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Twisted ft. Skylar Grey & Yelawolf de Eminem


Shady XV

15 de febrero de 2015

Significado de Twisted ft. Skylar Grey & Yelawolf

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La canción "Twisted" interpretada por Eminem en colaboración con Skylar Grey y Yelawolf proviene del álbum "Shady XV" y se enmarca dentro de los géneros soul, hip hop y rap. Fue lanzada en el año correspondiente al lanzamiento del álbum, 2014.

El significado detrás de la letra de "Twisted" es profundo y oscuro. La canción describe una relación disfuncional llena de dolor, decepción y confusión. Las líneas iniciales revelan la sensación de estar atrapado en una situación insostenible con alguien que muestra signos de locura e insensibilidad. La protagonista femenina es descrita como retorcida y siniestra, mientras que el protagonista masculino es visto como un rebelde duro de controlar. La falta de empatía por parte del hombre hacia la mujer refleja una dinámica tóxica.

Las metáforas utilizadas para describir el amor como una espina en el lado o un doloroso recuerdo subrayan la angustia emocional experimentada por los personajes. La referencia a Romeo y Julieta como figuras trágicas en lugar de iconos románticos añade un toque irónico a la canción, destacando los aspectos sombríos y caóticos del amor mencionados.

La letra también aborda temas universales sobre las relaciones complicadas donde uno puede sentirse atrapado por sus propias emociones contradictorias. El ciclo interminable de deseo, rechazo, conflicto interno y posible arrepentimiento se manifiesta a lo largo de la canción. Se hace evidente que tanto el cantante como su pareja sufren debido a esta conexión distorsionada.

En términos musicales, "Twisted" combina voces emotivas con un ritmo melódico que refuerza la intensidad emocional del tema tratado. Eminem demuestra su habilidad lírica al abordar temas complejos desde diferentes perspectivas, agregando capas de significado a través de sus versos elaborados.

En cuanto a comparaciones con otras obras musicales, se puede observar cierta similitud temática entre "Twisted" y otras canciones del catálogo diverso de Eminem que exploran problemas personales e introspección emotiva.

Además, vale la pena señalar que el uso recurrente de metáforas visuales intensifica la atmósfera oscura y desgarradora creada por la letra. Las referencias culturales clásicas como Romeo y Julieta proporcionan contextos artísticos adicionales para capturar las complejidades humanas representadas en la canción.

En resumen, "Twisted" va más allá de ser simplemente una canción sobre relaciones fallidas; profundiza en las complejidades psicológicas involucradas cuando el amor se vuelve tóxico e incontrolable. Con letras perspicaces y una actuación apasionada, Eminem entrega una pieza musicalmente impactante que invita a reflexionar sobre los aspectos más oscuros del corazón humano.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

You sit there stone-faced, as if I'm not here
Can't you see that I've been crying?
I didn't know you'd be insane
Dreams can be so deceiving
You're an itch I can't reach, a wound that won't heal
The smell of skin that's burning
I didn't know you'd be insane
But it's true, and just say all I am to you is a

Pain in my neck, thorn in my side
Stain on my blade, blood on my knife
Been dreaming of her, all of my life
But she won't come true, she's just my nightmare I woke up to

She's twisted, he's a rebel, she's sick, he's hard to handle
The worst part of all is he just don't care
She's twisted like a rope, that is wrapped around his throat
But the worst part of all is she really don't give a... (shit)
(She don't give a shit)

Sometimes I wish that you'd just die
Cause I'm too afraid of leaving
I didn't know you'd be insane
Dreams can be so deceiving
(How did it come to this?
Why do I fantasize to kill you when you're sleeping?)
I didn't know you feel the same
When I say you're no good, ohh, you are to me, it's a

Pain in my neck, thorn in my side
Stain on my blade, blood on my knife
Been dreaming of her, all of my life
But she won't come true, she's just my nightmare I woke up to

She's twisted, he's a rebel, she's sick, he's hard to handle
The worst part of all is he just don't care
She's twisted like a rope, that is wrapped around his throat
But the worst part of all is she really don't give a... (shit)
(She don't give a shit)

Love ain't no fairytale, love is a buried nail
Inside of this heart of stone, so you wanna get married? Well
Romeo, Romeo, smokin' blow with Antonio
In the back alley takin' shots of whiskey and only gold
Juliet's at the nudie bar, doin' God only knows
Neither one of 'em came to see the dog and the pony show
But a bitch is a bitch, and a horse is a horse, ain't it?
Sorry, I can't afford to get your daddy's old Porsche painted
Sorry, Juliet that you embedded the sayin'
If a dollar makes you holler,
Well then I'm gettin' the short change of it
Feel like I've been asleepin' alone and lovin' this angel
Entangled between a dream and a coma
Walkin' the edge of this cliff, like a sheep to it's owner
Then wake up to this fuckin' bitch with an evil persona
Now if you say that you hate somebody and you livin' with them
Then they pack up and leave
And then you bitch about how you miss 'em
You gotta see the pattern
Of the blood all over the steerin' wheel
Love is a cannibal ridin' a carnival carousel
'Round and 'round we roll, where it stops, baby nobody knows
Some people go crazy and they lose control
Some people jump off, some people won't let go
Some people say love, some people say why
Some people don't love, they just want a free ride
The rain won't stop, it'll never dry
If she's in the house of pain then love is standin' outside

She's twisted, he's a rebel, she's sick, he's hard to handle
The worst part of all is he just don't care
She's twisted like a rope, that is wrapped around his throat
But the worst part of all is she really don't give a... (shit)
(She don't give a shit)

Maybe I'm the twisted one that screwed this up
So I guess this means goodbye, for now

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.