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Rise up de Skunk Anansie


Paranoid & sunburnt

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Rise up

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La canción "Rise Up" interpretada por Skunk Anansie, perteneciente al álbum "Paranoid & Sunburnt", es una potente pieza del género alternativo que destaca por su voz femenina y letras con un tono político. A través de la voz de la cantante, la canción aborda temas profundos y reflexivos sobre el empoderamiento y la autenticidad.

En cuanto al significado de la letra, se percibe un mensaje de resistencia y fortaleza dirigido a las mujeres. La primera estrofa presenta una serie de paradojas que contradicen los estereotipos sociales: ser inteligente pero cool, cuerdo pero duro, triste pero elevado. Estas contradicciones subrayan la complejidad y profundidad de las mujeres, desafiando las expectativas convencionales.

El coro enfatiza la necesidad de levantarse y mantenerse firme como mujer en un mundo donde las convicciones se están perdiendo. Se invita a elevarse frente a las adversidades y retener esa sabiduría, profundidad y honestidad que caracterizan a cada individuo único.

El verso que menciona la pérdida de integridad sugiere una crítica al entorno actual que a menudo compromete los valores personales en aras del éxito o aceptación social. Sin embargo, se insiste en no ignorar esta situación negativa, sino enfrentarla con valentía e integridad.

La repetición del estribillo refuerza el mensaje central de empoderamiento femenino y reafirma la importancia de mantenerse fiel a uno mismo sin ceder ante las presiones externas. Además, el cierre con referencias religiosas ("Oh Señor") añade un matiz espiritual destacando la conexión emocional profunda involucrada en este proceso.

En cuanto a información adicional relevante, Skunk Anansie es conocido por su estilo distintivo dentro del rock alternativo británico durante los años 90. La banda liderada por Skin (Deborah Dyer), destacó por sus letras desafiantes y emotivas que abordaban temas sociales relevantes.

Comparativamente, "Rise Up" se alinea con otras canciones de Skunk Anansie que promueven mensajes de autoafirmación y resistencia contra la injusticia. Su energía cruda y poderosa cautiva a los oyentes mientras transmiten un mensaje inspirador e introspectivo.

En resumen, "Rise Up" es mucho más que una simple canción; representa un himno de empoderamiento femenino y autenticidad en un mundo donde las convicciones se desdibujan. A través de su potente música y letras reflexivas, Skunk Anansie logra conectar emocionalmente con su audiencia para transmitir un mensaje valioso e inspirador sobre el autoconocimiento y el coraje frente a la adversidad.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

You're too cool to be smart, but that is what you are
You're too sane to be hard, but that is what you are
You're too sad to be high, but that is what you are
You don't have to run

You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
We're losing our convictions

You're too wise to be cool, but that is what you are
You're too deep to be good, but that is what you are
You're too weak to be sold, but that is what you are
You don't have to run
And you don't have to hide

You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
We're losing our convictions

You're losing all of your convictions
Your integrity slowly watered down
Never mind your soul destruction
Nevermind, nevermind, nevermind it all

You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up

Oh lord when you feel it in the air
Oh lord when you feel like you wanne cry
Oh lord when you love the one you're withYou got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
We're losing our convictions

You're too wise to be cool, but that is what you are
You're too deep to be good, but that is what you are
You're too weak to be sold, but that is what you are
You don't have to run
And you don't have to hide

You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
We're losing our convictions

You're losing all of your convictions
Your integrity slowly watered down
Never mind your soul destruction
Nevermind, nevermind, nevermind it all

You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up

Oh lord when you feel it in the air
Oh lord when you feel like you wanne cry
Oh lord when you love the one you're withYou're too wise to be cool, but that is what you are
You're too deep to be good, but that is what you are
You're too weak to be sold, but that is what you are
You don't have to run
And you don't have to hide

You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
We're losing our convictions

You're losing all of your convictions
Your integrity slowly watered down
Never mind your soul destruction
Nevermind, nevermind, nevermind it all

You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up

Oh lord when you feel it in the air
Oh lord when you feel like you wanne cry
Oh lord when you love the one you're withYou got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
We're losing our convictions

You're losing all of your convictions
Your integrity slowly watered down
Never mind your soul destruction
Nevermind, nevermind, nevermind it all

You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up

Oh lord when you feel it in the air
Oh lord when you feel like you wanne cry
Oh lord when you love the one you're withYou're losing all of your convictions
Your integrity slowly watered down
Never mind your soul destruction
Nevermind, nevermind, nevermind it all

You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up

Oh lord when you feel it in the air
Oh lord when you feel like you wanne cry
Oh lord when you love the one you're withYou got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up, sweet woman child
You got to rise up

Oh lord when you feel it in the air
Oh lord when you feel like you wanne cry
Oh lord when you love the one you're withOh lord when you feel it in the air
Oh lord when you feel like you wanne cry
Oh lord when you love the one you're with

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.