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Bad guys always die de Eminem


Wild Wild West

10 de diciembre de 2011

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La canción "Bad guys always die" interpretada por Eminem es parte de la banda sonora de la película "Wild Wild West". Con un estilo hip hop/rap característico del artista, Eminem narra una historia ambientada en el Salvaje Oeste, donde dos vaqueros se enfrentan en un duelo mortal. La letra describe la preparación y el enfrentamiento entre los personajes, con giros inesperados que desafían las convenciones del género.

En cuanto al significado de la canción, se puede interpretar como una metáfora sobre la confrontación entre el bien y el mal, representados por los "buenos" y los "malos". A través de la narrativa del duelo entre los vaqueros, Eminem explora temas como la justicia, la venganza y las consecuencias de la violencia. La letra sugiere que incluso los "malos" tienen sus propias motivaciones y razones para actuar como lo hacen, añadiendo profundidad a la historia.

El uso de referencias a otros artistas y canciones, como Dr. Dre y su álbum "The Chronic", agrega capas de intertextualidad a la narrativa. Estas referencias muestran cómo Eminem se sitúa dentro de un contexto musical más amplio y establece conexiones con otros trabajos en el género del hip hop.

Un dato curioso sobre la canción es que forma parte de una colaboración con Will Smith para la película "Wild Wild West", lo cual destaca por ser una colaboración poco común en ese momento. Esta colaboración podría haber influenciado en el tono lúdico e imaginativo de la letra, que combina elementos propios del rap con referencias al mundo del cine western.

En resumen, "Bad guys always die" es una canción que va más allá de la superficie urbana del rap para explorar temáticas universales como el conflicto moral y las diferentes perspectivas sobre lo bueno y lo malo. La habilidad narrativa de Eminem brilla a lo largo de la pista, creando una experiencia auditiva envolvente que invita a reflexionar sobre las complejidades de las relaciones humanas y las decisiones que tomamos en situaciones límite.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

The Wild Gotham
The Wild West
Ah ha, ride

All you see is the sun reflectin' off of the gun
Ready for the showdown to go down at 1
Sweat on my brow, let's settle it now
I'mma show you how real cowboys get down
I'm polishin' gold, waiting for this drama to unfold
I got a blunt rolled
Feelin' bold, gangsta's blood run cold
It's time to reload this old 45 Colt
And the wind gust, it's hot and muggy, dusty
Bust a couple shots, make sure I'm not rusty
It's passed noon, he should be here soon
I sip a little moonshine inside a saloon
All of a sudden I could hear the sound of hoofs
Sounds like a thousand wolves
I cock back, put the toast in the holster and frooze
I pose like a poster, he's closer than close
I hold the heat sturdy, I heard he fight's dirty
But I'mma put thirty inside him and leave early
And just when I went to fill him with hot lead
I put the gun to his head and this is what he said

You never met me and you'll probably never see me again
But I know you, the name's Slim
You want revenge? Then don't shoot, I'm in the same boots as you
I'm telling the truth, I got a price on my head, too
Cuz when you

Ride like a cowboy toward the sun
When life ain't fun, when you're on the run
Got your gold and you got your gun
But life as an outlaw just begun

Got your shotgun by your side
Got your horse and you got your pride
You ride 'till there ain't no place to hide
It's sad cuz the bad guys always die

He was shady, could see it by the look on his face
He said take ten paces, shit, I took eight
Spun around and I aimed straight for the brain
My shit went bang but it only fired a blank, he said

You need bullets, hurry up run

I put a clip in the gun, and pointed at his lungs
He pulled two at the same time and stood stunned

Go ahead, shoot me, but I'm not the one you want

I figured he was telling the truth
That's why I didn't shoot
So what we gonna do? It's on you

Do you recall when you and Snoop was a group?

The Chronic

Well, all we gotta do is find a map to part two
And plus I know who's got it (Who?)
Some old dude, he's got 26 plagues and he already sold two

Loaded up my saddle, got ready for battle
Hid two pieces of gold inside of my saddle
We rolled two miles until we hit the spot
An old ghost town that everybody forgot
A place where they used to smoke chronic a lot
Slim grabbed the shotgun

Dre, here's the plot
This is the spot, they call him Doc Loveless
He's going around saying he took the game from us

Let's shoot him in his kneecaps, he'll never see it coming

He ain't got no legs, they cut 'em off at the stomach
He's got mechanical legs and spins webs
Plus he's well respected by the hip-hop heads
Our mission is to get him to stop laying eggs
And we can put him on his back down a flight of steps

I drew two guns, spun them on my fingers
Kicked the swinging doors in and started gun slinging
I could hear somebody singing
It sounded like a G Thang in a verse from Keep Their Heads Ringing
I said it's Dre's Day and started to spray
It's eighteen hundred, he proves a AK
Hollow tips started flying every which way

That's when I seen Dre in trouble, then came the brigades
I fired the first shot, spun his body around
He hit the ground and landed upside down
Dre grabbed the map, the plagues and the gold
I grabbed two girlies and a blunt that's rolled

Always die
The Wild Gotham
The Wild West
Ah ha, ride
Got your shotgun by your side
Got your horse and you got your pride
You ride 'till there ain't no place to hide
It's sad cuz the bad guys always die

He was shady, could see it by the look on his face
He said take ten paces, shit, I took eight
Spun around and I aimed straight for the brain
My shit went bang but it only fired a blank, he said

You need bullets, hurry up run

I put a clip in the gun, and pointed at his lungs
He pulled two at the same time and stood stunned

Go ahead, shoot me, but I'm not the one you want

I figured he was telling the truth
That's why I didn't shoot
So what we gonna do? It's on you

Do you recall when you and Snoop was a group?

The Chronic

Well, all we gotta do is find a map to part two
And plus I know who's got it (Who?)
Some old dude, he's got 26 plagues and he already sold two

Loaded up my saddle, got ready for battle
Hid two pieces of gold inside of my saddle
We rolled two miles until we hit the spot
An old ghost town that everybody forgot
A place where they used to smoke chronic a lot
Slim grabbed the shotgun

Dre, here's the plot
This is the spot, they call him Doc Loveless
He's going around saying he took the game from us

Let's shoot him in his kneecaps, he'll never see it coming

He ain't got no legs, they cut 'em off at the stomach
He's got mechanical legs and spins webs
Plus he's well respected by the hip-hop heads
Our mission is to get him to stop laying eggs
And we can put him on his back down a flight of steps

I drew two guns, spun them on my fingers
Kicked the swinging doors in and started gun slinging
I could hear somebody singing
It sounded like a G Thang in a verse from Keep Their Heads Ringing
I said it's Dre's Day and started to spray
It's eighteen hundred, he proves a AK
Hollow tips started flying every which way

That's when I seen Dre in trouble, then came the brigades
I fired the first shot, spun his body around
He hit the ground and landed upside down
Dre grabbed the map, the plagues and the gold
I grabbed two girlies and a blunt that's rolled

Always die
The Wild Gotham
The Wild West
Ah ha, ride

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.