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Angel in disguise de Brandy


Never Say Never

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Angel in disguise

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La canción "Angel in disguise" interpretada por Brandy y perteneciente al álbum "Never Say Never" es una pieza de género R&B y soul que nos sumerge en una historia de desamor y traición. La letra de la canción narra cómo el protagonista se deja llevar por una mujer que ha sido su ángel disfrazado, pero que finalmente lo traiciona y rompe su corazón.

El tema comienza resaltando la supuesta perfección de esta mujer, comparándola con un ángel, pero posteriormente revela que esa misma persona causó dolor y sufrimiento al protagonista. A pesar de la decepción y el engaño, el narrador afirma que su amor sigue siendo genuino hacia ella, a pesar de haber descubierto sus verdaderas intenciones.

Se destaca en la letra la dificultad del protagonista para aceptar la realidad sobre esta mujer; incluso cuando los indicios eran claros, él se aferraba a la idea de que ella era inocente. Se menciona el conflicto interno del protagonista al darse cuenta de las acciones falsas de esta mujer a quien amaba sinceramente.

La repetición del estribillo refuerza el sentimiento encontrado en el protagonista: experimentar amor y decepción simultáneamente. El hecho de que Brandy repita constantemente "But still I love you" resalta la dualidad emocional presente en esta situación.

En cuanto a composición musical, la canción se desarrolla con melodías melancólicas capaces de transmitir la complejidad emocional del narrador. La combinación entre los ritmos R&B y soul añade profundidad a las letras, generando una atmósfera envolvente para expresar los sentimientos encontrados del protagonista.

"Angel in Disguise" expone conflictos emocionales universales como el amor no correspondido y las expectativas rotas en una relación. La música, la voz emotiva de Brandy y las letras poéticas se fusionan para crear una experiencia auditiva única cuya trama revela las complejidades del corazón humano frente a una desilusión amorosa.

En términos comparativos con otras obras musicales de Brandy o artistas similares dentro del género R&B/soul, "Angel in Disguise" destaca por su capacidad para conectar con las vivencias emocionales más profundas del público. La honestidad en la interpretación vocal y la delicada instrumentación contribuyen a intensificar el impacto emocional de la canción.

En conclusión, "Angel in Disguise" es mucho más que una simple balada soul; es un viaje emocional profundo a través del amor decepcionado. La voz poderosa e emotiva de Brandy nos sumerge en un torbellino sentimental donde los sentimientos contradictorios encuentran espacio para expresarse y sanar.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

An angel has always been thought to be one of gods most perious works.
I guess that's how she had you fooled cause she was an angel in disguise.
Hurt and pain can never come from her so you felt me to find
that hust and pain involves her but now you see your mistakes.
And know you see your angel was a fake but my love was never misplaced.
So baby my love is true and most importantly, still I love you.

(Still I love)

Angel in disguise she was
But somehow you fell for her
Until she broke your heart that day
And left you in the rain
But still I love you

Angel in disguise she was
But somehow you fell for her
Until she broke your heart that day
And left you in the rain
But still I love you

I found it quite strange
The way you said her name
And when you look in her eyes
I see the lust you can't deny
It's more to this then what you say
Cause in your sleep you called her name
You say she's just a friend
I knew right then cause the rain began

Angel in disguise she was
But somehow you fell for her
Until she broke your heart that day
And left you in the rain
But still I love you

Angel in disguise she was
But somehow you fell for her
Until she broke your heart that day
And left you in the rain
But still I love you

She seemed so familiar the day that I met her
Who was she foolin' I had a clue what she was doin' Thought's of suspicion
brought to my attention
I fell in her game now I'm so lost
Please stop the rain

Angel in disguise she was
But somehow you fell for her
Until she broke your heart that day
And left you in the rain
But still I love you

Angel in disguise she was
But somehow you fell for her
Until she broke your heart that day
And left you in the rain
But still I love you

And when my music stops
And when my tear drops
And when the rain ends
My heart will beat again

And when my music stops
And when my tear drops
And when the rain ends
My heart will beat again

Angel in disguise she was
But somehow you fell for her
Until she broke your heart that day
And left you in the rain
But still I love you

I found it quite strange
The way you said her name
And when you look in her eyes
I see the lust you can't deny
It's more to this then what you say
Cause in your sleep you called her name
You say she's just a friend
I knew right then cause the rain began

Angel in disguise she was
But somehow you fell for her
Until she broke your heart that day
And left you in the rain
But still I love you

Angel in disguise she was
But somehow you fell for her
Until she broke your heart that day
And left you in the rain
But still I love you

She seemed so familiar the day that I met her
Who was she foolin' I had a clue what she was doin' Thought's of suspicion
brought to my attention
I fell in her game now I'm so lost
Please stop the rain

Angel in disguise she was
But somehow you fell for her
Until she broke your heart that day
And left you in the rain
But still I love you

Angel in disguise she was
But somehow you fell for her
Until she broke your heart that day
And left you in the rain
But still I love you

And when my music stops
And when my tear drops
And when the rain ends
My heart will beat again

And when my music stops
And when my tear drops
And when the rain ends
My heart will beat again

Angel in disguise she was
But somehow you fell for her
Until she broke your heart that day
And left you in the rain
But still I love you

Angel in disguise she was
But somehow you fell for her
Until she broke your heart that day
And left you in the rain
But still I love you

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.