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Episodes de The Roots


Illadelph halflife

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Episodes

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La canción "Episodes" de The Roots es una poderosa narrativa que sumerge al oyente en un mundo de realidades crudas y desafíos insuperables. A través de la letra, se revela un panorama urbano marcado por la violencia, la corrupción y la lucha diaria por la supervivencia en un entorno hostil.

El protagonista de la canción nos expone a situaciones llenas de peligro y desesperación, donde los personajes se ven atrapados en un ciclo interminable de tragedias y traiciones. La letra refleja la dura realidad que enfrentan las comunidades marginadas, donde el dinero fácil y la violencia son moneda corriente. Se destacan temas como el crimen organizado, las rivalidades callejeras y la lucha constante por sobrevivir en un entorno implacable.

A lo largo de la canción, se hacen referencias a experiencias personales que muestran la complejidad de las relaciones humanas y los vínculos frágiles que pueden romperse con facilidad en un mundo dominado por el caos y la ambición desenfrenada. Se exploran conflictos internos e externos, donde los personajes luchan por mantener su integridad moral mientras son arrastrados por circunstancias fuera de su control.

El tono emocional de "Episodes" es crudo y directo, transmitiendo una sensación de urgencia y tensión constante. La perspectiva desde la cual se narra es visceral y realista, mostrando la crudeza del día a día en un entorno urbano afectado por problemas sociales profundos.

La canción arroja luz sobre una realidad compleja y multifacética, cuestionando las normas sociales establecidas y desafiando al oyente a reflexionar sobre las injusticias presentes en nuestra sociedad. A través de metáforas potentes y descripciones detalladas, The Roots logra crear una atmósfera envolvente que invita a sumergirse en las realidades retratadas en "Episodes".

En cuanto al álbum "Illadelph halflife", el contexto cultural en el que fue lanzada esta canción es fundamental para comprender su impacto e influencia dentro del género del hip-hop. The Roots ha sido reconocido por su habilidad para combinar letras profundas con ritmos innovadores, creando obras maestras que trascienden fronteras musicales.

En resumen, "Episodes" es mucho más que una simple canción: es un testimonio emotivo sobre las luchas cotidianas de aquellos atrapados en un ciclo sin fin de adversidades. A través de sus letras poderosas y su narrativa intensa, The Roots nos invita a reflexionar sobre las complejidades del mundo que nos rodea y a cuestionar nuestras propias percepciones sobre lo que significa vivir en sociedad.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Better believe---- it cause it is co --- min ------
You wan't believe the site you see before eyes ---
You wan't believe the site you see before eyes ---

Just push the panic button on your remote control
Then enter the zone where our patrolers will get round cold soul
Diddly bo leave for feelin a saga foretold
Who got caught pon the block for gold got the old
Heads froze - they peepin outa closed windows
They not secure as they supposed i watched it all unfold
Well this another episode with titanic panoramic view is dismantle
Depressin um - load with this gun hold
Wild like a sun sold for cash
Guns traded for sensi and hash crack for ass
Entire crews pass not making the news flash
Brews pass a memory and spark not to blast
Whatever have transform to the war path
Pure wrath from north down to 24th and task
Games store the half the niggas you were prayin the streets
Tainted with camoflouge - guerilla sabotoge
My cousin's da ratatard was livin tight large
Got caught then blast crashed off on broad and lambar
So many so called hearts scared they burried in the yard
Lick shots at babylon de one comfy bombard
Kids run far from traditional credit cards scams
Veterans is nipped in the butt with large plans
Stick up kids is jumpin outta played the dodge rams to jam
You and your man it's mad drama and -

This is for all of my niggas that are rip
You ain't missin of life ain't what this should be
I pass a car soon you know who's the enemy
Lots of shit has changed and it's kinda fucked up to see
You remeber top c nigga think slice of dream
Yo i'm fast for the buck do anything for the cream
Never seen a case like this although it's quite contageous
He even got his little bother actin all outrageous
>from dusk to dawn and from dawn back to dusk
They do anything and everything tryin to come up
It's kinda sicknin how the cash is so fucking addicted
And when i say some bout they say that that's conflicted
Ain't nothin but a contradiction in this world we live in
Cause the loot is for the takin and not for the givin
Then ya got this world well i say i'ma die hustlin
Fuck everybody except my brother who i'm trusted in
I guess the couple just did not know the truth
Cause the following week i seen threw him of the roof
And sometimes i wonder what the fuck i think about that
How nowadays kids get whap for somethin less than a pat
But i guess that's how it goes when there ain't no more rap
Thought he was his borthers keep but fuck all that
Niggas causin mayhem from the #39;s to #39;s
Americas worst nightname guns against hands

It was the year a 84 i was tryin ta get in the mix
The year the niggas roll with sheepskins kitcells and kicks
Even got the patten leather adidas snatched of your feet
Man that talk is cheap the cripled can't walk for weeks
The first sto was word to penn and teller's
Strolled in the dollar house parties and search for cinderella
Was just a little man real bold
Tryin to act grown and old so da respect can be shown
A hip hop a little copped in and break dancin'
When niggas wore wind breakers plot to take lamb skins
Remeber zigglers? uptown the bottom to natrona and
St. charles in south phil the ooh mob gang
H-r-m ogontz ave. brickyard to hollow
Niggas was snatchin gazzeles and flippin pockets for tha dallo
You run ya little wolf chain in west oak lane
And niggas from logan came to extort we know tha game
You proclaim this gangster bullshit talk
And never even seen your man shot a bodies in charge
Aggravated assualt another weekend in the precinct
Take everybody for their ring man that's how we think
Back then you catch a sucker punch off guard
Niggas will pull you card tryin to walkaround all hard
Niggas quick to flip your pockets if you lip service
When you see fifty niggas deep with scully's get nervous
It ain't no tellin what they could do to you
So you clutch up thinkin you knowin you gettin stuck up
In another episode in my area code
It's another episode in my area code

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.