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You rock my world de Michael Jackson


The Essential Michael Jackson

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de You rock my world

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La canción "You Rock My World" interpretada por Michael Jackson es un tema icónico del pop y el R&B de los años 80. Esta canción forma parte del álbum "The Essential Michael Jackson", donde el Rey del Pop sigue demostrando su dominio en la creación de hits memorables.

En cuanto al significado de la letra, esta canción es una oda al amor perfecto y a la felicidad que trae consigo. El narrador expresa cómo la llegada de esa persona especial ha transformado su vida por completo, cambiando la forma en que camina, habla y siente. A través de versos emotivos, se describe un sentimiento profundo e inexplicable hacia esta persona amada, destacando la idea de que finalmente ha encontrado el amor perfecto después de buscarlo incansablemente.

La letra resalta la importancia y el impacto que tiene el amor verdadero en la vida del narrador, afirmando que ahora su existencia se siente completa gracias a esta conexión especial. Se menciona la paciencia y espera que ha demostrado hasta encontrar este amor único y extraordinario. Además, se destaca cómo este amor es puro y genuino, representando una relación ideal para el protagonista.

En términos musicales, la canción presenta un ritmo pegajoso y una melodía envolvente que invita a moverse y disfrutar del sonido característico de Michael Jackson. La colaboración con Chris Tucker añade dinamismo a la narrativa del encuentro con esa persona especial que ha causado un impacto tan profundo en la vida del narrador.

Esta canción refleja el estilo inconfundible de Michael Jackson en su faceta más romántica y emocional. A lo largo de su carrera, MJ exploró temas como el amor, la alegría y las relaciones humanas desde diferentes perspectivas, logrando conectar con millones de seguidores en todo el mundo gracias a su música auténtica y emotiva.

En resumen, "You Rock My World" es una declaración de amor apasionada que celebra la llegada de alguien extraordinario capaz de transformar por completo la vida del narrador. Con una combinación magistral entre música envolvente y letras emotivas, Michael Jackson sigue demostrando por qué es considerado uno de los artistas más influyentes e icónicos en la historia de la música pop.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Chris Tucker: Oh man! Look at that girl, right there!
Goodness gracious! That girl fine, man!
Look at it, she just too fine! She know she fine too!
Michael Jackson: She is banging!
CT: She's off the hook!
MJ: She looks good, you re right.
CT: Hey, I bet you, can't nobody get that girl.
MJ: Chris, I can get her.
CT: You can't get that girl, Mike.
I guarantee you can't get that girl!
MJ: Watch me get that girl.
CT: I bet you never-Neverland, you can't.
MJ: I can get her.
CT: All right! Shomon, then. Shomon!
MJ: Watch.

I don't think they're ready for this one

I like that

My life will never be the same
Cause girl you came and changed
The way I walk
The way I talk
I cannot explain
These things I feel for you
But girl, you know it's true
Stay with me
Fulfill my dreams
And I'll be all you need

Feels so right
I ve searched for the perfect love all my life
(All my life)
Feels like I
(Like I)
Have finally found a perfect love this time
(And I finally found)

Come on, girl

You rocked my world
You know you did
And everything I own I give
The rarest love who'd think I d find
Someone like you to call mine
You rocked my world
You know you did
And everything I own I give
The rarest love who'd think I d find
Someone like you to call mine

In time
I knew that love would bring
Such happiness to me
I tried to keep my sanity
I've waited patiently
Girl, you know it seems
My life is so complete
A love that's true because of you
Keep doing what you do
Think that I
Finally found the perfect love I ve searched for all my life
(Searched for all my life)
Think I d find
Such a perfect love that s awesomely so right

You rocked my world
You know you did
(Come on, come on, come on)
Everything I own I give
(You rock my world)
The rarest love who'd think I d find
Someone like you to call mine

You rocked my world
(You rock my world)
You know you did
(You rock my world)
And everything I own I give
The rarest love who'd think I d find
(Girl, girl)
Someone like you to call mine

You rocked my world
You know you did
And everything I own I give
(You rock my world)
The rarest love who'd think I d find
Someone like you to call mine

You rocked my world
You know you did
And everything I own I give
(You rock my world)
The rarest love who'd think I d find
Someone like you to call mine

And girl, I know that this is love
I felt the magic's all in the air
And girl, I'll never get enough
That s why I ll always have to have you here

You rocked my world
(You rock my world)
You know you did
Everything I own I give
(Look what you did to me, baby)
The rarest love who'd think I d find
Someone like you to call mine
(You, you, you, you)
(You rock my world)

You rocked my world
You know you did
(I cannot explain)
And everything I own I give
(Cause you rock my world)
The rarest love who'd think I d find
Someone like you to call mine
(You rock my world)

You rocked my world
You know you did
(You, you, you did it)
And everything I own I give
The rarest love who'd think I d find
(See, it s you and me)
Someone like you to call mine
(And you, and me)
(You rock my world)

You rocked my world
You know you did
(You know you did, baby)
And everything I own I give
(Cause you rock my world)
The rarest love who'd think I d find
Someone like you to call mine

You rock my world
(You rocked my world, you know you did)
The way you talk to me
The way you re loving me
The way you give it to me
(You rocked my world, you know you did)
You rock my world
You rock my world
You rock my world
You rock my world
Come on, girl
Come on, girl,
Baby, baby, baby
It s you and me
You and me
You and me
You rock my world
You rock my world
You rock my world

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.