Dice la canción

I feel like a bullet (in the gun of robert ford) de Elton John


Elton John's Greatest Hits Volume 2

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de I feel like a bullet (in the gun of robert ford)

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La canción "I feel like a bullet (in the gun of robert ford)" interpretada por Elton John, perteneciente al álbum "Elton John's Greatest Hits Volume 2", es un tema que aborda el dolor y la culpa asociados con una relación fallida. A través de sus metáforas y referencias, la letra refleja la sensación de haber cometido un acto irremediable que ha dañado tanto al protagonista como a su pareja.

El narrador compara su situación a sentirse como una bala en el revólver de Robert Ford, haciendo referencia al famoso asesino de Jesse James. Esta metáfora sugiere que se siente utilizado, manipulado y destinado a causar daño, tal como lo hizo Ford al disparar contra James. La sensación de ser frío y distante como un asesino a sueldo o un mercenario contratado ilustra la falta de arrepentimiento y desconexión emocional del narrador.

En cuanto al sentimiento de culpa, el protagonista describe sentirse avergonzado y no poder restablecer la relación rota. Se menciona la ruptura como algo similar a infringir una ley, destacando así los tabúes y normas sociales que rodean el fin de una relación amorosa. La referencia constante a sentirse marcado o señalado por las consecuencias de sus acciones subraya la carga emocional que lleva consigo.

La repetición en la letra refuerza el sentimiento persistente de culpabilidad y remordimiento experimentado por el narrador. El uso del símil "como un niño cuyo juguete ha sido pisoteado" evoca una sensación de vulnerabilidad e inocencia perdida frente al dolor provocado por sus propias decisiones.

En general, la canción explora temas universales como el desamor, la responsabilidad en una relación fallida y las consecuencias emocionales de romper con alguien. El tono melódico y la emotividad en la interpretación vocal proporcionan profundidad al mensaje transmitido en la letra.

Asimismo, se puede establecer comparaciones con otras baladas sentimentales de Elton John donde se tratan temas similares relacionados con las complejidades del amor y las relaciones humanas. Su habilidad para capturar las emociones más íntimas en sus composiciones le otorga un lugar destacado entre los artistas del género rock/pop.

En resumen, "I feel like a bullet (in the gun of robert ford)" es una canción que ahonda en los aspectos dolorosos y turbulentos involucrados en el proceso de terminar una relación amorosa, utilizando metáforas evocadoras para expresar la angustia interna del protagonista ante los estragos causados.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Like a corn in a field I cut you down
I threw the last punch too hard
After years of going steady, well I thought that it was time
To throw in my hand for a new set of cards

And I can't take you dancing out on the weekend
I figured we'd painted too much of this town
And I tried not to look as I walked to my wagon
And I knew then I had lost what should have been found
I knew then I had lost what should have been found

And I feel like a bullet in the gun of Robert Ford
I'm low as a paid assassin is
You know I'm cold as a hired sword
I'm so ashamed can't we patch it up
You know I can't think straight no more
You make me feel like a bullet honey in the gun of Robert Ford

Like a child when his toy's been stepped on
That's how it all seemed to me
I burst the bubble that both of us lived in
And I'm damned if I'll ever get rid of this guilt that I feel

And if looks could kill then I'd be a dead man
Your friends and mine don't call no more
Hell, I thought it was best but now I feel branded
Breaking up's sometimes like breaking the law
Breaking up's sometimes like breaking the lawAnd I can't take you dancing out on the weekend
I figured we'd painted too much of this town
And I tried not to look as I walked to my wagon
And I knew then I had lost what should have been found
I knew then I had lost what should have been found

And I feel like a bullet in the gun of Robert Ford
I'm low as a paid assassin is
You know I'm cold as a hired sword
I'm so ashamed can't we patch it up
You know I can't think straight no more
You make me feel like a bullet honey in the gun of Robert Ford

Like a child when his toy's been stepped on
That's how it all seemed to me
I burst the bubble that both of us lived in
And I'm damned if I'll ever get rid of this guilt that I feel

And if looks could kill then I'd be a dead man
Your friends and mine don't call no more
Hell, I thought it was best but now I feel branded
Breaking up's sometimes like breaking the law
Breaking up's sometimes like breaking the lawAnd I feel like a bullet in the gun of Robert Ford
I'm low as a paid assassin is
You know I'm cold as a hired sword
I'm so ashamed can't we patch it up
You know I can't think straight no more
You make me feel like a bullet honey in the gun of Robert Ford

Like a child when his toy's been stepped on
That's how it all seemed to me
I burst the bubble that both of us lived in
And I'm damned if I'll ever get rid of this guilt that I feel

And if looks could kill then I'd be a dead man
Your friends and mine don't call no more
Hell, I thought it was best but now I feel branded
Breaking up's sometimes like breaking the law
Breaking up's sometimes like breaking the lawLike a child when his toy's been stepped on
That's how it all seemed to me
I burst the bubble that both of us lived in
And I'm damned if I'll ever get rid of this guilt that I feel

And if looks could kill then I'd be a dead man
Your friends and mine don't call no more
Hell, I thought it was best but now I feel branded
Breaking up's sometimes like breaking the law
Breaking up's sometimes like breaking the lawAnd if looks could kill then I'd be a dead man
Your friends and mine don't call no more
Hell, I thought it was best but now I feel branded
Breaking up's sometimes like breaking the law
Breaking up's sometimes like breaking the law

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.