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Desperation de Eminem


The Marshall Mathers LP 2

5 de noviembre de 2013

Significado de Desperation

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La canción "Desperation" interpretada por Eminem y perteneciente al álbum "The Marshall Mathers LP 2" es una pieza musical que explora el tema de la desesperación en una relación amorosa. A través de sus letras, Eminem nos sumerge en un viaje emocional donde se expresa la sensación de impotencia y pérdida de control que puede experimentar una persona cuando se siente atrapada en una dinámica complicada con su pareja.

En la letra de la canción, Eminem describe cómo se siente abrumado por la presencia de su pareja, a quien idealiza pero al mismo tiempo reconoce que la relación se ha vuelto tóxica. Expresa sentimientos encontrados como el deseo vehemente de estar juntos pero a su vez el reconocimiento de que algo no encaja. Las referencias a querer ser imprescindible para ella, pero al mismo tiempo sentirse cada vez más alejado emocionalmente, generan un conflicto interno que empuja al personaje principal hacia un estado de desesperación.

Asimismo, se observa la dinámica de dependencia emocional presente en la relación, donde ambos integrantes se encuentran atrapados en un ciclo destructivo del cual les resulta difícil escapar. La metáfora del pegamento superfuerte ilustra esta idea de estar demasiado unidos hasta el punto de perder individualidad y libertad.

Eminem también hace referencia a un momento crítico donde surgen problemas violentos entre los protagonistas. Esta situación culmina con una agresión física por parte de la mujer representada en la canción, añadiendo una capa adicional de conflicto y tensión a la narrativa.

En comparación con otras canciones del repertorio del artista, "Desperation" destaca por su cruda exploración de las complicaciones emocionales presentes en las relaciones humanas. Mientras que temas anteriores pueden centrarse en aspectos más oscuros o controvertidos, esta canción pone énfasis en las vulnerabilidades y fragilidades internas evidentes en cualquier historia romántica compleja.

El productor Rick Rubin fue clave para darle forma musical a este track dentro del álbum 'MMLP2', acompañando adecuadamente las intensas letras cargadas de emociones.

En resumen, "Desperation" es mucho más que una simple canción sobre el amor; es un profundo retrato sobre las luchas internas y los conflictos inexplorados dentro del corazón humano cuando nos enfrentamos a nuestro propio límite. La letra cruda y honesta conjugada con la intensidad musical convierten a esta pieza en una experiencia emotiva e impactante para quienes se sumergen en su significado.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Girl you gimme writers block
I'm at a loss for words
My minds as lost as yours
I rack my brain but still no thoughts emerge
Never seen no ass as large as yours, how much that cost?
That's what I call a Roethlisberger
You drive me bonkers I’m about to get my swerve on for sure
Thought I was pimpin until I felt like Nas, the first date
Because I think I gave you power when I gave you flowers
And I bought us a box of chocolates,
no lozenges or cough drops or syrups
Probably should of never let me call that job of yours
To talk to your boss and ask him if you can take off from work
Should of been one of the first signs to cause to learn
Man we jumped in too fast,
cause since then I can't be apart from her
Cause nobody's body's awesomer -
I lust it, and she loves me cause I'm popular, but...

You know this ain't love
Oh, no, you know this ain't love
You know this ain't love
No, this ain't love
(What is it then?) It's desperation

She's lookin for Mr. Right,
wants me to be that guy to her
(It's desperation)
I can't even put up a fight,
cause I give in at the sight of her

Well obviously, oblivious to me,
I swore I was just invisible to you 'til I went to the lengths I did to meet you
Cause you played so hard to get with me from the beginning
Now I'm in disbelief I, never knew that this could be such misery
Cause now you see nothin' but me, and I don't see nothin' but you
And I'm about to flip cause we are super glued in
We stuck to each others hips and we can't do anything individually
Which is to cling on, scared to be alone, can't, specifically to describe it I just can't seem to give a reason this definitive, just need you
Talkin bout "I live and breathe you"
And you pretend to be as mentally and physically addicted to me
As Wiz Khalifa is to reefer
Don't wanna be without you, don't wanna be with you neither, bitch
Put me in a situation in which it's both I wish to seek, cause this ain't...

You know this ain't love
Oh, no, you know this ain't love
You know this ain't love
No, this ain't love
(What is it then?) It's desperation

She's lookin for Mr. Right,
wants me to be that guy to her
(It's desperation)
I can't even put up a fight,
cause I give in at the sight of her

...and here I go again

Just want you to myself, don't wanna share you with no one else
What the fuck you whispering for? You get on my nerves, you make me sick
I think our relationship, it seems to be on the fritz
I mean it's time that we just split and leave the games behind
Your frame of mind ain't the same as mine, I think
You need to finish developing a little more mentally too, get the picture?
That's a negative, Alicia, I will never give the Keys up
To the crib, ever again, no reason not even a gift certificate from Tiffany's
You better have an epiphany, slut, guess what? (what) Galisa
I'm just mad it took the time it took me to discover
You been using me for loot like I used you for looks
Thought you was too good for me, huh? ??? used to be my Carrie Underwood, I was your lumberjack, but I can't stomach this
I'm leavin you, not comin back. She said "The fuck with that
Where's my Louisville Slugger at?"
She grabbed that fuckin bat and swung it at my head
I barely ducked and that's right when she came up with a kick to the nuts twice
Steel toe, girl probably coulda put a 100 yard field goal, through the uprights

You know this ain't love
Oh, no, you know this ain't love
You know this ain't love
No, this ain't love
(What is it then?) It's desperation

She's lookin for Mr. Right,
wants me to be that guy to her
(It's desperation)
I can't even put up a fight,
cause I give in at the sight of her

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.