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Fear not of man de Mos Def


Black on both sides

16 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Fear not of man

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La canción "Fear not of man" es una poderosa expresión de Mos Def, también conocido como Yasiin Bey, que aborda temas profundos sobre la humanidad, el poder divino y la autosuperación en un contexto donde el hip-hop es más que solo música: es un reflejo de la sociedad y de nosotros mismos.

Desde el principio, Mos Def establece una conexión con su audiencia al saludarlos con un emotivo grito musical. Se sumerge rápidamente en reflexiones sobre el estado actual del mundo, señalando que aunque muchas cosas han cambiado, aún somos nosotros los que debemos evolucionar y mejorar. Da un giro interesante al hablar sobre el destino del hip-hop, vinculándolo directamente con nuestra propia evolución individual y colectiva.

El mensaje central de la canción revela una profunda confianza en el poder interior del ser humano. Mos Def explora la dualidad entre lo material y lo espiritual, resaltando que lo último prevalece sobre lo primero. Aborda la mortalidad humana recordándonos que todos somos iguales frente a este hecho inevitable, por lo tanto, no debemos temer a los hombres ni a sus acciones. En lugar de ello, nos insta a enfocarnos en fortalecer nuestra mente y alma antes que nuestro cuerpo.

La letra interpela directamente a los sistemas de control y opresión presentes en la sociedad contemporánea. Critica a aquellos responsables de sembrar miedo e inseguridad en las personas para mantener su dominio. Sin embargo, Mos Def desafía estas estructuras de poder al recordarle al oyente su valor intrínseco como ser humano creado por Dios. Hace hincapié en que no son las riquezas materiales o la percepción externa lo que nos hace valiosos, sino nuestra conexión con lo divino.

A través de metáforas poéticas y rimas impactantes, Mos Def cuestiona las motivaciones detrás de aquellos que buscan controlarnos o infundir miedo en nuestras vidas. Destaca la suficiencia divina ante cualquier plan elaborado por los poderosos o los violentos. Su identificación con Brooklyn como su hogar agrega una capa adicional de autenticidad y arraigo cultural a su mensaje.

Musicalmente hablando, la canción presenta un ritmo cautivador respaldado por beats firmes característicos del rap y hip-hop tradicional del este de Estados Unidos. La instrumentación se ajusta perfectamente al flujo lírico y emocional de cada versículo, complementando la intensidad del mensaje transmitido.

En definitiva, "Fear not of man" es mucho más que una simple canción; es una declaración audaz sobre el empoderamiento personal, la resistencia contra las fuerzas opresivas y la fe inquebrantable en la divinidad interna presente en cada uno de nosotros. A través de su música, Mos Def invita a reflexionar sobre nuestro propio camino hacia la autenticidad y al dominio personal en un mundo lleno de desafíos e incertidumbres.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Bismillah ir rahman ir raheem

If you can hear me ladies and gentlemen
Then i'm very happy that you came

Ooh ooooooooooohhhh ooh ooooooooooooooohh wheeeee
That was for
Ha ha we get it everytime
You got me on? ohh
Shout out to all of my crew east west north south
All the continent europe all abroad international
Bring it in bring it in bring it in bring it in
It's a lot of things goin on y'all
21st century is comin
20th century almost done
A lot of things have changed
A lot of things have not, mainly us
We gon' get it together right? i believe that
people be askin me all the time,
"yo mos, what's gettin ready to happen with hip-hop?"
(where do you think hip-hop is goin?)
I tell em, "you know what's gonna happen with hip-hop?
Whatever's happening with us"
If we smoked out, hip-hop is gonna be smoked out
If we doin alright, hip-hop is gonna be doin alright
People talk about hip-hop like it's some giant livin in the hillside
Comin down to visit the townspeople
We +are+ hip-hop
Me, you, everybody, we are hip-hop

So hip-hop is goin where we goin
So the next time you ask yourself where hip-hop is goin
Ask where am i goin? how am i doin?
Til you get a clear idea
if hip-hop is about the people
And hip-hop won't get better until the people get better
Then how do people get better?
Well, from my understanding people get better
When they start to understand that, they are valuable
And they not valuable because they got a whole lot of money
Or cause somebody, think they sexy
But they valuable caause they been created by god
And god, makes you valuable
And whether or not you, recognize that value is one thing
You got a lot of socities and governments
Tryin to be god, wishin that they were god
They wanna create satellites and cameras everywhere
And make you think they got the all-seein eye
i guess the last poets wasn't, too far off
When they said that certain people got a god complex
I believe it's true
I don't get phased out by none of that, none of that
Helicopters, the tv screens, the newscasters,
Satellite they just, wishin
They can't really never do that
When they tell me to fear they law
When they tell me to try to
Have some fear in my heart behind the things that they do
This is what i think in my mind
And this is what i say to them
And this is what i'm sayin, to you check it

All over the world hearts pound with the rhythm
Fear not of men because men must die
Mind over matter and soul before flesh
Angels for the pain keep a record in time
Which is passin and runnin like a caravan freighter
The world is overrun with the wealthy and the wicked
But god is sufficient in disposin of affairs
Gunmen and stockholders try to merit my fear
But god is sufficient over plans they prepared
Mos def in the flesh, where you at, right here
On this place called earth, holdin down my square
Bout to do it for y'all, and y'all at the fair
So just bounce, come on bounce
B-b-bounce b-bounce b-bounce-bounce
.. just step two three
Just step two three and
Two three
One two three and four
One two three and four
Once again
All over the world hearts pound with the rhythm
Fear not of men because men must die
Mind over matter and soul before flesh
Angels for the pain keep a record in time
Which is passin and runnin like a caravan freighter
The world is overrun with the wealthy and the wicked
But god is sufficient in disposin of affairs
Gunmen and stockholders try to merit your fear
But god is sufficient over plans they prepared
Mos def in the flesh, where you at, right here
On this place called earth, holdin down my square
Bout to represent in your whole atmosphere
Bout to represent in your whole atmosphere
To your atmosphere, to your atmosphere
That was for you - and brooklyn too

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.