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Day at school de Shadow Man


Day at school (Single)

15 de diciembre de 2011

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La canción "Day at school" del artista Shadow man, publicada en el año 2011, presenta una letra intensa que aborda temas de bullying, exclusión y violencia en un entorno escolar. A lo largo de la canción, el protagonista expresa sus sentimientos de soledad e incomprensión ante la hostilidad de sus compañeros y la falta de apoyo por parte de los adultos en su vida.

La primera parte de la canción describe la rutina diaria del protagonista en la escuela, donde se siente diferente y marginado por sus compañeros. A pesar de las adversidades, intenta mantener una actitud positiva repitiéndose a sí mismo que todo está bien y que no necesita preocuparse. Sin embargo, surge una sensación de resentimiento y desesperación ante la crueldad con la que es tratado.

A medida que avanza la historia, el protagonista experimenta una transformación interna motivada por el deseo de venganza contra aquellos que lo han lastimado tanto emocional como físicamente. En un giro dramático, decide tomar medidas extremas para obtener reconocimiento y aceptación por parte de sus agresores, adentrándose en un camino oscuro y peligroso al unirse a un grupo violento.

La narrativa culmina en un acto trágico donde el protagonista comete actos destructivos contra aquellos que lo lastimaron antes, sumido en una espiral de ira y dolor. La canción explora temas profundos como el rechazo social, las consecuencias del acoso escolar y las implicaciones psicológicas detrás de los actos violentos cometidos por jóvenes vulnerables.

En términos musicales, la letra se apoya en un tono sombrío y melancólico que refleja el conflicto interno del protagonista. El ritmo intenso y la instrumentación dramática contribuyen a crear una atmósfera cargada de emociones crudas y turbias.

"Day at school" presenta un relato impactante que invita a reflexionar sobre los efectos devastadores del acoso escolar y la importancia de brindar apoyo emocional a aquellos que se encuentran en situaciones similares. La canción destaca cómo las experiencias traumáticas pueden llevar a acciones irreparables si no se abordan adecuadamente desde una perspectiva compasiva y empática.

En resumen, "Day at school" es una poderosa composición musical que retrata con crudeza las luchas internas y externas de un individuo frente al acoso escolar y la violencia interpersonal. Su mensaje conmovedor nos recuerda la necesidad urgente de crear entornos seguros y solidarios para todos los estudiantes, donde cada persona pueda sentirse valorada y protegida en su proceso educativo.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

I get up another day, sky rains on my parade
i get in line to fly on a bus to my school high
i don't really wanna go cause all the people know
i'm different than they are and they'll show just how far
evil really goes, every step that i take
is another backwards in their world of endless rage
minds that are small, weak, and horribly tainted
with the dark thoughts of making me really hate them
But i tell myself
life's ok
i don't need to worry
i don't need to be afraid
cause it's just
another day
at my school
another day
at school
I get to another class that i'm comin in dead last
the teacher looks at me, i can tell she wants to frame me
get fifty detentions, hundred warnings, in-school suspension
but didn't serve them cause the teachers wouldn't even let me get in
the boys and girls hate me now, i don't know exactly why
the world is cruel, so if it is then so will i
i can't tell what's wrong or right anymore in my mind
so i will do what i believe is right
But i tell myself
life's ok
i don't need to worry
i don't need to be afraid
cause it's just
another day
at my school
another day
at school
At my locker
time to take my right
at my locker
throw away the knife
screw the system
i don't give anymore
i've got a gun
time to settle the score
Now i'm one of them, the fuckin gangster crew
they accepted me as one of their friendly few
but why did they, after so much pain
finally decide, that i've at long last changed
to someone they can trust, someone they can love?
it must be fake, i must be dreamin of
something unreal, i don't even accept it
they didn't love me from the start
why should i believe them?
My mind is burning, full of rage and fear
i shouldn't think this, bringing up the rear
i pull it out, i can't believe a thing i've heard
i'll just settle this, in my way, on my turf
there goes one, the girl that screamed i was a fuck
there goes another, that boy who fuckin stole my lunch
there goes three more, they dumped me in the school trash
it was four or five years ago, but who cares, it's time the crashed
Crash and burn
crash and burn
crash and burn
crash and burn
But i tell myself
life's ok
i don't need to worry
i don't need to be afraid
cause it's just
another day
at my school
another day
at school
But i tell myself
life's ok
i don't need to worry
i don't need to be afraid
cause it's just
another day
at my school
another day
at school
But i tell myself
life's ok
i don't need to worry
i don't need to be afraid
So they're all dead
all my nightmares gone
but why did i do it
i was of their own
i was wrong, but i did not see
so to apologize, then i will bleed
i was wrong, but now i see
i killed them, now i will kill me
But i tell myself
life's ok
i don't need to worry
i don't need to be afraid
cause it's just
another day
at my school
another day
at school
But i tell myself
life's ok
i don't need to worry
i don't need to be afraid
cause it's just
another day
at my school
another day
at school

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.