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Ghost de Michael Jackson


The King Of Pop

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Ghost

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La canción "Ghost" interpretada por Michael Jackson es una fascinante pieza musical que evoca misterio y suspenso a medida que narra la historia de un encuentro sobrenatural con un espíritu en una residencia. La letra de la canción pinta un cuadro intrigante de acontecimientos paranormales, donde el narrador describe los fenómenos inexplicables y aterradores que experimenta en su hogar.

La canción comienza con el narrador describiendo cómo siente la presencia del fantasma en varias partes de la casa, desde el pasillo hasta las escaleras, creando una atmósfera fantasmagórica y espeluznante. A lo largo de la canción, se puede sentir la tensión y el miedo que surge de encontrarse cara a cara con lo desconocido.

El tema principal de la canción parece ser el sentimiento de jealously (celos) personificado como un espectro maligno que intenta perturbar al narrador y su familia. A través de metáforas visuales como "put a knife in my back" (me clavaron un cuchillo en la espalda) y "shot an arrow in me" (me dispararon una flecha), Jackson explora las emociones intensas asociadas con los celos y las malas acciones que estos pueden desencadenar.

A medida que avanza la letra, se hace evidente que el narrador está luchando contra este fantasma del celo, tratando de proteger a su familia y demostrar su fuerza ante esta presencia amenazadora. La canción culmina en un crescendo emocional cuando el narrador desafía al fantasma a revelar su verdadero propósito.

En términos musicales, "Ghost" presenta una combinación única de ritmos funk y pop característicos del estilo distintivo de Michael Jackson. La producción meticulosa y los arreglos complejos añaden capas de profundidad a la canción, creando una experiencia auditiva envolvente para el oyente.

Como parte del álbum "The King Of Pop", "Ghost" destaca por su narrativa intrigante y su estilo musical distintivo que ha hecho famoso a Michael Jackson. La canción fue lanzada en 1997 como parte del segundo disco recopilatorio posthumo del artista.

En comparación con otras obras de Michael Jackson, "Ghost" se destaca por su temática oscura y emocionalmente intensa. Mientras que otras canciones del artista exploran temas más ligeros como el amor o la música, esta pieza aborda los aspectos más oscuros de las emociones humanas.

En términos curiosos, la interpretación de Michael Jackson en "Ghost" es aclamada por críticos musicales por su interpretación emotiva y poderosa, mostrando la versatilidad del artista para transmitir diferentes estados emocionales a través de su voz incomparable.

En resumen, "Ghost" es una composición excepcional que combina elementos musicales innovadores con letras profundamente emotivas para crear una experiencia auditiva impactante e inolvidable. A través de esta canción, Michael Jackson demuestra una vez más por qué sigue siendo considerado uno de los artistas más influyentes e icónicos en la historia de la música pop.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

There's a ghost down in the hall
There's a ghoul upon the bed
There's something in the walls
There's blood up on the stairs
And it's floating through the room
And there's nothing I can see
And I know it's bless the tune
Because now it's haunting me

Don't understand it
Don't understand it

There's a thumpin' in the floor
There's a creak behind the door
There's a rocking in the chair
But there's no-one seem there
There's a ghostly smell around
But nobody to be found
And a coffin inlay open

Where a restless soul is pokin'

Don't understand it
Don't understand it

(Got a ghost
Got a break in the walls
Got a ghoul
Got a break in the halls
Got to see it
Want to)

And who gave you the right to scare my family?
And who gave you the right to shame my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic

They put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
The ghost of jealousy

There's a thumpin' in the floor
There's a creak behind the door
There's a rocking in the chair
But nobody's seem there
There's a ghostly smell around
But nobody to be found
And a coffin inlay open
Where a restless soul is going

Don't understand it
Don't understand it

(Got a ghost
Got a break in the walls
Got a ghoul
Got a break in the halls
Got to see it
Want to)

And who gave you the right to scheme my family?
And who gave you the right to shame my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic tree?
And who gave you the right to take, intrusion?
To see me!
And who gave you the right to shame my family?
And who gave you the right to hurt my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic trees?

You put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
A suckin' ghost of jealousy

And who gave you the right to shame my family?
And who gave you the right to shame my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic tree?
And who gave you the right to take, intrusion?
To see me!
And who gave you the right to hurt my family?
And who gave you the right to hurt my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic tree?
You put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
The ghost of jealousy

Come on!
But it's dynamite
A peace of mine
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
Where a restless soul is pokin'

Don't understand it
Don't understand it

(Got a ghost
Got a break in the walls
Got a ghoul
Got a break in the halls
Got to see it
Want to)

And who gave you the right to scare my family?
And who gave you the right to shame my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic

They put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
The ghost of jealousy

There's a thumpin' in the floor
There's a creak behind the door
There's a rocking in the chair
But nobody's seem there
There's a ghostly smell around
But nobody to be found
And a coffin inlay open
Where a restless soul is going

Don't understand it
Don't understand it

(Got a ghost
Got a break in the walls
Got a ghoul
Got a break in the halls
Got to see it
Want to)

And who gave you the right to scheme my family?
And who gave you the right to shame my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic tree?
And who gave you the right to take, intrusion?
To see me!
And who gave you the right to shame my family?
And who gave you the right to hurt my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic trees?

You put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
A suckin' ghost of jealousy

And who gave you the right to shame my family?
And who gave you the right to shame my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic tree?
And who gave you the right to take, intrusion?
To see me!
And who gave you the right to hurt my family?
And who gave you the right to hurt my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic tree?
You put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
The ghost of jealousy

Come on!
But it's dynamite
A peace of mine
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousyDon't understand it
Don't understand it

(Got a ghost
Got a break in the walls
Got a ghoul
Got a break in the halls
Got to see it
Want to)

And who gave you the right to scare my family?
And who gave you the right to shame my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic

They put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
The ghost of jealousy

There's a thumpin' in the floor
There's a creak behind the door
There's a rocking in the chair
But nobody's seem there
There's a ghostly smell around
But nobody to be found
And a coffin inlay open
Where a restless soul is going

Don't understand it
Don't understand it

(Got a ghost
Got a break in the walls
Got a ghoul
Got a break in the halls
Got to see it
Want to)

And who gave you the right to scheme my family?
And who gave you the right to shame my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic tree?
And who gave you the right to take, intrusion?
To see me!
And who gave you the right to shame my family?
And who gave you the right to hurt my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic trees?

You put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
A suckin' ghost of jealousy

And who gave you the right to shame my family?
And who gave you the right to shame my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic tree?
And who gave you the right to take, intrusion?
To see me!
And who gave you the right to hurt my family?
And who gave you the right to hurt my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic tree?
You put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
The ghost of jealousy

Come on!
But it's dynamite
A peace of mine
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
And who gave you the right to scare my family?
And who gave you the right to shame my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic

They put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
The ghost of jealousy

There's a thumpin' in the floor
There's a creak behind the door
There's a rocking in the chair
But nobody's seem there
There's a ghostly smell around
But nobody to be found
And a coffin inlay open
Where a restless soul is going

Don't understand it
Don't understand it

(Got a ghost
Got a break in the walls
Got a ghoul
Got a break in the halls
Got to see it
Want to)

And who gave you the right to scheme my family?
And who gave you the right to shame my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic tree?
And who gave you the right to take, intrusion?
To see me!
And who gave you the right to shame my family?
And who gave you the right to hurt my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic trees?

You put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
A suckin' ghost of jealousy

And who gave you the right to shame my family?
And who gave you the right to shame my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic tree?
And who gave you the right to take, intrusion?
To see me!
And who gave you the right to hurt my family?
And who gave you the right to hurt my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic tree?
You put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
The ghost of jealousy

Come on!
But it's dynamite
A peace of mine
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousyYou put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
A suckin' ghost of jealousy

And who gave you the right to shame my family?
And who gave you the right to shame my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic tree?
And who gave you the right to take, intrusion?
To see me!
And who gave you the right to hurt my family?
And who gave you the right to hurt my baby?
She needs me!
And who gave you the right to shake my fablic tree?
You put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
The ghost of jealousy

Come on!
But it's dynamite
A peace of mine
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousyCome on!
But it's dynamite
A peace of mine
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.