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Little baby swastikkka de Skunk Anansie


I can dream

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Little baby swastikkka

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La canción "Little Baby Swastikkka", interpretada por Skunk Anansie, es una pieza musical que aborda un tema sumamente delicado y controvertido: el racismo y la violencia de odio. A través de la letra, se cuestiona quién colocó el símbolo nazi de la esvástica en una pared junto con otros actos violentos y racistas.

El título de la canción ya nos da pistas sobre el contenido provocativo y desafiante que presenta. Skunk Anansie utiliza una metáfora impactante para expresar su indignación ante la intolerancia y el lavado de cerebro de los jóvenes hacia ideas extremistas. La repetición de versos refuerza la crudeza del mensaje, denunciando cómo se inculcan tales ideologías desde temprana edad.

La letra revela una crítica feroz a aquellos que perpetúan el ciclo de odio y discriminación, señalando cómo influencian a los más vulnerables con sus prejuicios. Los versos "we kicked the little baby's head against the wall" insinúan una especie de violencia simbólica o psicológica ejercida sobre las nuevas generaciones para seguir sus estereotipos e ideologías peligrosas.

En un nivel más profundo, la canción también puede interpretarse como un llamado a despertar y resistir a estas fuerzas destructivas que buscan corromper la mente inocente de los niños. La artista cuestiona quiénes son los responsables directos e indirectos de perpetuar estas actitudes intolerantes en nuestra sociedad.

El uso del lenguaje directo y contundente en "Little Baby Swastikkka" busca provocar una reflexión incómoda pero necesaria acerca del papel que cada individuo juega en combatir el racismo y promover la inclusión y el respeto hacia todos. La potente voz femenina agrega un sentido de urgencia y determinación en transmitir este mensaje contra toda forma de discriminación.

En términos musicales, la banda Skunk Anansie combina elementos del rock alternativo con letras cargadas de crítica social, creando así un ambiente envolvente y emotivo que invita a la reflexión profunda sobre temas candentes en nuestra sociedad.

En conclusión, "Little Baby Swastikkka" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un himno contra el odio, la intolerancia y la ignorancia que busca despertar conciencias y fomentar el cambio positivo en nuestra realidad social. Su poderoso mensaje continúa resonando hoy en día como un recordatorio constante de las consecuencias devastadoras del racismo y la propaganda extremista.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

Who put the little baby nigga-head on the wall
Who put the little baby nigga-head on the wall

The eyes were so big couldna been more than baby scrawls
That's who put the little baby nigga-head on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
So small, so innocent, so young
So delicately done, grown up in your poison

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

Who put the little baby K's up on the wall
Who put the little baby K's up on the wall
They got em in a line I bet they wished they coulda sprayed upmore
That's who put der litlle baby K's on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
So small, so innocent, so young
So delicately done, grown up in your poison

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young

Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
We kicked the little baby's head against the wall

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
...Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

Who put the little baby nigga-head on the wall
Who put the little baby nigga-head on the wall

The eyes were so big couldna been more than baby scrawls
That's who put the little baby nigga-head on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
So small, so innocent, so young
So delicately done, grown up in your poison

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

Who put the little baby K's up on the wall
Who put the little baby K's up on the wall
They got em in a line I bet they wished they coulda sprayed upmore
That's who put der litlle baby K's on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
So small, so innocent, so young
So delicately done, grown up in your poison

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young

Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
We kicked the little baby's head against the wall

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
...Who put the little baby nigga-head on the wall
Who put the little baby nigga-head on the wall

The eyes were so big couldna been more than baby scrawls
That's who put the little baby nigga-head on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
So small, so innocent, so young
So delicately done, grown up in your poison

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

Who put the little baby K's up on the wall
Who put the little baby K's up on the wall
They got em in a line I bet they wished they coulda sprayed upmore
That's who put der litlle baby K's on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
So small, so innocent, so young
So delicately done, grown up in your poison

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young

Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
We kicked the little baby's head against the wall

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
...The eyes were so big couldna been more than baby scrawls
That's who put the little baby nigga-head on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
So small, so innocent, so young
So delicately done, grown up in your poison

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

Who put the little baby K's up on the wall
Who put the little baby K's up on the wall
They got em in a line I bet they wished they coulda sprayed upmore
That's who put der litlle baby K's on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
So small, so innocent, so young
So delicately done, grown up in your poison

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young

Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
We kicked the little baby's head against the wall

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
...You rope them in young
You rope them in young
So small, so innocent, so young
So delicately done, grown up in your poison

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

Who put the little baby K's up on the wall
Who put the little baby K's up on the wall
They got em in a line I bet they wished they coulda sprayed upmore
That's who put der litlle baby K's on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
So small, so innocent, so young
So delicately done, grown up in your poison

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young

Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
We kicked the little baby's head against the wall

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
...Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

Who put the little baby K's up on the wall
Who put the little baby K's up on the wall
They got em in a line I bet they wished they coulda sprayed upmore
That's who put der litlle baby K's on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
So small, so innocent, so young
So delicately done, grown up in your poison

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young

Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
We kicked the little baby's head against the wall

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
...Who put the little baby K's up on the wall
Who put the little baby K's up on the wall
They got em in a line I bet they wished they coulda sprayed upmore
That's who put der litlle baby K's on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
So small, so innocent, so young
So delicately done, grown up in your poison

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young

Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
We kicked the little baby's head against the wall

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
...You rope them in young
You rope them in young
So small, so innocent, so young
So delicately done, grown up in your poison

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young

Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
We kicked the little baby's head against the wall

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
...Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young

Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
We kicked the little baby's head against the wall

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
...You rope them in young
You rope them in young

Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
We kicked the little baby's head against the wall

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
...Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
Who kicked the little baby's head against the wall
We kicked the little baby's head against the wall

Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
...Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
Who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall
It wasn't very high couldna been more than four years old
That's who put the little baby swastikkka on the wall

You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
...You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young
You rope them in young

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.