Dice la canción

Close to the edge de Yes


Keys to ascension 2

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Close to the edge

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La canción "Close to the Edge" de la banda Yes es una obra maestra del rock progresivo de los años 70 que nos sumerge en un viaje musical y lírico complejo. La letra, dividida en varias secciones, nos transporta a un mundo etéreo donde las metáforas y la poesía se entrelazan para crear un paisaje emocional sin igual.

En la primera parte, "The Solid Time of Change", se nos presenta una atmósfera mística donde una bruja experimentada puede transformar el estado mental de una persona a través de la música. Las referencias al sol, la naturaleza y la transición evocan un sentido de cambio y renacimiento interior. La banda utiliza imágenes sensoriales y metafóricas para explorar temas de transformación personal y espiritualidad.

En "Total Mass Retain", nos adentramos en un territorio más introspectivo donde se cuestionan los conceptos de amor, sacrificio y redención. La lucha interna del personaje principal se refleja en sus pensamientos sobre el tiempo, la lógica y las decisiones desconcertantes que a menudo tomamos en la vida. La música acompaña este viaje con cambios dinámicos y progresiones complejas que refuerzan la intensidad emocional del mensaje.

"I Get Up, I Get Down" ahonda en temas existenciales y filosóficos, examinando el papel del individuo en el mundo y su búsqueda de significado. Las reflexiones sobre la honestidad, el engaño y la madurez emocional resuenan a lo largo de esta sección, llevándonos a reflexionar sobre nuestra propia capacidad para comprender nuestras acciones y motivaciones.

Por último, "Seasons of Man" cierra el ciclo temático explorando la relación entre el hombre, el tiempo y el conocimiento. El texto sugiere que a través de la música y las experiencias compartidas podemos alcanzar una comprensión más profunda del mundo que nos rodea. La integración entre las notas musicales y los colores escénicos apunta hacia una síntesis holística de todas nuestras vivencias.

En términos musicales, Yes combina elementos clásicos del rock progresivo con arreglos intrincados e innovadores que desafían las convenciones tradicionales del género. Los instrumentos son utilizados como herramientas narrativas para potenciar el impacto emocional de cada momento lírico.

El contexto cultural en el que fue lanzada esta canción es crucial para entender su trascendencia artística en su época. En los años 70, la música progresiva estaba floreciendo como una manifestación artística radical que desafiaba las estructuras establecidas tanto en lo musical como en lo lírico. Canciones como "Close to the Edge" destacaron por su ambición creativa y su capacidad para elevarse por encima de las convenciones comerciales prevalecientes.

En resumen, "Close to the Edge" es mucho más que una simple canción: es un viaje espiritual e intelectual que invita al oyente a sumergirse en un océano de sensaciones sonoras e ideas profundas. A través de sus letras intrincadas y su composición magistral, Yes logra capturar la esencia misma del rock progresivo: explorar nuevos territorios sonoros mientras se adentra en los confines desconocidos del alma humana.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

I. the solid time of change
A seasoned witch could call you from the depths of your disgrace,
and rearrange your liver to the solid mental grace,
and achieve it all with music that came quickly from afar,
then taste the fruit of man recorded losing all against the hour.
and assessing points to nowhere, leading ev'ry single one.
a dewdrop can exalt us like the music of the sun,
and take away the plain in which we move,
and choose the course you're running.
Down at the edge, round by the corner,
not right away, not right away.
close to the edge, down by a river,
not right away, not right away.
Crossed the line around the changes of the summer,
reaching out to call the color of the sky.
passed around a moment clothed in mornings faster than we see.
getting over all the time i had to worry,
leaving all the changes far from far behind.
we relieve the tension only to find out the master's name.
Down at the end, round by the corner.
close to the edge, just by a river.
seasons will pass you by.
i get up, i get down.
now that it's all over and done,
now that you find, now that you're whole.
Ii. total mass retain
My eyes convinced, eclipsed with the younger moon attained with love.
it changed as almost strained amidst clear manna from above.
i crucified my hate and held the word within my hand.
there's you, the time, the logic, or the reasons we don't understand.
Sad courage claimed the victims standing still for all to see,
as armoured movers took approached to overlook the sea.
there since the cord, the license, or the reasons we understood will be.
Down at the edge, close by a river.
close to the edge, round by the corner.
close to the end, down by the corner.
down at the edge, round by the river.
Sudden problems shouldn't take away the startled memory.
all in all, the journey takes you all the way.
as apart from any reality that you've ever seen and known.
guessing problems only to deceive the mention,
passing paths that climb halfway into the void.
as we cross from side to side, we hear the total mass retain.

Down at the edge, round by the corner.
close to the end, down by a river.
seasons will pass you by.
i get up, i get down.
Iii. i get up, i get down
In her white lace, you could clearly see the lady sadly looking.
saying that she'd take the blame
for the crucifixion of her own domain. i get up,
i get down,
i get up,
i get down.
Two million people barely satisfy.
two hundred women watch one woman cry, too late.
the eyes of honesty can achieve.
how many millions do we deceive each day?
i get up, i get down.
i get up, i get down.
In charge of who is there in charge of me.
do i look on blindly and say i see the way?
the truth is written all along the page.
how old will i be before i come of age for you?
i get up, i get down.
i get up, i get down.
i get up, i get down.
Iv. seasons of man
The time between the notes relates the color to the scenes.
a constant vogue of triumphs dislocate man, it seems.
and space between the focus shape ascend knowledge of love.
as song and chance develop time, lost social temp'rance rules above.
ah, ah.
Then according to the man who showed his outstretched arm to space,
he turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
i shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.
on the hill we viewed the silence of the valley,
called to witness cycles only of the past.
and we reach all this with movements in between the said remark.
Close to the edge, down by the river.
down at the end, round by the corner.
seasons will pass you by,
now that it's all over and done,
called to the seed, right to the sun.
now that you find, now that you're whole.
seasons will pass you by,
i get up, i get down.
i get up, i get down.
i get up, i get down.
i get up.

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.