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Fabiola de Shadow Man


Fabiola (Single)

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Fabiola

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La canción "Fabiola" interpretada por Shadow Man presenta una intensa narrativa que explora las dualidades de la naturaleza humana y las apariencias engañosas. En la letra, el cantante describe a Fabiola como un ser angelical a primera vista, evocando visiones de belleza y sueños despreocupados. Sin embargo, revela que en realidad percibe a Fabiola como un demonio que lo está llevando al borde del abismo.

La ambivalencia de sentimientos hacia Fabiola se manifiesta en versos como "she's a flower blooming a happy seed but inside i know the deep dark truth that leads to misery" donde el contraste entre su aparente inocencia y su verdadera naturaleza oscura se hace evidente. El narrador se ve atrapado entre la imagen pública positiva de Fabiola y la verdad sombría que él percibe.

El uso de metáforas como "an angel without the wings, her halo broken, torn to shreds cause she's a devil underneath" enfatiza la idea de una dualidad intrínseca en la persona de Fabiola. La canción cuestiona las apariencias y advierte sobre los peligros de dejarse llevar por ellas sin cuestionar lo que realmente yace debajo.

En términos musicales, la canción utiliza una melodía envolvente que refleja la confusión emocional del narrador hacia Fabiola. La repetición del nombre "Fabiola" en el estribillo refuerza el peso emocional y obsesivo que ella tiene sobre él, resonando en su mente constantemente.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción, es importante considerar cómo temas como las apariencias versus la realidad son universales y pueden conectarse con audiencias diversas. La reflexión sobre la dualidad humana y la dificultad para discernir entre lo bueno y lo malo es un tema atemporal que puede resonar en diferentes culturas.

En resumen, "Fabiola" de Shadow Man es una exploración profunda sobre las máscaras que usamos para ocultar nuestras verdaderas intenciones y personalidades. A través de una narrativa emotiva y reflexiva, la canción invita a cuestionar las percepciones superficiales y buscar la verdad más allá de las apariencias externas.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Her name strikes a vision
of beauty and of thoughtless dreams
but to me she's a demon
and she's driving me under the seams
She is a strange creature
an angel without the wings
her halo broken, torn to shreds
cause she's a devil underneath
Her name is ringing in my ears
her sound of her voice
it can't escape my brain
why the hell did you reveal
yourself to me
i thought you were good
but you were danger underneath
why did you have to tell me so
it's not the way it should have been
you were such a nice girl
People all around me say
she's a flower blooming a happy seed
but inside i know the deep
dark truth that leads to misery
I know she's a horror to
behold to the naked eyes of man
you can't accept that under
that white light her soul is black
Her name is ringing in my ears
her sound of her voice
it can't escape my brain
why the hell did you reveal
yourself to me
i thought you were good
but you were danger underneath
why did you have to tell me so
it's not the way it should have been
you were such a nice girl
So please when you see her
the devil of delima
don't you dare call her sweet
cause she's a hellion underneath
so tell me now when you look upon her
tell me what she says about me
am i the beast to behold
it's you, it's you
it's you i know
why the hell did you reveal
yourself to me
i thought you were good
but you were danger underneath
why did you have to tell me so
it's not the way it should have been
you were such a nice girl
why the hell did you reveal
yourself to me
i thought you were good
but you were danger underneath
why did you have to tell me so
it's not the way it should have been
you were such a nice girl
Her name keeps ringing in my ears
her name keeps ringing in my ears
please tell me why

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.