Dice la canción

This Or That de Zion Y Lennox


This Or That - Single

24 de septiembre de 2016

La canción "This Or That" interpretada por Zion y Lennox presenta una interesante reflexión sobre el amor, la separación, y los sentimientos encontrados que surgen entre dos personas. La letra nos sumerge en un relato de deseo y nostalgia, donde el protagonista reconoce que a pesar de haber vivido una relación tumultuosa caracterizada por la infidelidad y los altibajos emocionales, aún no ha logrado superar a su pareja.

A lo largo de la canción, se destaca la dualidad de emociones experimentadas por ambos protagonistas. Se menciona cómo aunque hayan sido infieles y se amen principalmente cuando les conviene, no pueden negar la conexión especial que comparten. A pesar de comportarse como dos personas desquiciadas con problemas personales (locura con papeles), reconocen que nadie muere de amor. Esta afirmación es clave en el mensaje general de la canción: aunque las circunstancias sean complicadas o sus acciones contradigan sus sentimientos, el amor sigue siendo un elemento fundamental en sus vidas.

El narrador pasa por momentos de introspección y vulnerabilidad durante la canción. Aunque intenta mostrarse indiferente ante su expareja y seguir adelante con su vida, confiesa que en realidad está sufriendo por dentro. Se revela su anhelo por recuperar aquello que ha perdido y experimenta dolor al imaginar a su ex pareja junto a otra persona. Las referencias humorísticas a Thanos borrando a los Vengadores con un chasquido agregan un toque divertido al tema generalmente melancólico.

Asimismo, existe una clara admiración hacia la figura femenina mencionada en la letra, destacando aspectos como sus besos o su forma natural de ser. Se manifiesta un deseo involuntario de extrañarla e incluso se deja entrever cierta incomodidad sobre encontrar alguien más similar a él para sustituirla.

En términos musicales, "This Or That" se inscribe dentro del género reggaeton, conocido por fusionar ritmos latinos con influencias urbanas contemporáneas. La colaboración entre Zion y Lennox añade dinamismo a la canción al combinar sus estilos vocales distintivos.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que se lanzó esta pieza musical, es importante notar cómo aborda temáticas universales como las relaciones amorosas sin importar fronteras geográficas. La música urbana latinoamericana tiende a resonar con audiencias diversas alrededor del mundo debido a su capacidad para transmitir emociones genuinas e historias personales.

En resumen, "This Or That" es una canción que explora las complejidades del amor y las relaciones humanas en un contexto moderno y dinámico. A través de letras emotivas e interpretaciones apasionadas, Zion y Lennox logran capturar las dificultades emocionales inherentes a amar intensamente mientras enfrentan obstáculos inesperados en el camino hacia la redención personal.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

(Z-Z Diddy)

They say you're over me
That you no longer want to know more about me
Yeah, that you erased my kisses
But I know that's a saying, yeah (Laramercy gang)
And now I don't know whether to believe and I want to tell you that (Farru'!)
I know you're going to come back (The Z, the L)
Although he said that the past does not return (Becky G)
I also know that I'm going around in your head (Pu!)
Even if you tell me that you are not interested
You feel alone and you only think of me
And when I least expect it, thеre you are (Pu-pu-pu-pum!)

Although we arе unfaithful
And we love each other when it's benefiting
Although we are two crazy people with papers
I know that no one dies of love (No one dies)
Although we are unfaithful
And we love each other when it's benefiting (Gangalee!)
Although we are two crazy people with papers (Pri-bam-bam-bay)
I know that no one dies of love (Pri-yah, yah; Farru!)
But I am not over you

I was always the villain and you were the Power Ranger
And I erased you with a snap like Thanos did The Avengers (Hahahaha)
Now I'm single, my flow bichote gives it to me
On Sundays in Palomino with a couple of babies on the boat (Wuh)
I upload a video on the socials of me singing "Te Boté"
And I don't post photos with you even if you're a TBT (Haha)
But all that is a movie because inside I miss you
And to speak clearly, all this shit has hurt me
I don't get over you, inside I'm dying
And I swoon and get drunk
Listening to Romeo, tell me, when do I see you?
Or did you already look for another male?

Although we are unfaithful
And we love each other when it's benefiting
Although we are two crazy people with papers
I know that no one dies of love (No one dies)
Although we are unfaithful
And we love each other when it's benefiting
Although we are two crazy people with papers
I know that no one dies of love
But I am not over you

I no longer compete with your selfishness
After a while, we were not the same
Now the single life doesn't miss a beat
And wanting to fall in love I don't insist
What is today is not what was yesterday
This thing about being and not being (Yeah-yeah-yeah)
Got me looking for pleasure
And even if you're not going to believe me

Your kisses I'm going to miss
Your way so natural
Although I don't wish you harm
But someone like me, you won't find
Your kisses I'm going to miss
Your way so natural
Although I don't wish you harm
But someone like me, you won't find

Although we are unfaithful
And we love each other when it suits us
Although we are two crazy people with paper
I know that no one dies of love (No one dies)
Although we are unfaithful
And we love each other when it suits us
Although we are two crazy people with paper
I know that no one dies of love
But I am not over you

Although we were two soul mates
Today love is not preserved (Sup)
I may win, I may lose
And everything beautiful with the wind flies

You denied me the chance
And now I don't know what could happen
I always get sad just thinking
If you come back, girl
You denied me the chance
And now I don't know what could happen
I always get sad just thinking
If you come back, girl

Although we are unfaithful
And we love each other when it's benefiting
Although we are two crazy people with papers
I know that no one dies of love (No one dies)
Although we are unfaithful
And we love each other when it's benefiting
Although we are two crazy people with papers
I know that no one dies of love
But I am not over you

Zion, baby-y-y-y-y-y
The Z, and the L
Becky G
Becky G
And Lennox
(You denied me the opportunity)
Dícelo Luian
Mambo Kingz
Mambo King
(You denied me the opportunity)
Dícelo Luian
Santo Niño
Tell me, Santo Niño
Jowny Boom Boom
Jowny Boom Boom
(Baby Records)