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Funk de The Coup


Kill my landlord

16 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Funk

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La canción "Funk" de The Coup es una pieza clásica del hip-hop de los años 90 que encapsula la esencia del funky ass shit. Lanzada en 1993 como parte del álbum "Kill My Landlord", esta pista muestra la profundidad lírica y la mezcla única de sonidos que caracterizan el trabajo del artista.

La letra de la canción nos sumerge en un relato urbano, presentando a personajes como Moe, Joe, Latiesha y Elmo, cada uno con sus propias conexiones y conflictos. Elmo emerge como un individuo problemático, involucrado en situaciones peligrosas que involucran violencia y rivalidades callejeras. A través de metáforas y descripciones detalladas, se teje una historia compleja sobre la vida en entornos urbanos difíciles.

El uso de nombres específicos y referencias a situaciones cotidianas ayuda a dar vida a los personajes y situaciones retratadas en la canción. Se exploran temas como la lealtad, el conflicto interno y las luchas contra fuerzas opresoras. La narrativa se desenvuelve con una energía cruda e intensa, capturando la realidad cruda de aquellos atrapados en un ciclo de violencia y desconfianza.

La canción también aborda temas más amplios relacionados con la resistencia y la lucha contra las injusticias sistémicas. Se cuestiona el papel de las instituciones sociales en perpetuar el ciclo de violencia y opresión, mientras se destaca la importancia de la solidaridad comunitaria para enfrentar estos desafíos.

A través del uso de metáforas inteligentes y rimas ingeniosas, The Coup logra transmitir un mensaje poderoso sobre la necesidad de unidad y resistencia frente a las adversidades. La música funky acompaña perfectamente las letras contundentes, creando una atmósfera única que invita a reflexionar sobre cuestiones sociales relevantes.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción, es importante tener en cuenta el panorama socio-político de los años 90 en Estados Unidos, marcado por tensiones raciales y movimientos sociales emergentes. La música hip-hop se convirtió en una herramienta poderosa para dar voz a comunidades marginadas y abordar problemas urgentes dentro de la sociedad.

En resumen, "Funk" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un testimonio vivo del poder transformador de la música hip-hop cuando se usa para contar historias auténticas y provocadoras. The Coup logra combinar habilidades líricas excepcionales con un mensaje profundo sobre justicia social e igualdad, creando una obra maestra atemporal que resuena con audiencias hasta el día de hoy.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

I used to kick it with a brother named, moe
Moe used to kick it with a brother named, joe
Joe used to kick it with his girlfriend lateisha
Whose brother elmo, looked like me
Elmo used to elbow lots of brothers in the nose
Kick em when they down and he'd steal they shoes and clothes
Elmo would develop lots of beef as a tweaker
And all of them was mostly come lookin for me
Imagine that, fat motherfuckers with bats tryin
To rat pack, hmm, time to get a gat
So i'm strapped cause i'm trapped like brother thomas in his fat
Momma's lap, what's happenin here's a rap
Saturday twelve o'clock, told e-roc, the whole block
And what not, about, how men are spottin he said
"this little homey gets bread like flossin
You ain't steve austin, elmo got paws in boots
Maybe you should move to boston"
But you get lost when you play like a punk
Pile on the right guard i got serious funk
"i'm trying, not to ;
"i'm trying, not to lose my ; --> melle mel
(repeat 2x)
"i plan to tell you what it is later"
(dj pam cuts and scratches)

Bet george and bootsy, never had funk like this
Catch twenty-two, twist no fist can dismiss this
Rip that i'ma go through, maybe i can flow through
This whole ordeal and not pull out the black steel
And my friends make
That i should squeal to the cops but that's out of the question
If i die by the trigger of a misled brother
Could he be judged by the system that is scared of me and others?
I believe no, so i don't go, with the flow
Even though i'm bout to roll with no paddle
Up a creek called shit, light is lit on the situation
Cause me and him is gonna decrease the population
Now we wonder why our revolution never grow
Killin motherfuckers just for steppin on our toe
If we had as much funk for our oppressors as we did
For ourselves, the blood would never flow again
And then, the uzis that were once used to kill each other
Could be used, to serve and protect the brothers
And the sisters and the cousins or whatever others
But the funk keeps growing like a
"i'm trying, not to ;
"i'm trying, not to lose my ; --> melle mel
(repeat 2x)
"that's elmo, get that fool" "yeah get that fool"
"ay, i'm boots, i ain't elmo -- i'm boots from the coup"

Four years til i'm twenty-five, now i got a forty-five
Caliber don't take no jive, just pull to fix
Don't want to be eighty-sixed, three six and six ain't in my mix
Don't flap your lips about me takin no, trips
You won't be takin no sips from a milk carton
Seein my face with a caption, askin
"have you seen boots, he's missing in action"
This shit is more off the wall than michael jackson
Cause brothers who be doin brothers who be doin others
Screwin brothers but the coup be doin more than shoo-be-doin
On the corner, talkin revolution from victoria to florida
It's why it don't make sense that they want me a goner
On a, run cause some brothers in a ratpack think i'm
Poppin junk cause they don't see for centuries
The genocidal funk so i'm a punk if i don't blast they ass
But i gots more funk for the rulin class
Will it ever end, will we ever win, drinkin juice and gin
Five-oh gets again, gets off with a grin
National guard sent in for when we got beef
You wanna pop the trunk we got serious funk
"i'm trying, not to ;
"i'm trying, not to lose my ; --> melle mel
(repeat 4x)
spellings of the names of people in this outro may not be accurate

Aight, back it up
I wanna say whassup to the brothers and sisters that really got my
When the funk be on
Of course it goes without saying, that e-roc and djo from the coup
Got my back at all times and at all costs
Same goes for d-force and sneaker, point blank
J-post and stone of the outcasts
Osajih po from the tenth planets
Chuck da pharoah got my back
Evo got my back, rose got my back
Niko and the whole mau mau rhythm collective
Got my back cause i got theirs
The funk is on, and african identity is there
The funk is on and midnight voices is there
The funk is on and t-more and twin from elements of change are there
And i'm there for cindy, i'm there for 3rd rail
I'm there for aztlan nation
I got your back leftside sim
I got your back disposable heroes of hiphoprisy cause you got mine
All y'all got my back, neckbone got my back with the sax
Problem child got my back with the piano
Aiy y'all let's fade out, but before we fade
I wanna say rest in peace to plan b, we out

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.