Dice la canción

Desire as de Prefab Sprout


Steve mcqueen

15 de diciembre de 2011

La canción "Desire as" es interpretada por Prefab Sprout, perteneciente al álbum "Steve McQueen" lanzado en la década de los 80. Este tema se ubica dentro del género musical Sophisti-pop, caracterizado por su sofisticación y elegancia en la producción y arreglos.

En cuanto al significado de la letra, la canción reflexiona sobre el deseo y la complejidad de las relaciones amorosas. La repetición de la frase "Desire as a self-figured creature who changes her mind" sugiere una introspección acerca del deseo como algo cambiante e impredecible. El protagonista parece estar lidiando con un amor que ha perdido su lugar en su mente, cuestionándose las decisiones tomadas y las consecuencias resultantes.

El verso "they were the best times, the harvest years with jam to lace the bread / so goodness, goodness knows why i'd throw it to the birds" refleja una nostalgia por momentos pasados que ahora parecen lejanos o irrecuperables. La metáfora de lanzar algo valioso a los pájaros denota cierta despreocupación o falta de aprecio ante lo que se tenía.

La letra también menciona la presión social y los juicios a los que puede estar sometida una relación, con frases como "is it true you only see / desire as a self-figured creature who changes her mind?" sugiriendo la opinión pública influyendo en una percepción distorsionada del amor.

Prefab Sprout logra transmitir estas ideas complejas a través de una melodía melancólica y envolvente, combinando elementos pop con letras introspectivas. La preocupación por mantener las apariencias y las expectativas externas se entrelaza con un anhelo por la libertad y autenticidad emocional.

Un dato curioso sobre esta canción es que fue parte del álbum que ayudó a posicionar a Prefab Sprout como uno de los exponentes destacados del sophisti-pop en los años 80. Su sonido refinado y letras elaboradas les valieron el reconocimiento de críticos especializados y seguidores del género.

En resumen, "Desire as" es una composición musicalmente rica y líricamente profunda que aborda temas universales como el amor, el deseo y las contradicciones emocionales. La delicadeza en la instrumentación junto con la introspección de las letras hacen de esta canción un ejemplo representativo del estilo distintivo de Prefab Sprout en aquel período musical.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Desire as
i've got six things on my mind you're no longer one of them
desire as a self-figured creature who changes her mind ?
i've got six things on my mind you're no longer one of them
desire as a self-figured creature who changes her mind ?
i've got six things on my mind you're no longer one of them
desire as a self-figured creature who changes her mind ?
i've got six things on my mind you're no longer one of them
desire as a self-figured creature who changes her mind ?
they were the best times, the harvest years with jam to lace the bread
so goodness, goodness knows why i'd throw it to the birds
but there it is, and there we are
and all i ever want to be is far from the eyes that ask me
in whose bed you gonna be and is it true you only see
desire as a self-figured creature who changes her mind ?
desire as a self-figured creature who changes her mind ?
it's perfect as it stands so why then crush it in your perfect hands ?
desire as a self-figured creature who changes her mind ?
i've got six things on my mind you're no longer one of them
i've got six things on my mind you're no longer one of them
so tell me you must have thought it all out in advance
or goodness, goodness knows why you'd throw it to the birds
you mock the good things, you play the heart strings, play them one by one
but there it is, and there we are
and all i ever want to be is far from the eyes that ask me
in whose bed you gonna be and is it true you only see
desire as a self-figured creature who changes her mind ?
it's perfect as it stands so why then crush it in your perfect hands ?
desire as a self-figured creature who changes her mind ?
in whose bed you gonna be and is it true you only see
desire as a self-figured creature who changes her mind ?
i've got six things on my mind you're no longer one of them
i've got six things on my mind you're no longer one of them
it's perfect as it stands so why then crush it in your perfect hands ?
desire as a self-figured creature who changes her mind ?
desire as a self-figured creature who changes her mind ?
i've got six things on my mind you're no longer one of them