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What about us? de Brandy


The Best Of

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de What about us?

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La canción "What about us?" interpretada por Brandy, ha sido un éxito de la música pop y R&B. Producida por Darkchild y colaborando con B-Rock, esta canción se destaca por su mensaje directo y emotivo sobre una relación conflictiva.

Las letras de la canción expresan la frustración y decepción de una persona que siente que su pareja no está cumpliendo con las promesas hechas en el pasado. Se cuestiona la falta de atención, compromiso y lealtad en la relación. La letra muestra un sentimiento de desilusión ante las promesas incumplidas y la falta de sinceridad por parte del ser amado.

El tono de la canción es emotivo y reflexivo, transmitiendo una sensación de cansancio emocional y desgaste en la relación. Se hace evidente el conflicto interno del personaje que se debate entre querer solucionar las cosas o tomar distancia para su propio bienestar emocional.

A lo largo de la canción, Brandy hace referencia a las promesas rotas, regalos pasados ​​y palabras vacías que han marcado la relación. Utiliza metáforas como "Qué pasa con todo lo que dices? Qué pasa con todas las promesas que hiciste?", para enfatizar el sentimiento de traición y abandono.

La estructura repetitiva del coro refuerza el mensaje principal de la canción, resaltando la importancia de cuestionar las acciones pasadas y enfrentar las consecuencias presentes en una relación. El puente rapero aporta un giro inesperado a la canción, ofreciendo un contrapunto musical interesante que refuerza el conflicto emocional presente en la letra.

"Brandy es conocida por sus habilidades vocales únicas y su capacidad para transmitir emociones a través de su música. Esta canción se alinea con su estilo característico de letras honestas e introspectivas sobre relaciones amorosas", añadiendo aún más profundidad al análisis.

En comparación con otras canciones del catálogo musical de Brandy, "What about us?" destaca por su energía emocional intensa y su capacidad para conectar con los oyentes a través de sus letras genuinas. Esta canción se ha convertido en un himno para quienes han experimentado desamor o decepciones en sus relaciones.

En resumen, "What about us?" es una poderosa balada pop/R&B que aborda temas universales como el desamor, la decepción y el conflicto emocional en las relaciones humanas. Con un mensaje directo e intenso, Brandy logra capturar los corazones de sus oyentes mientras reflexiona sobre las complicaciones del amor y las expectativas no cumplidas.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Yeah, darkchild
B-Rock let's go

Why don't you return my calls?
Why you trip out where I be?
You don't ever come to see me
You say that you're too busy (what?)

What the hell?
I don't have time
Why you messin' with my mind?
I can find another guy
Someone who will treat me right

I don't need this bull ish
I won't put up with it, any longer
You can, go if you want
I don't, need you pity
I will, be just fine
If you decide, that you want to leave
Close the, door behind you
I just, want to know

What about all of the
Things that you say
What about all of the
Promises that you made
What about all of the
Ice that you gave
What about all of the
Things you told me
What about all of the
Things that you say
What about all of the
Promises that you made
What about all of the
Ice that you gave
What about, what about
What about us? What about us, us?
What about us? What about us, us?

I thought you said you were different
Was that what I heard you say?
Said that you'd love only me
Thought that you'd be all I need (what?)
What happened to promises?
Said that you were a better man
Your words have no way with me
Cause you're counterfeit, I see

I don't need this bull ish
I won't put up with it, any longer
You can, go if you want
I don't, need you pity
I will, be just fine
If you decide, that you want to leave
Close the, door behind you
I just, want to know

What about all of the
Things that you say
What about all of the
Promises that you made
What about all of the
Ice that you gave
What about all of the
Things you told me
What about all of the
Things that you say
What about all of the
Promises that you made
What about all of the
Ice that you gave
What about, what about
What about us? What about us, us?
What about us? What about us, us?

Baby you should now hear
Now what if I said that you wasn't fit to be with
Now what if I told you you're game was played, I licked it
Yo what if I said I wasn't true, so do you
You and I know, without me there's no you
So what about the bills that were passed due
Before you, all you said to me was Baby I'll owe you
Forget about the brand new life that I gave you
Now what about us to me, now what about us to me

What about all of the
Things that you say
What about all of the
Promises that you made
What about all of the
Ice that you gave
What about all of the
Things you told me
What about all of the
Things that you say
What about all of the
Promises that you made
What about all of the
Ice that you gave
What about, what about
What about us? What about us, us?
What about us? What about us, us?

What about all of the
Things that you say
What about all of the
Promises that you made
What about all of the
Ice that you gave
What about all of the
Things you told me
What about all of the
Things that you say
What about all of the
Promises that you made
What about all of the
Ice that you gave
What about, what about
What about us? What about us, us?
What about us? What about us, us?

Oh, oh, oh, oh...

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.