Dice la canción

Asshole de Eminem


The Marshall Mathers LP 2

5 de noviembre de 2013

Significado de Asshole

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La canción "Asshole" de Eminem, incluida en su álbum "The Marshall Mathers LP 2", es una composición que revela la personalidad provocadora y controvertida del artista. A lo largo de la letra, Eminem se autodenomina un "imbécil" y reconoce el papel de villano que ha desempeñado a lo largo de su carrera. Expresa su sorpresa por el rápido éxito que alcanzó, vendiendo millones de copias e enfrentándose a críticas constantes.

En la canción, Eminem reflexiona sobre las críticas recibidas a lo largo de su trayectoria y cuestiona si las personas realmente se preocupan por sus opiniones o solo buscan criticarle. Se muestra como un personaje polarizante dentro de la industria musical, consciente de que tanto admiradores como detractores están pendientes de cada una de sus acciones.

A lo largo del tema, Eminem aborda temas como la hipocresía, la lucha por el respeto en la industria y la importancia del apoyo tanto positivo como negativo para mantenerse relevante en un entorno competitivo. En esta línea, hace referencia al constante intento de desprestigio por parte de otros artistas e incluso medios especializados.

La letra también contiene referencias a situaciones personales del artista, como su relación con sus hijas, enfatizando que ellas son las únicas mujeres a las que verdaderamente ama. Asimismo, expone cierta vulnerabilidad al reconocer sus propias contradicciones y problemas emocionales.

En cuanto a la estructura musical y los arreglos utilizados en la canción, se destaca el estilo característico de Eminem en el género hip hop/rap. La producción cuenta con influencias de Rick Rubin y Dr. Dre, lo que se refleja en el ritmo dinámico y las letras ingeniosas del tema.

En términos culturales, "Asshole" refleja la actitud desafiante y confrontacional propia del rapero estadounidense. La canción se lanzó en un momento donde Eminem ya era considerado un ícono cultural y generaba controversia tanto por sus letras como por su impacto social.

En resumen, "Asshole" es una canción introspectiva que revela la personalidad compleja y multifacética de Eminem. A través de sus letras agudas y provocadoras, el artista explora temas universales como el éxito, la crítica social y las luchas internas propias del individuo público que es constantemente analizado desde todos los ángulos.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Came to the world at a time when it was in need of a villain
An asshole, that role I think I succeed in fulfilling
Don't think I ever stopped to think I was speaking to children
Everything was happening so fast
It was like I blinked, sold three million
Then it all went blank, all I remember
Is feeling ridiculous cause I was getting sick of this feeling
Like I am always under attack man
I could have stacked my shit list to the ceiling
Women dish him but really thinking
If anyone ever talks to one of my little girls like this I would kill him
Guess I'm a little bit of a hypocrite
When I'm ripping shit, but since when did this many
People ever give a shit what I had to say
It's just my opinion
If it contradicts how I'm living
Put a dick in your rear end, that's why
Every time you mention a lyric, I thank you for it
For drawing more attention toward it
Cause it gave me an enormous platform
I'm flattered you thought I was that important
But you can't ignore the fact that I fought for the respect
And battle for it, mad awards, had GLAAD annoyed
Attaboy, they told me to slow down, and I just zone out
Good luck trying to convince a blonde
That's like telling Gwen Stefan' that she sold out
Cause I was tryna leave, no doubt
In anyone's mind one day I'd go down
In history think they know now!
Because everybody knows

Everybody knows that you're just an asshole
Everywhere that you go, people wanna go "Oh, everyone knows"
Everybody knows, so don't pretend to be nice
There's no place you can hide,
you are just an asshole, everyone knows

Thanks for the support,
asshole *scratch* thanks for the support, asshole
Quit acting salty
I was counting on you to count me out as Asher Roth
When he round-a-bout dissed me to shout me out
Thought I was history
But goddamn, honkey, that compliment's like backhanding a donkey
Good way to get your ass socked in the mouth
Lay'em off it
But what the fuck is all this thrash talking about
The fight was fixed, I'm back and you can't stop me
You knock me down, I went down from the counter
I fell but the fans caught me, and now
You're gonna have to beat the fuckin pants off me
To take my belt, word to Pacquiao
Momma said there ain't nothing else to talk about
Gotta go in that ring and knock them out
Or you better not come out
It's poetry in motion, like Freddie Roach
When he's quoting Shakespeare
So what if the insults are revolting
Even Helen Keller knows life stinks
You think it's a joke til you're bullet riddled
But you should give little shit what I think
This whole world is a mess
Gotta have a goddamn vest on your chest, and a Glock
Just to go out watch Batman
Who needs to test(?) the testicles, not that man
Half of you don't got the guts and intestinal blockage
Rest of you got lap bands stuck to this model
Before they put bathsalts and all those water bottles in Colorado
So get lost, Waldo
My soul's escaping through this asshole that is gaping
A black hole that I'm swallowing this track whole
With a pack torn of paper, but I'm not taking no crap, ho
Here I go down the back pole
And I'm changing back into that old maniac in fact there it go
Trying to dip through the back door retreating cause everybody knows

Everybody knows that you're just an asshole
Everywhere that you go, people wanna go "Oh, everyone knows"
Everybody knows, so don't pretend to be nice
There's no place you can hide,
you are just an asshole, everyone knows

Holy mackeral, I'm the biggest jerk on the planet earth
I smack the girl off the mechanical bull, then attract the bull
Thinkin we have some magnetic pull
Cause you're attractive, but we ain't attractable
Hate to be dramatical, but I'm not romantical
I'm making up words you can understandable, It's tragical
Thinkin some magical shit's gonna happen? That ain't practical
You crackin a joke, it's laughable,
cause me and love's like a bad combination
I keep them feelings locked in a vault
So it's safe to say I'm uncrackable
My heart is truly guarded, full body armor
Bitch you just need a helmet because if you think you're special, you're retarded
Thinkin you're one of a kind, like you got some platinum vagina
You're a train wreck, I got a one track mind
Shorty you're fine but you sort of remind me of a 49er
Cause you been a gold digger since you were a minor
Been tryina, hunt me down like a dog, cause you're on my ass
But you can't get a scent because all of my spare time is spent
With my nose in this binder, so don't bother tryin
Only women that I love are my daughters
And sometimes I rhyme and it sounds
Like I forget I'm a father, and I push it farther
So father forgive me if I forget to draw the line
It's apparent I shouldn't of been a parent I'll never grow up
So to hell with your parents, and motherfucking father time
It ain't never gonna stop.
A pessimist who transforms to an optimist in his prime
So even if I'm half dead, I'm half alive
Throw all my half empty glass in a cup,
so now my cup is runneth over
And I'm about to set it on you like a motherfucking coaster
I’m goin back to what got me here,
yeah cocky, and can’t knock being
Rude off, so fear not my dear,
and dry up your teardrops I'm here
White America's mirror, so I feel awkward and weird
You stare at me and see yourself, because you're one too
You shouldn't be as shocked, because everybody knows."

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.