Dice la canción

Did you ever think de R. Kelly



10 de diciembre de 2011

La canción "Did you ever think" del artista R. Kelly aborda el tema del éxito y la fama, explorando reflexiones sobre cómo la vida puede cambiar drásticamente a lo largo de los años. A través de la estructura repetitiva de la letra, se destaca la evolución del protagonista desde tiempos pasados llenos de incertidumbre y miedo hasta su actual posición como una figura prominente en la industria musical.

En las primeras estrofas, el artista cuestiona si alguna vez pensó en alcanzar la riqueza, tener éxitos musicales, ser reconocido como un líder o disfrutar de lujosos espacios como una gran mansión con un gran jardín. Estos versos sugieren una sensación de asombro por el cambio experimentado y cómo logró superar sus miedos y dudas para llegar a donde está hoy en día.

A medida que avanza la canción, se resalta el contraste entre sus inicios humildes y su situación actual, donde ha viajado por todo el mundo, disfrutando de lujos y privilegios reservados para unos pocos privilegiados. Se enfatiza que no da por sentadas estas comodidades y se esfuerza por responder a las preguntas internas que solía plantearse en sus momentos más difíciles.

El tema central gira en torno a la idea de crecimiento personal, perseverancia y capacidad para superar obstáculos en el camino hacia el éxito. La letra sugiere que una vez soñó con esta vida llena de luces brillantes y ahora se encuentra viviéndola plenamente, aunque con un público expectante que desea conocer más sobre su historia.

R. Kelly utiliza metáforas relacionadas con la riqueza material para transmitir un mensaje más profundo sobre el valor del esfuerzo, la determinación y las lecciones aprendidas a lo largo del camino. A través de su narrativa autobiográfica, invita al oyente a reflexionar sobre sus propias aspiraciones y deseos, recordándoles que nada es imposible si se trabaja con dedicación y pasión.

En cuanto al contexto histórico de la canción, fue lanzada durante los años 90, una época caracterizada por una mezcla ecléctica de estilos musicales y letras introspectivas como las presentes en "Did you ever think". En comparación con otras obras del mismo artista o artistas contemporáneos, esta canción destaca por su narrativa honesta y nostálgica que sigue resonando en el público actualmente.

En resumen, "Did you ever think" es una pieza musical que aborda temas universales como el éxito, la superación personal y los cambios inesperados en la vida. A través de su letra reflexiva e íntima, R. Kelly invita a los oyentes a considerar sus propias aspiraciones y valorar el viaje que conlleva alcanzar metas significativas en medio de un mundo cambiante e impredecible.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Did you ever think that you would be rich.
Did you ever think that you would have these hits.
Did you ever think that you would be the don.

Have a crib with a fifty acre lawn.
Did you ever think that you would be this paid.
Were these times when your ass was real afraid.
Did you ever think that you would sell out tours.
Have a show with fifty million viewers.

I used to think about how I was gonna make it.
Struggling day to day trying to get this paper.
Hoping the day would come when things would go.
My way.
And now I'm lying lavish and all I do is think and say.

Did you ever think that you would be rich.
Did you ever think that you would have these hits.
Did you ever think that you would be the don.

Have a crib with a fifty acre lawn.
Did you ever think that you would be this paid.
Were these times when your ass was real afraid.
Did you ever think that you would sell out tours.
Have a show with fifty million viewers.

Now I've been around the world and seen so many Things.
Partied in every club nothing but VIP.
I never take for granted these luxuries I have.
Just try my best to answer all of those questions that I ask.

Did you ever think that you would be rich.
Did you ever think that you would have these hits.
Did you ever think that you would be the don.

Have a crib with a fifty acre lawn.
Did you ever think that you would be this paid.
Were these times when your ass was real afraid.
Did you ever think that you would sell out tours.
Have a show with fifty million viewers.

Did you ever think that you would be rich.
Did you ever think that you would have these hits.
Did you ever think that you would be the don.

Have a crib with a fifty acre lawn.
Did you ever think that you would be this paid.
Were these times when your ass was real afraid.
Did you ever think that you would sell out tours.
Have a show with fifty million viewers.

I used to play the game and like the same ole same.
Dreamin' 'bout city lights it was my only life.
And now this world I chose as if I did not own.
Now I can't go nowhere without you all wanting to know.

Did you ever think that you would be rich.
Did you ever think that you would have these hits.
Did you ever think that you would be the don.

Have a crib with a fifty acre lawn.
Did you ever think that you would be this paid.
Were these times when your ass was real afraid.
Did you ever think that you would sell out tours.
Have a show with fifty million viewers.

I used to dream about this life.
Now I'm sitting on first class flights VIP.

Did you ever think that you would be rich.
Did you ever think that you would have these hits.
Did you ever think that you would be the don.

Did you ever think that you would be rich.
Did you ever think that you would have these hits.
Did you ever think that you would be the don.

Did you ever think that you would be rich.
Did you ever think that you would have these hits.
Did you ever think that you would be the don.

Did you ever think that you would be rich.
Did you ever think that you would have these hits.
Did you ever think that you would be the don.

Did you ever think that you would be rich.
Did you ever think that you would have these hits.
Did you ever think that you would be the don.