Dice la canción

Rock bottom de Eminem


The Slim Shady LP

10 de diciembre de 2011

La letra de la canción "Rock Bottom" de Eminem es un profundo testimonio sobre la lucha interna y las dificultades económicas que enfrenta el artista. A lo largo de la canción, Eminem expresa su angustia y desesperación al sentirse atrapado en una situación de pobreza y precariedad. Utiliza metáforas impactantes para describir su estado emocional, comparando su vida con estar en lo más bajo, sin salida a la vista.

Eminem habla abiertamente sobre la presión de mantener a su hija con los mínimos recursos, estresado por no poder brindarle lo que necesita. Describe su realidad cotidiana de trabajar en empleos mal remunerados y ser despedido constantemente. La letra muestra un panorama sombrío de la vida del artista, plagada de promesas vacías y sueños rotos.

Además, hace una crítica acerca del dinero y el poder corruptor que puede ejercer sobre las personas. Eminem reconoce sus propios deseos materiales y ambiciones mundanas, pero también señala las consecuencias negativas que pueden surgir al perseguir la riqueza a toda costa. Se cuestiona si valdrá la pena inmolarse por el éxito efímero que proporciona el dinero y la fama, vislumbrando un futuro oscuro si continúa por ese camino.

La canción destaca la dualidad entre las personas que aman a Eminem y aquellos que le odian, revelando las influencias negativas que ha experimentado a lo largo de su vida. Asimismo, expone sus propios conflictos internos como resultado de estas interacciones tóxicas. Eminem se presenta como un personaje complejo, atrapado entre sus propias ambiciones y las duras realidades a las que se enfrenta en su día a día.

El tema musical ofrece una visión cruda y honesta de la vida desde una perspectiva personal, destacando las luchas internas y externas del artista. Las habilidades líricas de Eminem se exhiben en todo su esplendor en esta pieza emotiva e introspectiva.

En comparación con otras canciones del mismo álbum "The Slim Shady LP", "Rock Bottom" sobresale por su contenido emocionalmente crudo y vulnerable. Mientras que otras pistas pueden centrarse más en temas controvertidos o provocativos, esta balada rap ofrece una mirada más íntima a la vulnerabilidad del artista.

En resumen,"Rock Bottom" es un relato desgarrador sobre los problemas financieros y personales con los que Eminem ha tenido que lidiar en algún momento de su vida. A través de potentes metáforas e imágenes vívidas, transmite una sensación genuina de frustración y desencanto ante las adversidades implacables del destino. Esta canción permanece como un recordatorio impactante de las luchas humanas universales contra las circunstancias abrumadoras.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Ah yeah, Yo!
This song is dedicated to all the happy people
All the happy people who have real nice lives
And who have no idea whats it like to be broke as fuck

I feel like I'm walking a tight rope
Without a circus net
I'm popping percasete
I'm a nervous wreck
I deserve respect
But I work a sweat for this worthless check
Bout to burst this tech, at somebody to reverse this debt
Minimum wage got my adrenaline caged
Full of venom and rage
Especially when I'm engaged
And my daughter's down to her last diaper
That's got my ass hyper
I pray that god answers, maybe I'll ask nicer
Watching ballers while they flossing in their pathfinders
These overnight stars becoming autograph signers
We'll all gone blow up and leave the past behind us
Along with the small fry's and average half pinters
While playa haters turn bitch like they have vaginas
Cause we see them dollar signs and let the cash blind us
Money will brainwash you and leave your ass mindless
Snakes slither in the grass spineless

That's Rock Bottom
When this life makes you mad enough to kill
That's Rock Bottom
When you want something bad enough you'll steal
That's Rock Bottom
When you feel you have had it up to here
Cause you mad enough to scream but you sad enough to tear
That's Rock Bottom
When this life makes you mad enough to kill
That's Rock Bottom
When you want something bad enough you'll steal
That's Rock Bottom
When you feel you have had it up to here
Cause you mad enough to scream but you sad enough to tear

My life is full of empty promises
And broken dreams
I'm hoping things will look up
But there ain't no job openings
I feel discouraged hungry and malnourished
Living in this house with no furnace, unfurnished
And I'm sick of working dead end jobs with lame pay
And I'm tired of being hired and fired the same day
But fuck it, if you know the rules to the game play
Cause when we die we know were all going the same way
It's cool to be player, but it sucks to be the fan
When all you need is bucks to be the man
Plus a luxury sedan
Too comfortable and roomy in a six
They threw me in the mix
With all these gloomy lunatics
Walk around depressed
And smoke a pound of ses a day
And yesterday went by so quick it seems like it was just today
My daughter wants to throw the ball but I'm too stressed to play
Live half my life and throw the rest away

That's Rock Bottom
When this life makes you mad enough to kill
That's Rock Bottom
When you want something bad enough you'll steal
That's Rock Bottom
When you feel you have had it up to here
Cause you mad enough to scream but you sad enough to tear
That's Rock Bottom
When this life makes you mad enough to kill
That's Rock Bottom
When you want something bad enough you'll steal
That's Rock Bottom
When you feel you have had it up to here
Cause you mad enough to scream but you sad enough to tear

There's people that love me and people that hate me
But it's the evil that made me this backstabbing, deceitful, and shady
I want the money, the women, the fortune, and the fame
That Means I'll end up burning in hell scorching in flames
That means I'm stealing your checkbook and forging your name
Lifetime bliss for eternal torture and pain
Right now I feel like just hit the rock bottom
I got problems now everybody on my blocks got 'em
I'm screaming like those two cops when 2pac shot 'em
Holding two glocks, I hope your doors got new locks on 'em
My daughter's feet ain't got no shoes or sock's on 'em
And them rings you wearing look like they got a few rocks on 'em
And while you flaunting them I could be taking them to shops to pawn them
I got a couple of rings and a brand new watch you want 'em?
Cause I never went gold of one song
I'm running up on someone's lawns with guns drawn

That's Rock Bottom
When this life makes you mad enough to kill
That's Rock Bottom
When you want something bad enough you'll steal
That's Rock Bottom
When you feel you have had it up to here
Cause you mad enough to scream but you sad enough to tear
That's Rock Bottom
When this life makes you mad enough to kill
That's Rock Bottom
When you want something bad enough you'll steal
That's Rock Bottom
When you feel you have had it up to here
Cause you mad enough to scream but you sad enough to tear