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Chocolate de Kylie Minogue


Body Language

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Chocolate

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"Chocolate" es una canción interpretada por Kylie Minogue, incluida en su álbum "Body Language". La canción se lanzó en el año 2003 y pertenece al género pop-dance.

La letra de la canción presenta metáforas y comparaciones entre el amor y el chocolate. Se describe cómo el amor tiene el poder de deshacer barreras emocionales y sanar heridas. A través de versos como "If love were liquid it would drown me", se muestra cómo el amor puede ser abrumador y envolvente, similar a ser sumergido en un líquido.

Se destaca la idea de que el amor puede encontrarte en cualquier lugar ("in a placeless place would find me"), mostrando la naturaleza impredecible e inesperada del amor. Además, se menciona cómo el amor tiene la capacidad de cambiar a una persona, moldeándola lentamente como lo haría el chocolate al derretirse.

La canción también habla sobre encontrar consuelo y felicidad en una relación amorosa genuina ("an empty bet and still I won the cash, a man who I love and who loves me back"). Kylie Minogue expresa su gratitud por haber encontrado un amor verdadero después de haber pasado por experiencias pasadas difíciles.

En cuanto a la estructura musical, "Chocolate" presenta un ritmo pegadizo y una melodía sensual que complementa las letras emotivas de la canción. La combinación de la voz seductora de Kylie Minogue con los arreglos musicales crea una atmósfera envolvente que refleja perfectamente el tema del amor expresado en la letra.

En resumen, "Chocolate" es una canción que celebra la transformación positiva que puede traer el amor verdadero en la vida de una persona. Con metáforas dulces y sensuales, Kylie Minogue transmite un mensaje reconfortante sobre permitirse ser vulnerable frente al poder transformador del amor.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Fragile seams
i opened my too quick and all my dreams
were walking out i'd slowly
lost my fire
with every single man a river cried

i had no sensation
completely numb, left with no satisfaction
i thought no-one could ever get me high again
i swear, i was not looked

oh, waited so long
i thought the real thing was a fake
i thought it was a tool to break me down
you proved me wrong again

if love were liquid it would drown me
in a placeless place would find me
in a heart shape come around me and then
melt me slowly down
if love were a human it would know me
in a lost space come and show me
hold me and control me and then
melt me slowly down
like chocolate

tastes so good
my heart's been mended who'd have thought it would
an empty bet and still i won the cash
a man who i love and who
loves me back

oh, waited so long
for love to heal me so i'd feel it
thought it wasn't breathing then you came
you proved me wrong again

if love were liquid it would drown me
in a placeless place would find me
in a heart shape come around me and then
melt me slowly down
if love were a human it would know me
in a lost space come and show me
hold me and control me and then
melt me slowly down
like chocolate

if love were liquid it would drown me
in a placeless place would find me
in a heart shape come around me and then
melt me slowly down
if love were a human it would know me
in a lost space come and show me
hold me and control me and then
melt me slowly down

like chocolate come here
zoom in, catch the smile
there's no doubt it's from you
and i'm addicted to it now

just one look boy to melt me down
just one heart here to save me now
your candy kisses are sweet i know
hold me tight baby don't let go

just one look boy to melt me down
just one heart here to save me now
your candy kisses are sweet i know
hold me tight baby don't let go

just one look boy to melt me down
just one heart here to save me now
your candy kisses are sweet i know
hold me tight baby don't let go

just one look boy to melt me down
just one heart here to save me now
your candy kisses are sweet i know
hold me tight baby don't let go

if love were liquid it would drown me
in a placeless place would find me
in a heart shape come around me and then
melt me slowly down
if love were a human it would know me
in a lost space come and show me
hold me and control me and then
melt me slowly down

if love were liquid it would drown me
in a placeless place would find me
in a heart shape come around me and then
melt me slowly down
if love were a human it would know me
in a lost space come and show me
hold me and control me and then
melt me slowly down
like chocolate

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.