Dice la canción

Brodels de 311



14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Brodels

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La canción "Brodels" de la banda 311, incluida en su álbum homónimo, es un ejemplo del característico estilo alternativo y rockero que define a esta agrupación. Con influencias de ska y modern rock, la canción despliega un ritmo frenético y letras cargadas de ingenio e irreverencia.

En cuanto al significado de la letra, "Brodels" nos sumerge en un universo donde la originalidad y la autenticidad son celebradas. La canción destaca la importancia de mantenerse fiel a uno mismo, tanto en el aspecto creativo como personal. La referencia a figuras míticas como Yeti y Lord Buckley añade una capa de misterio e intriga, invitando al oyente a adentrarse en este mundo lleno de personajes singulares.

El cantante narra cómo encontró su lugar en el mundo al llegar por primera vez, estableciendo una conexión profunda con la música y el escenario. Las referencias a James Brown y su capacidad para transportar al oyente a otro estado se combinan con metáforas juguetonas sobre comunicación audaz e inusual.

La letra destaca la dualidad entre ser poeta y carpintero, combinando la pasión por las letras con la dedicación al trabajo duro y tangible. Se invita al oyente a descubrir el "nazz" dentro de sí mismo, esa chispa única que lo impulsa a crear y vivir de manera auténtica.

El tono lúdico y los juegos de palabras presentes en cada verso demuestran el ingenio lírico propio de 311. La narrativa se entrelaza con elementos surrealistas, como transformarse en delfín o desafiar a piranhas riendo. La canción explora temas más profundos dentro de su envoltura festiva y divertida.

En comparación con otras obras del grupo, "Brodels" se destaca por su energía contagiosa y sus referencias humorísticas. La habilidad para combinar diferentes géneros musicales en una sola canción es una marca distintiva de 311, demostrando su versatilidad creativa.

En resumen, "Brodels" es mucho más que una simple canción: es un himno a la originalidad, la autoexpresión y el amor por la música. A través de sus letras ingeniosas y su ritmo vibrante, invita al oyente a sumergirse en un mundo donde la creatividad no tiene límites.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Ooh, you know we pepper you
with a sonic assault sidestepin' you
i cannot think of a better way
that we could celebrate freedom
than make up a set of goals and cold beat 'em
see dumb verbal tags like audio spaghetti
give a shout to the one they call yeti
i bet he put the cabash on any foes whatsoever like original brodel trevor
positive vibe merchant grandson of lord buckley
scottish ralston shows up if you're lucky
ad raspler the swede, a friend indeed
he's keeping an eye on the other guy's greed these are 311 characters i dubbed everyone
the story ain't over but my rhyme is done
It was the year that i first touched ground
so i grabbed the microphone and i got down
just like james brown gather ‘round of our sight and sound
pound for pound we throw down rather profound
i'll put you in another world, i can't hear you
like having phone sex with a deaf girl
no doubt, we got the jams that'll smack ya
i penned three books of lyricsa; 2 for action, 1 for backup
'cuz i'm a cold rockin' brother, got transistor tunes
and it feels real good to get close to you
The brodels is the nazz, and the nazz knows where it's at
the brodels is the nazz, who knows a cat who can feed a cat
the goal is to be a poet and a carpenter
to be one who loves, to be one who works
the nazz not something that can be given
the brodel is inside you, it comes from within
When i feel into the sea
when the world came and kissed me
transformed my shit, told the shark i was a dolphin
swam quick funny though
piranhas chilled and laughed at
the way that i took off my polka dots on top of that
the whales know i'm quick, watch out
and i get funky fresh, as for the fishes, i'm lit luminous
i'm not nouveau techno, i glow like a glacial
in skin that swims faster than speed i am
i be dropped out of nothing i will return to nothing
rotate my style, my rhyme, my way, magician of a rhythm
lover of animals, damn, i wanna hear 'em
aquatic my way, i got soul shape
Well i'm 6 foot 3 and like mohammed ali
i float like a butterfly and sting like poison ivy
drive a ‘69 lincoln, suicide doors
around the town, i'm slinking fat subs of course we're the greatest show on earth
you know we turn it out daily
in and out of town like barnum and bailey
i know that is a simile, but i couldn't resist from solomon roadie for the pj's
i don't think he'll be pissed
i eat a cobb salad, smoked fish, duck, or clam chowder
chill with indica and guinness
steer clear of white powder
i run into my brother, give him a pound and a yodel
they know my word is bond, talkin' bout the brodels
The brodels is the nazz, and the nazz knows where it's at
the brodels is the nazz, who knows a cat who can feed a cat
the goal is to be a poet and a carpenter
to be one who loves, to be one who works
the nazz not something that can be given
the brodel is inside you it comes from within
And we're fresh, dude, just check my man p
he said, "i will not muddle my mind with impertinency"
lost a lot in vegas, plays a lot of sega
saw a phrase that he likes and put it on his leg and we're fresh dude just check my man d he said
comin' in ruff and tuff, all systems are tweakin'
people all over the world, they must be thinkin'
all the shit that we kickin', our shoes must be stinkin'

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.