Dice la canción

The Monster ft. Rihanna de Eminem


The Marshall Mathers LP 2

17 de diciembre de 2013

La canción "The Monster" interpretada por Eminem en colaboración con Rihanna, perteneciente al álbum "The Marshall Mathers LP 2", es una pieza musical que explora temas profundos relacionados con la fama, la lucha interna y la aceptación de uno mismo. El género musical de esta canción se sitúa en el hip hop y rap, contando con la participación de dos grandes figuras del mundo de la música.

En cuanto a la letra de la canción, Eminem comienza reconociendo que se encuentra en una relación complicada con sus propios demonios internos, representados por el "monstruo" que habita bajo su cama y las voces en su cabeza. A pesar de ello, busca comprenderse a sí mismo y aceptar sus flaquezas. Hace referencia a su búsqueda de fama y reconocimiento, pero se ve enfrentado a las consecuencias negativas que esto trae consigo. La idea de querer ser celebrado por su música pero al mismo tiempo ansiar privacidad y soledad es un conflicto interno intenso que se refleja en la lírica.

Eminem expresa también su lucha contra problemas personales como el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (TOC), mostrando su vulnerabilidad e inseguridades. Reconoce que necesita ayuda para enfrentar sus propios demonios y salvarse a sí mismo de su propia autodestrucción. La metáfora del "monstruo" simboliza sus miedos e inseguridades más profundos.

El verso donde menciona que desea ser visto como una persona común entre los demás es revelador, mostrando un deseo genuino de conexión humana por encima de la fama o el éxito. Eminem enfatiza el impacto positivo que puede tener su música en aquellos que atraviesan momentos difíciles, demostrando empoderamiento a través de sus letras.

La estructura musical hip hop y rap utilizada en esta canción complementa perfectamente la intensidad emocional presente en la letra. Los productores involucrados destacan las habilidades sonoras utilizadas para transmitir un mensaje claro y profundo. El video musical también refuerza visualmente los conflictos internos representados en las letras.

En resumen, "The Monster" es una poderosa reflexión sobre los altibajos emocionales experimentados por Eminem a lo largo de su carrera artística y personal. A través de metáforas impactantes y honestidad brutal, Eminem logra conectar emocionalmente con su audiencia mientras explora temas universales como luchar contra nuestros propios miedos e inseguridades para encontrar paz interior.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed
Get along with the voices inside of my head
You're trying to save me, stop holdin' your breath
And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy

I wanted the fame, but not the cover of Newsweek
Oh well, guess beggars can't be choosey
Wanted to receive attention for my music
Wanted to be left alone in public, excuse me
For wanting my cake, and eat it too, and wanting it both ways
Fame made me a balloon cause my ego inflated when I blew, see
But it was confusing, cause all I wanted to do's be
The Bruce Lee of loose leaf
Abused ink, used it as a tool when blew steam
Hit the lottery, ooh-wee
But with what I gave up to get it was bittersweet
It was like winning a used mink
Ironic cause I think I'm getting so huge I need a shrink
I'm beginning to lose sleep
One sheep, two sheep
Going coo-coo and kooky as Kool Keith
But I'm actually weirder than you think
Cause I'm...

I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed
Get along with the voices inside of my head
You're trying to save me, stop holdin' your breath
And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy

Well, that's nothing

Now, I ain't much of a poet
But I know somebody once told me to seize the moment and don't squander it
Cause you never know when it all could be over tomorrow,
So I keep conjuring
Sometimes I wonder where these thoughts spawn from
(Yeah, pondering'll do you wonders
No wonder you're losing your mind, the way it wanders)
I think it went wandering off down yonder
And stumbled onto Jeff VanVonderen
Cause I need an interventionist to intervene
Between me and this monster
And save me from myself and all this conflict
Cause the very thing that I love's killing me and I can't conquer it
My OCD is conking me in the head, keep knockin'
Nobody's home, I'm sleepwalkin'
I'm just relaying what the voice in my head is saying
Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just friends with the...

I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed
Get along with the voices inside of my head
You're trying to save me, stop holdin' your breath
And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy

Well, that's nothing

Call me crazy, but I have this vision
One day that I'll walk amongst you a regular civilian
But until then drums get killed and I'm
Coming straight at MCs, blood gets spilled and I'll
Take it back to the days that I'd get on a Dre track
Give every kid who got played that, pumped up feelin'
And shit to say back to the kids who played him
I ain't here to save the fucking children
But if one kid out of a hundred million
Who are going through a struggle feels it and
Relates, that's great, it's payback, Russell Wilson
Falling way back in the draft,
Turn nothing into something, still can
Make that, straw into gold chump, I will spin
Rumpelstiltskin in a haystack
Maybe I need a straight jacket, face facts
I am nuts for real, but I'm okay with that
It's nothing, I'm still friends with the...

I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed
Get along with the voices inside of my head
You're trying to save me, stop holdin' your breath
And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy

Well, that's nothing