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Kinda Outta Luck de Lana Del Rey


God Bless America

1 de agosto de 2012

Significado de Kinda Outta Luck

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La letra de la canción "Kinda Outta Luck" de Lana Del Rey es una exploración significativa de temas oscuros y peligrosos entrelazados con una estética glamurosa y elegante. Desde el comienzo, la cantante revela su naturaleza problemática al admitir haber nacido mala, pero encontrando una temporal redención en un amor pasajero. La dualidad entre el bien y el mal se refleja en versos como "You never cared what I did at all, Motel singer at a silver ball, I did what I had to do...".

La expresión "Femme fatale" utilizada en la canción sugiere una mujer seductora y letal, atrapada en un ciclo autodestructivo de chispeantes diamantes y alcohol que embriaga. La lírica sigue describiendo una escena de violencia impulsiva con referencias a poseer un arma y tener a su padre en el maletero de un camión; imágenes violentas que contrastan con la pulida apariencia descrita previamente.

El conflicto interno se intensifica cuando Lana Del Rey cuestiona si es incorrecto encontrar divertido el acto de lastimar a alguien, introduciendo al oyente en un mundo moralmente ambiguo donde los límites entre lo correcto y lo incorrecto se desvanecen. La repetición del estribillo insinúa una aceptación resignada de su suerte fallida, añadiendo capas de complejidad al mensaje lírico.

En contraste con la narrativa violenta y errática, la voz suave y melódica de Lana Del Rey crea un interesante contraste que hace eco del glamour retorcido contenido en las letras. Esta combinación única ha sido una característica distintiva de su estilo musical a lo largo de su carrera.

El título del álbum "God Bless America", donde se incluye esta canción, parece apuntar hacia una crítica velada a la obsesión americana por el éxito desmedido y la fascinación por los aspectos más oscuros de la cultura pop. Es parte del sello característico que Lana Del Rey ha desarrollado: explorar las paradojas inherentes a la vida moderna desde una perspectiva poética e irónica.

En resumen, "Kinda Outta Luck" es una oda perversamente encantadora a los demonios internos ocultos detrás de una fachada superficialmente impecable. A través de metáforas audaces y provocativas, Lana Del Rey invita al oyente a sumergirse en los abismos más sombríos del alma humana mientras danza sobre ritmos vibrantes y seductores.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

I was born bad
But then I met you
You made me nice for a while
But my dark side's true.

You never cared what I did at all
Motel singer at a silver ball
I did what I had to do...

Femme fatale, always on the run
Diamonds on my wrist, whiskey on my tongue
Before I give back, I gotta get drunk
So get over here, pour me a cold one.

Babe you can see that I'm danger
Teetering off of the stage, yeah
Sparkling in sequins, say hey-yeah

Time to give in to the kindness of strangers.

Is it wro-wrong that I think it's kinda fun
When I hit you in the back of the head with a gun?
My daddy's in the trunk of his brand new truck
I really want him back, but I'm flat outta luck.

Is it wro-wrong that I think it's kinda fun
When I hit you in the back of the head with a gun?
My daddy's in the trunk of his brand new truck
I really want him back, but I'm kinda outta luck.

Wrong, I know, killing someone
It gets a little easier when you've done it once
You know that I'm fun, you know that I'm young
So tell me your mind, let's get it on.

Babe you can see that I'm danger
Glamorous, but I'm deranged, yeah
Teetering off of the stage, yeah
I said it really nicely so can you be my savior?

Is it wro-wrong that I think it's kinda fun
When I hit you in the back of the head with a gun?
My daddy's in the trunk of his brand new truck
I really want him back, but I'm flat outta luck.

Is it wro-wrong that I think it's kinda fun
When I hit you in the back of the head with a gun?
My daddy's in the trunk of his brand new truck
I really want him back, but I'm kinda outta luck.

I was a dangerous girl
You were too nice for this world
And now I'm back on the prowl
Who wants to give it a whirl?

Is it wro-wrong that I think it's kinda fun
When I hit you in the back of the head with a gun?
My daddy's in the trunk of his brand new truck
I really want him back, but I'm flat outta luck.

Is it wro-wrong that I think it's kinda fun
When I hit you in the back of the head with a gun?
My daddy's in the trunk of his brand new truck
I really want him back, but I'm kinda outta luck.

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.