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Look away de Chicago


The chicago story

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Look away

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La canción "Look Away" interpretada por la banda Chicago, incluida en el álbum "The Chicago Story," pertenece al género de rock clásico y suave de los años 80. Fue publicada en 1988 y destaca por su potente expresividad emocional.

El significado de la letra se centra en un tema común pero siempre impactante: el fin de una relación amorosa. La canción narra cómo uno de los involucrados acepta que la persona amada ha encontrado a alguien más, lo cual pone fin a su historia juntos. A pesar del dolor y la tristeza implícitos en esta situación, el cantante manifiesta una actitud madura y resignada, deseando sinceramente felicidad para su ex pareja.

El mensaje profundo que transmite "Look Away" es la noción de dejar ir a alguien amado con dignidad y respeto, aunque duela profundamente. Las líneas "When you called me up this morning / Told me 'bout the new love you found / I said: 'I'm happy for you'" reflejan una mezcla de sentimientos entre la aceptación del final y la preservación del amor propio.

La melodía melancólica acompaña a las letras cargadas de emotividad, creando una atmósfera reflexiva y nostálgica. Chicago logra transmitir la complejidad emocional que implica decir adiós, mostrando tanto valentía como vulnerabilidad.

En cuanto al contexto artístico de Chicago, esta icónica banda ha sido reconocida por sus baladas emotivas y suaves armonías vocales característicos del soft rock. "Look Away" destaca por ser un ejemplo representativo de su estilo emotivo y envolvente que resonó con multitudes en los años 80.

En resumen, "Look Away" es mucho más que una simple canción sobre el fin de una relación; es un himno sobre aceptar el cambio con gracia, cultivar la autenticidad emocional y desear lo mejor para aquellos a quienes amamos. Con cada nota vocal e instrumental, Chicago logra capturar la complejidad humana detrás del amor perdido con sensibilidad y honestidad musical.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

When you called me up this morning
Told me 'bout the new love you found
I said: "I'm happy for you"
"I'm really happy for you"
Found someone else
I guess I won't be coming around
I guess it's over baby
Ir's really over baby, wohow
And for what you said
I know you've gotten over me
It'll never be the way it used to be
So if it's got to be this way
Don't worry baby I can take the news of pain

But, if you see me walking by
And the tears are in my eyes
Look away, baby look away
And if we meet on the streets someday
And I don't know what to say
Look away, baby look away
Don't look at me
In don't want you to see me this way

When we both agreed as lovers
We would be better off as friends
That's how it had to be
Yeah, that's how it had to be
I tell you I'm fine
But somtimes I just pretend
Wish you were holding me
Wish you were still holding me, Ohow
I just never thought that I would be repaced so soon
I wasn't prepared
To hear those words from you
I know I wanted to be free
Yeah, baby this is how we wanted it to be


When you called me up this morning
Told me 'bout the new love you found
I said: "I'm happy for you"
"I'm really happy for you"
But, if you see me walking by
And the tears are in my eyes
Look away, baby look away
And if we meet on the streets someday
And I don't know what to say
Look away, baby look away
Don't look at me
In don't want you to see me this way

When we both agreed as lovers
We would be better off as friends
That's how it had to be
Yeah, that's how it had to be
I tell you I'm fine
But somtimes I just pretend
Wish you were holding me
Wish you were still holding me, Ohow
I just never thought that I would be repaced so soon
I wasn't prepared
To hear those words from you
I know I wanted to be free
Yeah, baby this is how we wanted it to be


When you called me up this morning
Told me 'bout the new love you found
I said: "I'm happy for you"
"I'm really happy for you"
When we both agreed as lovers
We would be better off as friends
That's how it had to be
Yeah, that's how it had to be
I tell you I'm fine
But somtimes I just pretend
Wish you were holding me
Wish you were still holding me, Ohow
I just never thought that I would be repaced so soon
I wasn't prepared
To hear those words from you
I know I wanted to be free
Yeah, baby this is how we wanted it to be


When you called me up this morning
Told me 'bout the new love you found
I said: "I'm happy for you"
"I'm really happy for you"


When you called me up this morning
Told me 'bout the new love you found
I said: "I'm happy for you"
"I'm really happy for you" (2x)

When you called me up this morning
Told me 'bout the new love you found
I said: "I'm happy for you"
"I'm really happy for you"
When you called me up this morning
Told me 'bout the new love you found
I said: "I'm happy for you"
"I'm really happy for you"

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.