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This time around de Michael Jackson



10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de This time around

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La canción "This Time Around" interpretada por Michael Jackson, pertenece al álbum "History" y se enmarca en el género del rock de los años 90. En esta pieza musical, Jackson aborda temas como la lucha contra la manipulación y el control que otros intentan ejercer sobre él.

En las letras de la canción, Jackson expresa con firmeza su determinación de no permitir que nadie lo lastime o lo controle. Las referencias a alguien que intenta "arreglarlo" o "enfermarlo" sugieren una relación tóxica donde hay un intento constante de dañarlo emocionalmente. Las líneas repetidas enfatizan cómo otro individuo cree tener control sobre él, pero Jackson se niega a ceder ese poder.

El rap de The Notorious B.I.G. añade otra capa al tema tratado en la canción. Se mencionan problemas personales y situaciones de desconfianza en las relaciones interpersonales, así como la sensación de falta de seguridad incluso en su propio hogar. La referencia a recurrir a la violencia si es necesario para protegerse resalta el tema de autodefensa que atraviesa toda la letra.

Michael Jackson habla sobre mantenerse alerta y rodearse solo de personas cercanas de confianza para evitar ser utilizado o traicionado. La necesidad de protegerse del engaño y ser consciente del entorno se plasma en sus palabras y refuerza su mensaje de mantener el control sobre su vida y su integridad.

En comparación con otras canciones del repertorio de Michael Jackson, "This Time Around" destaca por su tono más combativo y desafiante, alejándose un poco del habitual énfasis en el amor y la paz. Es una muestra más oscura y directa que explora aspectos más conflictivos e intensos en las relaciones humanas.

Como dato curioso, esta canción fue lanzada como parte del álbum "History: Past, Present and Future, Book I” en 1995 y recibió críticas mixtas por parte de aficionados y críticos musicales debido a su contenido más polémico e inquietante en comparación con otros éxitos más populares.

En conclusión, "This Time Around" es una reflexión sobre la lucha contra aquellos que buscan ejercer control sobre nosotros, reafirmando nuestra capacidad para resistir esa influencia negativa. Con elementos autobiográficos presentes tanto en la letra como en el rap adicional, Michael Jackson ofrece una perspectiva personal e introspectiva dentro de esta memorable composición musical.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

This time around I'll never get bit
Though you really wanna fix me
This time around you're making me sick
Though you really wanna get me
Somebody's out
Somebody's out to get me
They really wanna fix me, hit me
But this time around I'm taking no shit
Though you really wanna get me
You really wanna get me

He really thought he really had
Had a hold on me
He really thought he really had
They thought they really had control of me
He really thought he really had
Control of me
He really thought he really had
They thought they really could control me

This time around I'll never get bit
Though you really wanna get me
This time around I'm taking no shit
Though you really wanna fix me
Somebody's out
Somebody's out to use me
They really want to use me
And then falsely accuse me
This time around
They'll take it like spit
'Cause you really can't control me
You know you can't control me

He really thought he really had
Had a hold on me
He really thought he really had
They thought they really had control of me
He really thought he really had
A hold on me
He really thought he really had
They thought they really had control of me

He really thought he really had
Had a hold on me
He really thought he really had
They thought they really had control of me
He really thought he really had
A hold on me
He really thought he really had
They thought they really had control of me

(Rap: The Notorious BIG)
Listen, I've got problems of my own
Flashin' cameras, taps on my phone
Even in my home I ain't safe as I should be
Things always missin'
Maybe it could be my friends
They ain't friends if they robbin' me
Stoppin' me from makin' a profit, see
Apology shallow like the ocean
I guess I'll resort to gun totin'
If I was dead broke and smokin'
I'd probably be by my lonesome
I'm a killer nigga I ain't jokin'
Endo smoke got me choked and I'm hopin'
The fool comes slippin'
So I could blow'em open
This time around
I changed up my flow
Got rid of the rocks
Got pits by the door
I've raised other peoples to watch my back
Stay away from strangers
So I won't slack
And I know my nigga Mike like that Baby

This time around
He really thought he really had Control of me
He really thought he really had
They thought they really had control of me
He really thought he really had
A hold on me
He really thought he really had
They thought they really had control of me
He really thought he really had
Had a hold on me
He really thought he really had
They thought they really had control of me
He really thought he really had
Control of me
He really thought he really had
They thought they really had control of me
He really thought he really had
A hold on me
He really thought he really had
They thought they really had control of me
This time around yeah
He really thought

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.