Dice la canción

Legacy de Eminem


The Marshall Mathers LP 2

30 de octubre de 2013

"Legacy" es una de las canciones más emblemáticas del artista de hip hop Eminem, perteneciente a su álbum "The Marshall Mathers LP 2". En esta poderosa pieza musical, Eminem explora temas profundos y personales relacionados con su legado, su lucha interna y su determinación para superar obstáculos.

La letra de la canción comienza con una introspección profunda, donde Eminem reflexiona sobre su infancia y sus sentimientos de no encajar en el mundo que le rodea. Expresa su frustración por ser diferente, por no comprenderse a sí mismo y por sentirse rechazado. Estos versos iniciales revelan la vulnerabilidad del artista y su lucha constante por encontrar un lugar en un mundo que parece ajeno a él.

A medida que la canción avanza, Eminem aborda la influencia de su padre ausente en su vida y cómo ha aprendido a valerse por sí mismo. Muestra un sentido de autosuficiencia al mencionar que mientras tenga pilas en su Walkman, todo estará bien. A través de sus letras sinceras y directas, nos sumerge en sus pensamientos caóticos pero también muestra una determinación firme para superar cualquier adversidad.

La letra culmina con un tono desafiante y triunfante, donde Eminem se afirma a sí mismo como una figura icónica en el mundo de la música. Con referencias a figuras legendarias como Brian Dawkins y Phife Dawg, demuestra su confianza en sus habilidades y en el impacto duradero que dejará en la industria musical. Eminem reclama su lugar como un innovador del rap y desafía a aquellos que lo subestiman o critican.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción, "Legacy" forma parte de un álbum aclamado por la crítica y los fanáticos como uno de los mejores trabajos de Eminem. El impacto de esta canción radica en la honestidad brutal del artista al explorar temas personales como la identidad, la paternidad ausente y la resiliencia frente a la adversidad. Su estilo único y habilidad lírica lo destacan como uno de los artistas más influyentes en el género del hip hop.

Desde el punto de vista musical, "Legacy" presenta una estructura compleja con un ritmo intenso que acompaña las letras apasionadas de Eminem. Los instrumentos utilizados incluyen beats potentes y líneas melódicas que refuerzan el mensaje emocionalmente cargado de la canción.

En resumen, "Legacy" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un testimonio honesto sobre las luchas internas y externas del artista, así como un recordatorio poderoso de su legado duradero en la industria musical. A través de metáforas vívidas y letras emotivas, Eminem nos invita a reflexionar sobre nuestras propias batallas personales y nuestra capacidad para superarlas con determinación e integridad.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Tell me where to go, tell me what to do
I’ll be right there for you
Tell me what to say, don’t matter if it’s true
I’ll say it all for you

I used to be the type of kid would always think the sky is falling
Why am I so differently wired? Am I a martian?
What kind of twisted experiment am I involved in
Because I don't belong in this world
That’s why I'm scoffing at authority, defying often
Flying off at the handle with my mom, no dad
So I’m non complying at home, at school I’m just shy and awkward
And no I don’t need no goddamn psychologist
Trynna diagnose why I have all these underlying problems
Thinking he can try and solve them
I’m outside chalking up drawings on the sidewalk
And in the front drive talking to myself
Either that or inside hiding off in the corner somewhere quiet
Trying not to be noticed because I’m crying and sobbing
I had a bad day at school so I ain't talking
Some cocksucker shoved me into a fucking locker
Because he said I eyeballed him

And if you fall, ill get you there
I’ll be your savior from all the wars
that are fought inside your world
Please have faith in my words

Because... this is my legacy, legacy, heir
This is my legacy, legacy, heir
There’s no guarantee, it’s not up to me you can only see
This is my legacy, legacy

I used to be the type of kid would always think the sky is falling
Why am I so differently wired in my noggin?
'Cuz sporadic as my thoughts come, it's mind boggling
'Cuz I obsess on everything and my mind it’s small shit
Bothers me but now my father, he said Sayonara,then split
But I don’t give a shit I’m fine as long as
There's batteries in my Walkman nothing is the matter with me
Shit look at the bright side at least I ain’t walking
I bike ride through the neighborhood of my apartment
Complex on a ten speed which I've acquired parts that I
Found in the garbage, a frame and put tires on it
Headphones on straight ahead and kids try to start shit,
But if this all there is for me Life offers
Why bother even try and put up a fight It's nonsense
But i think a lightbulb just lit up in my conscience
What about those rhymes I've been jottin'
They are kinda giving me confidence
Instead of tryina escape through my comics,
Why don't I just blast a little something like Onyx
To put me in the mood to wanna fight and write songs that
Say what I wanna say to the kid that said that I eyeballed him
Grab hold of my balls like that's right fight's on bitch
Who would've knew from the moment I turned the mic on
I could be iconic, and my conquest is
Word to phife dawg from a tribe called quest ...

And if you fall, ill get you there
I’ll be your savior from all the wars
that are fought inside your world
Please have faith in my words

I used to be the type of kid that,
would always think the sky is falling
Now I think the fact that I'm differently wired's awesome
Cause if I wasn't I wouldn't be able to work
Words like this and connect lines like crosswords
And use my enemy's words as strength
To try and draw from, and get inspired off em
Cause all my life I was told and taught I am not shit
By you wack fucking giant sacks of lying dog shit
Now you shut up bitch I am talking
Thought I was full of horseshit and now
You fucking worship the ground in which I am walking
Me against the world so what? I'm Brian Dawkins
Versus the whole 0 and 16 Lions offense
So bring on the Giants Falcons and Miami Dolphins
It's the body bag game bitch I'm supplying coffins
Cause you dicks, butt kiss, a bunch of brian baldingers
You gon die a ball licker I've been diabolical
With this dialogue since 99 Rawkus
You don't respect the legacy I leave behind y'all can
Suck a dick The day you beat me pigs'll fly out my ass
And a flying saucer full of Italian sausage
The most high exalting and I ain't halting
Till I die of exhaustion inhale my exhaust fumes
The best part about me is I am not you
I am me I'm a fire marshall and this is my

Tell me where to go, tell me what to do
I’ll be right there for you
Tell me what to say, don’t matter if it’s true
I’ll say it all for you