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Selling jesus de Skunk Anansie


Paranoid & sunburnt

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Selling jesus

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La canción "Selling Jesus" interpretada por Skunk Anansie es una composición que desafía las instituciones religiosas y critica la comercialización de la fe. A través de letras crudas y directas, la canción explora el concepto de cómo la religión puede ser utilizada como un medio para obtener control, poder e influencia sobre las personas.

En la primera estrofa, se hace referencia a un individuo que asiste a la iglesia y realiza rituales religiosos, pero al mismo tiempo se siente culpable por sus acciones pasadas. La letra sugiere que esta persona busca redención a través de prácticas religiosas, pero se encuentra atrapada en un ciclo de culpa y manipulación.

El coro de la canción enfatiza la idea de que la figura de Jesús está siendo utilizada como un producto para ser vendido al público. Se menciona cómo se busca obtener el alma, el dinero, la sangre y los votos de las personas a través de esta transacción comercial en nombre de la fe.

Skunk Anansie cuestiona la naturaleza man-made (hecha por el hombre) de este tipo de dios al que se le rinde culto. Se critica a aquellos que crean una imagen divina a su conveniencia y luego utilizan esa creencia para mantener a las personas sumisas y controladas. La letra sugiere una sensación de falsedad detrás del culto religioso institucionalizado.

Además, se plantea una crítica hacia los líderes religiosos que enriquecen a costa de sus seguidores, utilizando teorías convenientes para mantener su poder e influencia. Se señala cómo estas figuras construyen iglesias con los fondos obtenidos engañando a sus creyentes.

La canción "Selling Jesus" posee un mensaje provocador que invita a reflexionar sobre el papel que juegan las instituciones religiosas en nuestra sociedad y cómo pueden ser fácilmente corrompidas por intereses egoístas. Skunk Anansie utiliza su música rock alternativo para transmitir esta crítica con fuerza y determinación.

En cuanto al álbum "Paranoid & Sunburnt", lanzado en los años 90, refleja el estilo único y combativo de Skunk Anansie en ese período musical tan marcado por la rebeldía y la experimentación sonora. La banda logra capturar la esencia del rock alternativo femenino con letras fuertes e intransigentes como las presentes en "Selling Jesus".

En resumen, "Selling Jesus" es una pieza musical cargada de crítica social hacia el uso comercial de símbolos sagrados y cómo se manipula la fe con fines lucrativos. Skunk Anansie logra transmitir un mensaje potente con esta canción, desafiando las normas establecidas y cuestionando la autenticidad detrás del culto religioso moderno.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

You kill me with your smelly fingers
Your smelly fingers from the sex you had on Christmas Day
And now you say you're feeling guilty
You're feeling guilty 'cos your god was shining on your face
You go to church and light a candle
And then you're blinded by the light from the golden pews
The devil's snapping at your toes now
Because the angels can't be bothered to live to you

They're selling jesus again
They're selling jesus again
They want your soul and your money your blood and your votes
They're selling jesus again
Selling love to you - selling love

You're buying this you're buying that now
You're wishing all the money in the world belonged to you
You're crucified upon you're own cross now
You're givin' money to the white men in the white limo
That kind of god is always man-made
They made him up then wrote a book to keep you on your kness
They get their theories from the same place
Then build a church if there's some money left
From lying on the beach

They're selling jesus again
They're selling jesus again
They want your soul and your money your blood and your votes
They're selling jesus again
Selling love to you - selling love

They're selling jesus again
They're selling jesus again
They want your soul and your money your blood and your votes
They're selling jesus again
Selling love to you - selling loveThey're selling jesus again
They're selling jesus again
They want your soul and your money your blood and your votes
They're selling jesus again
Selling love to you - selling love

You're buying this you're buying that now
You're wishing all the money in the world belonged to you
You're crucified upon you're own cross now
You're givin' money to the white men in the white limo
That kind of god is always man-made
They made him up then wrote a book to keep you on your kness
They get their theories from the same place
Then build a church if there's some money left
From lying on the beach

They're selling jesus again
They're selling jesus again
They want your soul and your money your blood and your votes
They're selling jesus again
Selling love to you - selling love

They're selling jesus again
They're selling jesus again
They want your soul and your money your blood and your votes
They're selling jesus again
Selling love to you - selling loveYou're buying this you're buying that now
You're wishing all the money in the world belonged to you
You're crucified upon you're own cross now
You're givin' money to the white men in the white limo
That kind of god is always man-made
They made him up then wrote a book to keep you on your kness
They get their theories from the same place
Then build a church if there's some money left
From lying on the beach

They're selling jesus again
They're selling jesus again
They want your soul and your money your blood and your votes
They're selling jesus again
Selling love to you - selling love

They're selling jesus again
They're selling jesus again
They want your soul and your money your blood and your votes
They're selling jesus again
Selling love to you - selling loveThey're selling jesus again
They're selling jesus again
They want your soul and your money your blood and your votes
They're selling jesus again
Selling love to you - selling love

They're selling jesus again
They're selling jesus again
They want your soul and your money your blood and your votes
They're selling jesus again
Selling love to you - selling loveThey're selling jesus again
They're selling jesus again
They want your soul and your money your blood and your votes
They're selling jesus again
Selling love to you - selling love

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.