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Drug ballad de Eminem


The Marshall Mathers LP

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Drug ballad

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La canción "Drug Ballad", interpretada por Eminem, forma parte de su álbum "The Marshall Mathers LP". Este tema se encuadra dentro de los géneros del hip-hop y el rap, característicos del estilo del artista. Publicado en 2000, esta canción aborda la temática de las drogas y sus efectos en la vida de quienes las consumen.

El significado de la letra de "Drug Ballad" es profundo y crudo. Eminem narra experiencias personales y reflexiona sobre su relación con las sustancias adictivas a lo largo de los años. Desde sus inicios, donde mezclaba diferentes tipos de alcohol hasta llegar a un estado casi incontrolable, pasando por episodios narcóticos en su juventud hasta enfrentarse a consecuencias poco saludables en la adultez. La canción refleja un viaje emocional marcado por la adicción, el arrepentimiento y la aceptación inevitable que acarrea el consumo desmedido.

A lo largo de la letra, Eminem relata situaciones donde es incapaz de controlar su deseo por consumir drogas y alcohol. Describe cómo la embriaguez lo lleva a perder noción de la realidad e incluso pone en riesgo su vida al volante bajo los efectos de las substancias ilícitas. Además, expresa sentimientos contradictorios hacia las mujeres con quienes tiene relaciones breves e intensas mientras está bajo los efectos de las drogas.

La repetición del coro enfatiza el control que las drogas tienen sobre él: cada intento por liberarse termina siendo infructuoso debido al poder adictivo que estos componentes ejercen sobre su mente y cuerpo. A pesar de reconocer los peligros y riesgos involucrados en su uso irresponsable, Eminem se muestra resignado e incluso conformado con su destino predestinado por la adicción.

Comparando esta canción con otras obras del artista, se puede observar una constante exploración de sus propias luchas internas y demonios personales en muchas de sus letras. El tono confesional e introspectivo presente en "Drug Ballad" se refleja también en otras composiciones donde Eminem expone sus debilidades y vulnerabilidades sin tapujos.

En cuanto a datos curiosos sobre la canción, cabe destacar que "Drug Ballad" generó cierta controversia debido a su explícita descripción del consumo desmedido de sustancias prohibidas. Sin embargo, también fue aclamada por ser una representación auténtica y cruda del lado oscuro del mundo del entretenimiento y las adicciones asociadas.

En resumen, "Drug Ballad" es una declaración honesta sobre las complejidades inherentes a enfrentarse a una adicción no solo a las drogas sino también al estilo de vida caótico que estas representan para muchos artistas influenciados por este entorno tóxico. A través de metáforas impactantes y vivencias personales narradas con crudeza, Eminem logra transmitir un mensaje poderoso sobre los peligros ocultos detrás del uso indiscriminado de sustancias psicoactivas.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Yeaaah, shit!
Guess what? I ain't coming in
I'll come in a minute
is my love goes like this

Back when Mark Walhberg was Marky Mark
This is how we used to make the party start
We used to mix Hen' with Bacardi Dark
And when it, kicks in you can hardly talk
And by the, sixth gin you're gonna probably crawl
And you'll be, sick then and you'll probably barf
And my pre-diction is you're gonna probably fall
Either somewhere in the lobby or the hallway wall
And everything's spinning
You're beginin' to think women
are swimming in pink linen again in the sink
Then in a couple of minutes that bottle of Guiness is finished
You are now allowed to officially slap bitches
You have the right to remain violent and start wilin'
Start a fight with the same guy that was smart eyin' you
Get in your car, start it, and start drivin'
Over the island and cause a 42 car pile-up
Earth calling, pilot to co-pilot
Look at the life on this planet, sir, no sign of it
All I can see is a bunch of smoke flyin'
And I'm so high that I might die if I go by it
Let me out of this place
I'm outta place
I'm in outer space
I've just vanished without a trace
I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow
I'll be back in an hour or so


'Cause every time I go to try to leave
Something keeps pullin' on my sleeve
I don't wanna, but I gotta stay
These drugs really got ahold of me

'Cause every time I try to tell them no
They won't let me ever let them go
I'm a sucka all I gotta say
These drugs really got ahold of me

In third grade, all I used to do
Was sniff glue through a tube and play rubix cube
17 years later I'm as Rude as Jude
Scheming on the first chick with the hugest boobs
I've got no game
And every face looks the same
They've got no name
So I don't need game to play
I just say whatever I want to whoever I want
Whenever I want, wherever I want, however I want
However, I do show some respect to few
As ecstacy got me standing next to you
Getting sentimental as fuck spillin' guts to you
We just met
But I think I'm in love with you
But you're on it too
So you tell me you love me too
Wake up in the morning like yo, what the fuck we do?
I gotta go bitch
You know I have stuff to do
'Cause if I get caught cheatin' then I'm stuck with you
But in the long run
These drugs are probably going to catch up sooner or later
But fuck it, I'm on one
So let's enjoy
Let the X destroy your spinal cord
So it's not a straight line no more
'Til we walk around looking like some wind-up dolls
Shit's sticking out of our backs like a dinosaur
Shit, six hits won't even get me high no more
So bye for now
I'm going to try to find some more


That's the sound of a bottle when it's hollow
When you swallow it all wollow and drown in your sorrow
And tomorrow you're probably going to want to do it again
What's a little spinal fluid between you and a friend? Screw it
And what's a little bit of alcohol poisoning?
And what's a little fight?
Tomorrow you'll be boys again
It's your life
Live it however you wanna
Marijuana is everywhere
Where was you brought up?
It don't matter as long as you get where you're going
'Cause none of the shit is going to mean shit where we're going
They tell you to stop, but you just sit there ignoring
Even though you wake up feeling like shit every morning
But you're young
You've got a lot of drugs to do
Girls to screw
Parties to crash
Sucks to be you
If I could take it all back now, I wouldn't
I would have did more shit that people said that I shouldn't
But I'm all grown up now and upgraded and graduated
Did better drugs and updated
But I've still got a lot of growing up to do
I've still got a whole lot of throwing up to spew
But when it's all said and done I'll be 40
Before I know it with a 40 on the porch telling stories
With a bottle of Jack
Two grandkids in my lap
Babysiting for Haley while Haley's out getting smashed

Chorus 2x (Same as previous, but 2nd time
the last line is repeated like this)

Drugs really got ahold of me
They really got ahold of me
'Cause drugs really got ahold of me
They really got ahold of me

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.