho más que una simple canción: es un viaje filosófico a través de las interrogantes fundamentales del ser humano. Con su enfoque críptico pero emotivo, invita al oyente a explorar las complejidades de la vida y a encontrar significado en medio del caos existencial.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

What is a god of phoney creation,
Where am I going with no destination,
What if the fish came from the sea,
What if my lover made me feel free,
What if my intake caused revelation,
What if the point was reincarnation,
What if my shoes do'nt match my jacket,
If it's not working why don't you smack it,
What if your mamma said you were fat,
If you are lost find where your at,
What is a number without any time,
You can't get higher with nothing to climb,
Why have a body if you ain't got a mind,
What is a searcher with nothing to find,
Why is the traffic refusing to stop,
Why climb the ladder if you can't reach the top,
Where is the what if the what is in why,
Where is the what if the what is in why
Where is the what if the what is in why,
What do you dream of when you sleep at night,
Wee how the blind man fills up with light,
What is a bird with nowhere to fly,
How can you leave and not say goodbye,
What is a hunter with nothing to find,
What is the goodness without the unkind,
When did the outfit fall out of fashion,
When did the lover run out of passion,
My reincarnation time a phoney creation rhyme,
With no destination mine my information's fine,
Why did the voice say don't step on the floor,
Why did the sign say so float through the door,
What is a god of phoney creation,
Where am I going with no destination,
What if the fish came from the sea,
What if my lover made me feel free,
What if my intake caused revelation,
What if the point was reincarnation,
What if my shoes don't match my jacket,
If it's not working why don't you smack it,
What if your mamma said you were fat,
If you are lost find where you're at,
Where is the what if the what is in why,
Where is the what if the what is in why,
Where is the what if the what is in why,
How did the loser get to be rich,
What is a saleman with nothing to pitch,
When did the fool het to be king,
Why did you leave when they asked you to sing,
Why loose belief if you got a dream,
What is a train that ran out of steam,
what is a spy with no-one to spy,
On who do you sleep with nothing to lie on,
What if the fruit don't fall from the tree,
What if these questions just won't let you be,
Why waste your time looking for proof,
What if the answer is never the truth.

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.