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Truthfully de Brandy


Never Say Never

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Truthfully

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La canción "Truthfully" interpretada por Brandy, incluida en su álbum "Never Say Never", es una poderosa balada que explora temas de lealtad, honestidad y amor incondicional. A lo largo de la letra, Brandy expresa su compromiso absoluto de siempre decir la verdad y estar allí para su pareja en momentos difíciles.

En el primer verso, Brandy habla sobre la traición experimentada por el ser amado a manos de otra persona. Ella reconoce la decepción y el dolor que esto ha causado, pero se ofrece como un faro de sinceridad y consuelo en medio de la confusión. Enfatiza que aunque otras personas puedan mentir, ella siempre será honesta y confiable.

La repetición del estribillo "Even if you don't believe, you will always hear the truth come from me" subraya la idea central de la canción: la verdad es parte intrínseca de su naturaleza y relación. Brandy se presenta como un pilar de solidez emocional para su pareja, prometiendo nunca abandonar ni engañar a quien ama.

A lo largo de la canción, se destaca un tono tranquilizador y compasivo hacia la persona herida. Brandy rechaza cualquier sentimiento de culpa que pueda surgir en él y enfatiza su propio compromiso inquebrantable. La declaración "God only knows I love you but it's written in my eyes" sugiere una conexión profunda e inexplicable entre ambos.

El tema principal de honestidad se refuerza con metáforas como "Whatever makes you happy, let me know; My heart will be right there to console you". Estos versos muestran una dedicación total a apoyar emocionalmente al otro en todo momento.

En cuanto al género musical, esta canción se enmarca dentro del rnb/soul, géneros conocidos por explorar temas profundos relacionados con las relaciones interpersonales y las emociones intensas.

En resumen, "Truthfully" es una balada emotiva que resalta la importancia de la sinceridad y el apoyo incondicional en una relación. Brandy transmite un mensaje claro: en un mundo lleno de mentiras y decepciones, ella será siempre el ancla donde encontrar refugio y verdad.

Es relevante comparar esta canción con otras obras del repertorio de Brandy para entender su evolución artística a lo largo del tiempo y analizar cómo este tema recurrente ha sido abordado desde diferentes perspectivas. Esto puede arrojar luz sobre los motivos personales o artísticos que impulsaron la creación de "Truthfully".

En conclusión, "Truthfully" no solo es una muestra impresionante del talento vocal e interpretativo de Brandy, sino también una reflexión profunda sobre los pilares fundamentales del amor verdadero: sinceridad, lealtad y apoyo mutuo inquebrantable. Este análisis ha buscado desentrañar las capas emocionales presentes en las letras e identificar los mensajes ocultos que hacen eco en el corazón del oyente.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

How could she ever fool around
Don't know what she was thinking 'bout
While you were giving love
She let you down
Boy I know that you want to be alone
Cause she broke your heart
And she sent you home
And you're wondering why
She was so cold
Well when they lie
They have to lie again
Cause the lying never ends

Even if you don't believe
You will always here the truth
Come from me
(Baby) I'll never lie
And you're the reason why
I will always tell the truth
Cause the truth resides in me
Boy I know it's a crying shame
Baby no no you shouldn't blame
Yourself for what she did
She was insane
Maybe where you go I will go
Whatever makes you happy
Let me know
My heart will be right there
To console you
Maybe the lies will never begin
I will be your lover, your best friend

Even if you don't believe
You will always here the truth
Come from me
(Baby) I'll never lie
And you're the reason why
I will always tell the truth
Cause the truth resides in me
I will never say goodbye
And I don't want to see you cry
God only knows I love you
But it's written in my eyes
You are the only one for me
There's no way I could ever leave
I would never, no never never lie to you
TruthfullyWell when they lie
They have to lie again
Cause the lying never ends

Even if you don't believe
You will always here the truth
Come from me
(Baby) I'll never lie
And you're the reason why
I will always tell the truth
Cause the truth resides in me
Boy I know it's a crying shame
Baby no no you shouldn't blame
Yourself for what she did
She was insane
Maybe where you go I will go
Whatever makes you happy
Let me know
My heart will be right there
To console you
Maybe the lies will never begin
I will be your lover, your best friend

Even if you don't believe
You will always here the truth
Come from me
(Baby) I'll never lie
And you're the reason why
I will always tell the truth
Cause the truth resides in me
I will never say goodbye
And I don't want to see you cry
God only knows I love you
But it's written in my eyes
You are the only one for me
There's no way I could ever leave
I would never, no never never lie to you
Even if you don't believe
You will always here the truth
Come from me
(Baby) I'll never lie
And you're the reason why
I will always tell the truth
Cause the truth resides in me
Boy I know it's a crying shame
Baby no no you shouldn't blame
Yourself for what she did
She was insane
Maybe where you go I will go
Whatever makes you happy
Let me know
My heart will be right there
To console you
Maybe the lies will never begin
I will be your lover, your best friend

Even if you don't believe
You will always here the truth
Come from me
(Baby) I'll never lie
And you're the reason why
I will always tell the truth
Cause the truth resides in me
I will never say goodbye
And I don't want to see you cry
God only knows I love you
But it's written in my eyes
You are the only one for me
There's no way I could ever leave
I would never, no never never lie to you
TruthfullyBoy I know it's a crying shame
Baby no no you shouldn't blame
Yourself for what she did
She was insane
Maybe where you go I will go
Whatever makes you happy
Let me know
My heart will be right there
To console you
Maybe the lies will never begin
I will be your lover, your best friend

Even if you don't believe
You will always here the truth
Come from me
(Baby) I'll never lie
And you're the reason why
I will always tell the truth
Cause the truth resides in me
I will never say goodbye
And I don't want to see you cry
God only knows I love you
But it's written in my eyes
You are the only one for me
There's no way I could ever leave
I would never, no never never lie to you
Even if you don't believe
You will always here the truth
Come from me
(Baby) I'll never lie
And you're the reason why
I will always tell the truth
Cause the truth resides in me
I will never say goodbye
And I don't want to see you cry
God only knows I love you
But it's written in my eyes
You are the only one for me
There's no way I could ever leave
I would never, no never never lie to you
TruthfullyI will never say goodbye
And I don't want to see you cry
God only knows I love you
But it's written in my eyes
You are the only one for me
There's no way I could ever leave
I would never, no never never lie to you

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.