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Brown skin lady de Mos Def


Brown skin lady (Single)

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Brown skin lady

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La canción "Brown skin lady" interpretada por Mos Def es un tributo a la belleza y la fuerza de las mujeres de piel morena. Desde el principio, Mos Def se dirige a estas mujeres como divinidades terrenales, reconociendo su importancia y destacando su singularidad. A lo largo de la canción, se resaltan cualidades como la fertilidad, inteligencia, amorosidad y merecida adoración que merecen estas mujeres.

El verso inicial exalta la preciosa apariencia física de las mujeres morenas, comparándolas con las vibrantes celebraciones africanas en festivales callejeros. Además, Mos Def hace referencia a experiencias personales donde ha conocido mujeres excepcionales, pero ninguna ha logrado igualar la grandeza y unicidad de las brown skin ladies.

En su letra, Mos Def ahonda en el impacto emocional que provoca una mujer de piel morena en él. Describe cómo se siente abrumado por su presencia y cómo sus atributos físicos despiertan un profundo deseo. La canción resalta aspectos como el estilo personal, la elegancia al caminar y una sensualidad innata que cautiva a quienes tienen la suerte de cruzarse con estas mujeres.

Además, el mensaje subyacente en "Brown skin lady" va más allá de lo superficial. Mos Def sugiere que detrás de esa belleza exterior hay una riqueza cultural y espiritual invaluable. Se reconoce a estas mujeres como inspiración para artistas y poetas, celebrando su piel marrón como fuente de inspiración para productos cosméticos como el cacao.

En cuanto a la composición musical de la canción, se destaca un enfoque melódico característico de Mos Def que combina elementos del hip-hop con influencias soul y jazz. El ritmo marcado proporciona un contrapunto interesante a las letras emotivas y profundas presentadas en la canción.

"Brown skin lady" representa un homenaje conmovedor a la diversidad racial y étnica presente en diferentes culturas del mundo. La canción invita a reflexionar sobre los estándares preestablecidos de belleza e invita a celebrar la autenticidad y singularidad de cada individuo.

En conclusión, "Brown skin lady", lanzada en 2011 por Mos Def,sacude los cimientos tradicionales asociados con la belleza femenina al poner en valor lo único e inigualable que transmiten las personas afrodescendientes. A través de sus versos cargados de admiración y respeto hacia las brown skin ladies, Mos Def rinde tributo al amor propio y a la diversidad estética que habita entre nosotros.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

be like yo, let me ask you somethin
i wanna know, i wanna know who you are
mos def singing
brown skin lady, hey hey
where you goin
this goes to the brown skin ladies
brown skin lady
yo, indigineous women of the planet earth
what you doin?
givin birth to the brown skin ladies first
brown skin lady
for what it's worth, from me to you
how do you feel?
from me to you, watchin you
i like the, i like the, i like the, i like the
way you walk, yes, i live the way you move
i like the way you walk, when you walk on by
i like the way you move, i like the way you move
i like the, i like the, i like the, i like the
way you walk, please, won't you do that dance
i like the way you walk, when you walk on by
i like the way you move, i like you baby

and everybody on the avenue, i know, when they see us sing
everybody on the avenue, i know, when they see us sing, there she is

fresher than tony rebel's vestibules at african street festivals
my incredible women is, plentiful
over the years i met a few, none of them compare to you
preparin you to make food bearable, somethin terrible, let's see:
you fruitful, beautiful, smart, lovable, huggable
doable like art, suitable to be part
of my life, coppertone, oh you copyright infringement
pay you bidness ten cents, way back in the day
it's like i'm standin there you know appreciatin god's design
and then you showed up, it's like you read my mind
damn she's fine, i think i add the r-e, in front of that
and see if she d, to get, with a cat like me
i like the, i like the, i like the, i like the
way you walk, yes, i live the way you move
i like the way you walk, when you walk on by
i like the way you move, i like the way you move
i like the, i like the, i like the, i like the
way you walk, please, won't you do that dance
i like the way you walk, when you walk on by
i like the way you move, i like you baby

and everybody on the avenue, i know, when they see us sing
everybody on the avenue, i know, when they see us sing, there she is

ooooh daring me girl, look at you
comin on the block lookin fresh and brand new
ooooh headwrap cover your hairdo
pretty feet peekin through open-toed shoe
ooooh no limit to what i would do
make love to you like long interview
whooh is she for real, me like you
good look champion, win the title
true, many man try invite you
shot down lyric each time they cyph you
jewel, what man you get all insides you
feet they walk way and just that sheik posture
ooooh can't be a next one like you
famous like tapes made by dj clue
i tighten up my game as i approach you
yo check her she the nectar the bee get close to

i don't get many compliments, but i am confident
used to have a complex about, gettin too complex
you got me, willin to try, looked me in the eye
my head is still in the sky, since you walked on by
i'm feelin high, got my imagination flickerin like hot flames
it's how it seems, you make me wanna ride the coltrane to a love supreme
my brown lady, creates environments, for
happy brown babies, i know it sounds crazy
but your skin's the inspiration for cocoa butter
you provoke a brother we should get to know one another
i discover when i bring you through my people say true, all i can say
is all praise due i thank you god for a beauty like you
mos def singing
brown skin lady
where you goin
this goes to the brown skin ladies
brown skin lady
on the planet earth today, yes
what you doin?
brown skin lady
how do you feel?
i like the, i like the, i like the, i like the
way you walk, yes, i live the way you move
i like the way you walk, when you walk on by
i like the way you move, i like the way you move
i like the, i like the, i like the, i like the
way you walk, yes, please do that dance
i like the way you walk, when you walk on by
i like the way you move, i like you baby

and everybody on the avenue, i know, when they see us sing
everybody on the avenue, i know, when they see us sing, there she is
there she is, she's a brown skinned lady
such a brown skinned lady
she's a brown skinned lady
she's a brown skinned lady
she's a brown skinned lady
she's a brown skinned lady

you know what some people put themselves through
to look just like you?
dark stocking, high heels, lipstick, alla that
you know what?
without makeup you're beautiful
whatcha you need to paint the next face for
we're not dealin with the european standard of beauty tonight
turn off the tv and put the magazine away
in the mirror tell me what you see
see the evidence of divine presence
women of the, carribean, they got the, golden sun
i know women on the continent got it
nigeria, and ghana, you know they got it
tanzania, namibia and mozambique
and bothswana, to let it speak
about latinas, columbianas
tallenas, of course the brooklyn women walk that walk
and the bronx women walk that walk
honies from queens walk that walk, nyc, atl, la
cincinatti, the bay

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.