Dice la canción

Do you see de Warren G


G funk era

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Do you see

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La canción "Do you see" de Warren G pertenece al género del rap y hip-hop, específicamente al subgénero del G-funk. La letra de la canción es una poderosa narrativa que explora la dura realidad de vivir en un entorno lleno de violencia y desafíos.

Warren G comienza la canción reflexionando sobre la profunda conexión entre el blues y la cultura americana, comparándola con elementos tradicionales como el pastel de manzana, para luego cuestionar por qué el blues se siente tan arraigado en Estados Unidos. Esta introspección sirve como introducción al relato personal que compartirá a lo largo de la canción.

En las primeras estrofas, Warren G expresa su visión única del mundo, marcada por experiencias difíciles y desilusiones constantes. Describe cómo ha crecido rodeado de violencia y malas influencias, destacando su lucha por mantenerse fiel a sí mismo mientras enfrenta constantes críticas y obstáculos. A través de metáforas vívidas, el cantante evoca un sentido de desesperanza y frustración ante un entorno hostil.

A medida que avanza la canción, Warren G recuerda su juventud en el barrio junto a figuras emblemáticas como Snoop Dogg y Nate Dogg, pintando un retrato nostálgico de días pasados marcados por camaradería y lealtad inquebrantable. Sin embargo, también explora los dilemas morales que enfrentaba en ese entonces, debatiéndose entre seguir enfrentando las adversidades o buscar una salida menos peligrosa.

Uno de los momentos más impactantes de la canción es cuando Warren G confiesa sentirse tentado por regresar a viejos hábitos destructivos, pero toma una decisión distinta: enfocarse en su carrera musical junto a Snoop Dogg. Este giro en la narrativa revela una profunda transformación personal, donde el arte se convierte en una vía para escapar del ciclo negativo en el que se encontraba.

A lo largo de "Do you see", Warren G explora temas como la lealtad, la perseverancia y la búsqueda de redención a través del cambio positivo. Su habilidad para combinar letras emotivas con ritmos contagiosos demuestra su destreza como compositor e intérprete dentro del género del hip-hop.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que fue lanzada la canción, "Do you see" refleja las realidades sociales y económicas prevalentes en muchas comunidades urbanas durante los años 90. La música de Warren G resonó entre públicos diversos debido a su autenticidad lírica y sus beats innovadores dentro del movimiento del G-funk.

En conclusión, "Do you see" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un testimonio poderoso sobre las luchas personales y el crecimiento emocional experimentado por Warren G a lo largo de su vida. A través de sus letras sinceras y reflexivas, invita al oyente a reflexionar sobre sus propias batallas internas y encontrar esperanza incluso en los momentos más oscuros.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

The blues has always been totally american
As american as apple pie
As american as the blues
As american as apple pie
The question is why?
Why should he blues be so at home here?
Well, america provided the atmosphere

You don't see what i see, every day as warren g
I take a look over my shoulder, as i get older
Gettin tired of mothafuckas sayin' "warren i told ya"
(you don't hear what i hear)
But it's so hard to live through these years
With these funny-bunny niggaz, ain't shit changin
Got my mama wonderin if i'm gang-bangin
But i don't pay attention to these father figures
I just handle mine, and i'm rollin with my niggaz
Off to the vip, you see, snoop dogg and warren g
Unbelievable how time just flies
Right before your eyes, but you don't recognize
Now who's the real victim, can you answer that?
The nigga that's jackin, or the fool gettin' jacked (yeah)

You don't see what i see, every day as warren g
You don't hear what i hear
But it's so hard to live through these years
You don't see what i see, every day as warren g
You don't hear what i hear
But it's so hard to live through these years

Another sunny day, another bright blue sky -
Another day, another muthafucka die
These are the things i went through when i was growin up
There's only one hood, and niggas shit be throwin' up
And i knew it, there really ain't nothin' to it
Thinkin' every fool's gotta go through it
Now let's go back - (how far?) back in time
Draggin to these hookas tryin to mack for mine

I remember when we all used to stop at the spot
Back then my nigga-name was snoop rock (huh)
It was all so clear
Eighty-seven, eighty-eight, then eighty-nine's the year
You say "everywhere we roll, you can say we roll thick"
Way back then two-one-three was the click
Somethin' to stay paid i was just a young hog
Warren g, snoop rock and nate dogg

You don't see what i see, every day as warren g
You don't hear what i hear
But it's so hard to live through these years
You don't see what i see, every day as warren g
You don't hear what i hear
But it's so hard to live through these years

You make me wanna holler, get out the game
Too many muthafuckas know my name
While snoop dogg's servin' time up in wayside
I puts it down on the street, don't try to take mine
I had to reassure the homie that he wasn't alone
We'd talk, and him n nate'd conversate on the phone
He kept sayin, "nigga, it won't be long
Before a little skinny nigga like me'll be home"
I said, "snoop, things done change, it's not the same
We need to get about the game
Cuz we can get paid in a different way
Wit you kickin' dope rhymes and i dj"
Well as time goes past, slowly we try to make it
But things are gettin hectic, i just can't take it
Should i a: go back to slangin' dope?
Or should i b: maintain and try to cope?
Or should i c: just get crazy and wild?
But no i chose d: create the g-child
It's been on ever since with me and mista grimm
This shit is gettin so hectic that i can't even trust him now
What would you do for a warren g cut?
Would you act the fool and nut the fuck up?
Back the fuck up, act the fuck up?
Niggaz talk shit they get smacked the fuck up, straight up

(chorus then fade)
You don't see what i see, every day as warren g
You don't hear what i hear
But it's so hard to live through these years
You don't see what i see, every day as warren g
You don't hear what i hear
But it's so hard to live through these years

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.