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Late Night Feelings de Mark Ronson


Late Night Feelings

12 de abril de 2019

Significado de Late Night Feelings

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La canción "Late Night Feelings" interpretada por Mark Ronson explora el sentimiento de confusión y angustia causado por un amor no correspondido. A través de la letra, el cantante expresa su deseo de contacto con esa persona especial durante la noche, cuando las emociones suelen intensificarse. La repetición del estribillo "When I get to want ya And I wanna call ya With late night feelings" enfatiza la urgencia y la intensidad de sus emociones.

En la canción, se hace referencia a cierta toxicidad en la relación, donde la persona amada parece alejarse constantemente ("Make me psychotic, you pull away"). Este comportamiento causa desequilibrio emocional en el narrador ("My heart keeps pulling in the wrong direction"), quien busca desesperadamente encontrar una distracción para calmar su inquietud nocturna.

La metáfora del corazón tirando en direcciones equivocadas refleja la lucha interna del protagonista entre sus sentimientos y su razón. Esta dualidad se manifiesta en su búsqueda constante de atención y afecto, aunque sean perjudiciales para él ("Looking for the wrong affection").

A lo largo de la canción, se repite el ciclo de anhelo y frustración que experimenta el narrador en sus noches solitarias. La sensación de querer estar con alguien pero no poder alcanzar ese deseo se destaca en versos como "You take the sane in me And tear it like a page", donde se sugiere un desgarramiento interno provocado por dicha separación emocional.

En cuanto al análisis musical, "Late Night Feelings" combina elementos del pop, funk y disco para crear una atmósfera melancólica pero bailable. El uso de sintetizadores y ritmos pegajosos refuerza el tema nostálgico y envolvente de la canción, transportando al oyente a un estado emocional similar al del protagonista.

La canción está incluida en el álbum homónimo "Late Night Feelings" lanzado por Mark Ronson en 2019. En este proyecto musical, Ronson aborda temas relacionados con las complejidades del amor y las relaciones humanas desde diferentes perspectivas emocionales.

En general, "Late Night Feelings" es una reflexión sobre los altibajos emocionales que acompaña a un amor no correspondido. A través de letras emotivas y melodías cautivadoras, Mark Ronson logra transmitir la vulnerabilidad y sinceridad de sus sentimientos más profundos.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

I weigh the water, I feel it all
I ask myself a million questions in the dark
I lay in silence, but silence talks
It tells me that heaven is no closer than it was

My heart keeps pulling in the wrong direction
I'm about to cross the line
Looking for the wrong affection
Night after night
Trying to find a new distraction
Want to make it last all night
Everything that I've been mixin'
All mixed up inside

When I get to want ya
And I wanna call ya
With late night feelings
When I get to want ya
And I wanna call ya
With late night feelings

On and on and on, feeling on and on
On and on, on and on
With late night feelings

Make me psychotic, you pull away
You take the sane in me
And tear it like a page
Write you erotic, and I know you wait
Before you answer
Just to make me go insane

My heart keeps pulling in the wrong direction
I'm about to cross the line
Looking for the wrong affection
Night after night, I'm
Trying to find a new distraction
Want to make it last all night
Everything that I've been mixin'
All mixed up inside

When I get to want ya
And I wanna call ya
With late night feelings
When I get to want ya
And I wanna call ya
With late night feelings

On and on and on, feeling on and on
On and on, on and on
With late night feelings
On and on and on, feeling on and on
On and on, on and on
With late night feelings

On, on and on and I feel it all night
On, on and on and I feel it all night
On, on and on, on and on, on and on, on and on
On, on and on and I feel it all night
On, on and on and I feel it all night
On, on and on, on and on, on and on, on and on

Oh-oh, keeps pulling in the wrong direction
I'm about to cross that line
Looking for the wrong affection
Night after night
Trying to find a new distraction
I wanna make it last all night
Everything that I've been mixin'
All mixed up inside

When I get to want ya
And I wanna call ya
With late night feelings
When I get to want ya
And I wanna call ya
With late night feelings

On and on, feeling on and on
On and on, on and on
With late night feelings
On and on, feeling on and on
On and on, on and on
With late night feelings

On, on and on and I feel it all night
On, on and on and I feel it all night
On, on and on, on and on, on and on, on and on
On, on and on and I feel it all night
On, on and on and I feel it all night
On, on and on, on and on, on and on, on and on
On, on and on and I feel it all night
On, on and on and I feel it all night
On, on and on, on and on, on and on, on and on
On, on and on and I feel it all night
On, on and on and I feel it all night
On, on and on, on and on, on and on, on and on
On, on and on, on and on, on and on, on and on

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.