Dice la canción

If i could turn back the hands of time de R. Kelly


The World's Greatest

10 de diciembre de 2011

La canción "If I Could Turn Back the Hands of Time" interpretada por R. Kelly, pertenece a su álbum "The World's Greatest". Este tema está clasificado dentro del género musical de R&B, y fue lanzado en 1999.

La letra de la canción se centra en un lamento por haber dejado escapar a alguien especial y el deseo intenso de volver atrás en el tiempo para corregir los errores cometidos. Desde el principio, el cantante expresa un profundo arrepentimiento por no darse cuenta de lo que tenía hasta que ya era demasiado tarde. Destaca la sensación de estar hundiéndose y no poder levantarse desde que esa persona cerró la puerta a la relación.

En los versos se evidencia un anhelo ferviente por retroceder en el tiempo para poder retener a su amada, subrayando la idea de que si pudiera hacerlo, las cosas serían diferentes y ella todavía estaría a su lado. La canción explora temas como la nostalgia, el desamor y la esperanza de una segunda oportunidad.

A lo largo de la letra, se reconoce que cometió errores y causó dolor a esa persona especial, pero ahora enfrenta las consecuencias quedando solo. Se destaca cómo reconoce tener suficiente amor para ambos e implora sinceramente por una reconciliación. Los sentimientos de remordimiento se hacen presentes al aceptar su responsabilidad en la separación.

Se hace referencia a repetir en varias ocasiones los mismos errores y sentirse merecedor del castigo por haber perdido a esa persona tan importante. La canción presenta una sensibilidad emocional penetrante, donde la voz del artista transmite genuina tristeza y desesperación por recuperar lo perdido.

En cuanto a análisis adicional, esta canción ha sido aclamada como uno de los mayores éxitos de R. Kelly, consolidándolo como una figura destacada dentro del género R&B. A lo largo de su carrera musical, ha explorado temas relacionados con el amor, las relaciones humanas y las emociones profundas.

En resumen, "If I Could Turn Back the Hands of Time" es una balada sentimental que trasciende el tiempo con su mensaje atemporal sobre arrepentimiento y deseos de rectificar errores pasados en temas amorosos. La emotividad en la interpretación vocal junto con la melancolía en las letras hacen de esta canción un clásico que continúa resonando con muchas personas hasta hoy.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

How did I ever let you slip away
Never knowing I'd be singing this song some day
And now I'm sinking, sinking to rise no more
Ever since you closed the door

If I could turn, turn back the hands of time
Then my darlin' you'd still be mine
If I could turn, turn back the hands of time
Then darlin' you, you'd still be mine

Funny, funny how time goes by
And blessings are missed in the wink of an eye
Why oh why oh why should one have to go on suffering
When every day I pray please come back to me

Repeat 1

And you had enough love for the both of us
But I, I, I did you wrong, I admit I did
But now I'm facing the rest of my life alone, whoa

Repeat 1

I'd never hurt you (If I could turn back)
Never do you wrong (If I could turn back)
And never leave your side (If I could turn back)
If I could turn back the hands

There'd be nothing I wouldn't do for you
(If I could turn back)
Forever honest and true to you
(If I could turn back)
If you accept me back in your heart, I love yuou
(If I could turn back the hands)

(If I could turn back)
That would be my will
(If I could turn back)
Darlin' I'm begging you to take me by the hands
(If I could turn back the hands)

I'm going down, yes I am
(If I could turn back)
Down on my bended knee, yeah
(If I could turn back)
And I'm gonna be right there until you return to me
(If I could turn back the hands)

(If I could turn back)
If I could just turn back that little clock on the wall
(If I could turn back)
Then I'd come to realize howmuch I love you
Love you love you love you
(If I could turn back the hands) -1-
If I could turn, turn back the hands of time
Then my darlin' you'd still be mine
If I could turn, turn back the hands of time
Then darlin' you, you'd still be mine

Funny, funny how time goes by
And blessings are missed in the wink of an eye
Why oh why oh why should one have to go on suffering
When every day I pray please come back to me

Repeat 1

And you had enough love for the both of us
But I, I, I did you wrong, I admit I did
But now I'm facing the rest of my life alone, whoa

Repeat 1

I'd never hurt you (If I could turn back)
Never do you wrong (If I could turn back)
And never leave your side (If I could turn back)
If I could turn back the hands

There'd be nothing I wouldn't do for you
(If I could turn back)
Forever honest and true to you
(If I could turn back)
If you accept me back in your heart, I love yuou
(If I could turn back the hands)

(If I could turn back)
That would be my will
(If I could turn back)
Darlin' I'm begging you to take me by the hands
(If I could turn back the hands)

I'm going down, yes I am
(If I could turn back)
Down on my bended knee, yeah
(If I could turn back)
And I'm gonna be right there until you return to me
(If I could turn back the hands)

(If I could turn back)
If I could just turn back that little clock on the wall
(If I could turn back)
Then I'd come to realize howmuch I love you
Love you love you love you
(If I could turn back the hands)
Funny, funny how time goes by
And blessings are missed in the wink of an eye
Why oh why oh why should one have to go on suffering
When every day I pray please come back to me

Repeat 1

And you had enough love for the both of us
But I, I, I did you wrong, I admit I did
But now I'm facing the rest of my life alone, whoa

Repeat 1

I'd never hurt you (If I could turn back)
Never do you wrong (If I could turn back)
And never leave your side (If I could turn back)
If I could turn back the hands

There'd be nothing I wouldn't do for you
(If I could turn back)
Forever honest and true to you
(If I could turn back)
If you accept me back in your heart, I love yuou
(If I could turn back the hands)

(If I could turn back)
That would be my will
(If I could turn back)
Darlin' I'm begging you to take me by the hands
(If I could turn back the hands)

I'm going down, yes I am
(If I could turn back)
Down on my bended knee, yeah
(If I could turn back)
And I'm gonna be right there until you return to me
(If I could turn back the hands)

(If I could turn back)
If I could just turn back that little clock on the wall
(If I could turn back)
Then I'd come to realize howmuch I love you
Love you love you love you
(If I could turn back the hands)